Posts Tagged ‘Rodney’


Local Ins and Outs

   Posted by: admin    in Clare, Eagle Grove, Humboldt, Society news, Thor

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 8, 2903

Local Ins and Outs

Miss Josie O’Hara spent Sunday in Eagle Grove.

Thomas Nixson is home for his summer vacation.

Fred Hall, of Sioux City, is visiting relatives in the city.

Miss Ida Oleson left Saturday morning for a visit in Boone.

Miss Amy Dyke of Colorado Springs is visiting in this city.

Mrs. Otis Garrison of Sioux City, is visiting Fort Dodge friends.

James Delamore and U. Graham of Clare were in the city Saturday.

Miss Evelyn Rodney of Independence is visiting at the M.J. Rodney home.

E.G. Larson and Dr. C.J. Saunders went to Clare this afternoon to attend a bank meeting.

County Superintendent A.L. Brown and wife visited over Sunday with relatives in Sac City.

Mrs. D.J. Farrell has returned to her home in Mason City after a visit at the Dr. Farrell home.

Dick Kenyon has returned from Grinnell where he has spent the year in the pursuit of learning in Iowa college.

Miss Maude Herrick leaves tonight for her home in Elk River, Minn., where she will spend most of the summer.

E.S. Tinkham was called to Humboldt on Friday by news of illness of his father, returning to the city Saturday.

Miss Maude Herrick leaves tonight for her home in Elk River, Minn., where she will spend most of the summer. (Editor’s note: This was repeated in the original paper.)

Will Mulroney has returned to the city for a week’s vacation after a trip on the road in the interest of the Gate City Hat Company.

Miss Gertrude Gardner has returned from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where she has held a position in the art department of the schools.

Miss Ella Beach, of Minneapolis, who has been visiting her mother and father in the city, leaves this week for Seattle, Washington.

Dr. C.J. Saunders leaves on Tuesday for Rochester, Minn. He expects to spend several days in studying in a hospital which is located there.

Thomas Kozel who has been living in Arizona for the past two years is expected home in a few days, for a visit with relatives in Fort Dodge.

After a visit at the J.W. Beck home in this city, Mrs. A.J. Hanson has returned to her home in Thor. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Beck.

Mrs. Augusta Hill has gone to Grinnell to attend the commencement exercises of Iowa college, from which her daughter, Miss Ina Hill, graduates this year.

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 6, 1903

(Editor’s note: None of the local papers published on major holidays or Sundays. The Messenger didn’t go to a full seven-day-a-week schedule until the 1980s. In addition, this occurred on a Saturday, so there was no paper that year until July 6. Be aware, some of the article lists specifics of injuries to Clara Rasmussen and a spectator who was injured when she fell. The details are rather gory. William H. Wheeler, the man who was injured by Clara Rasmussen falling on him, is later referred to as Martin Wheeler. )

“Slide For Life” Artist Falls Sixty Feet to Death.

Clara Rasmussen Meets an Awful Death – Members of Amusement Company Are Held Criminally Negligent by Coroner’s Jury.

Information charging manslaughter against Mr. and Mrs. L. De Etta and J.F. Mangels, respectively manager of the Shelby amusement company, his wife and high diver with the company was filed this afternoon, as a result of verdict returned by the coroner’s jury this afternoon, after a lengthy examination conducted by County Attorney Hackler. The coroner’s jury held the accident which caused the death of Clara Rasmussen, the slide for life performer, as being due to criminal negligence on the part of the persons mentioned.
The verdict of the coroner’s jury in full, is as follows:
An inquisition at Fort Dodge on the body of Clara LaBelle Fox, identified as Calra Rasmussen, there lying dead, by the jurors wh os names are hereto subscribed. The said jurors, upon their oaths do say that said Calra Rasmussen came to her death, July 4, 1903 at about 11 a.m. by falling from a wire attached to the Webster county court house, located in the First Ward of the city of Fort Dodge, said accident being due to criminal negligence on the part of L. DeEtta, Mrs. Millie De Etta and John Mangels.
M.J. Rodney,
C.H. Smith,
E.H. Johnson.

In the full sight of the thousands of spectators who had gathered in the expectation of witnessing the thrilling “Slide for Life,” advertised as one of the Fourth of July attractions, Clara Rasmussen, whose stage name was Calra Fox, fell head long to her death on Saturday morning.

William H. Wheeler*, a spectator, who conducts a boarding house at 1308 First avenue south, who stood with his eyes fixed on the end of the wire, stretched from the top of the court house to the the point in the center of Seventh street, north of Central avenue down which the performer was expected to slide, was struck by the girl’s falling body. He was picked up and later removed to the city hospital, where he now lies. With a fractured skull and a broken collar bone. In spite of his terrible injuries, it is states by physicians, that Wheeler has a chance for recovery. He passed a comfortable night and rests easily today. When examined it was found that a piece of bone, half an inch by three quarters, had been crushed to powder, slivers of the bone being washed down with the blood which trickled down the face of the injured man. The inner plate was splintered and crushed in, and brain matter protruded from the wound. A crack extended up the skull for some little distance. An operation was at once made to raise this depression, to put the protruding brain tissue back in place and to remove all splinters of bone. This was successfully done, and as a result, the patient has recovered consciousness and is perfectly rational. His chances for recovery cannot be determined fully until several days have gone by, as time is required in case of injuries to the brain. Wheeler’s collar bone was broken on the left side. It is the supposition that the girl’s falling body struck him on the left shoulder breaking the collar bone, and that in falling, the right side of his head struck either the curbing or a hydrant which was standing near.

No one imagined the dreadful tragedy which was impending when the girl, clad in her flimsy costume appeared on the court house roof, altho many shuddered as they looked along the pathway down which she was supposed to travel. As soon as the industrial parade had passed, preparations for the slide were made. The girl was seen to take the leather billet in her mouth. Then she was swung off the edge of the roof, but was pulled back again for a moment, apparently while something was repaired, then again she was swung off on her perilous slide. She had scarcely gone six feet, when suddenly her body shot downward. She struck the cornice of the building, rebounded, and then shot straight down toward the paving, while a groan of horror went up from thousands of spectators.

It was over in an instant. Two bodies lay helpless on the pavement. A general rush was made to help the injured ones. Wheeler’s body was picked up and as soon as he was found to be alive, he was removed to the hospital, where the operation necessary if his life was to be saved was performed by Dr. R. Evans and Dr.  H.G. Ristine.

The girl’s heart action had not entirely stopped. She was taken inside the court house and Dr. J.W. Kime and Dr. W.W. Bowen endeavored to inspire artificial respiration. Her injuries were mortal, however, and she died in about twenty-five minutes, without having regained consciousness. She had sustained three fractures of the skull, her collar bone was broken on the right side, and her left thigh was fractured in several places. The injures to the head alone were sufficient to cause death.

Corner (sic) McCreight at once impannelled (sic) a jury, consisting of M.J. Rodney, C.H. Smith, and E.J. Johnson, which has ever since that time been endeavoring to fix the responsibility for death. The jury is making an exhaustive examination, and up to the time of going to press has returned no verdict. The task of finding out just how the accident has been one of great difficulty. On the girl’s body, when picked up, was a harness, consisting of two belts around the waist, another under the arms. These were of blue belt material, and were connected by two bands of red, running up the sides. What is known as the safety wire, used by all performers in making these slides, remained attached to the wire, having evidently become detached from the harness worn by the girl, to which it was supposed to have been fastened. The question presented to the coroner’s jury was to decide who was negligent in fastening the safety wire.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon DeEtta, at the head of the Shelby Amusement company, which included all the special amusements brought to the city for the Fourth, stated before the jury that the wire had been brought under the belt which passed under the girls armpits, and that if it had been suffered to remain where they had placed it, the accident could not have happened.

They hinted that the girl must have changed the position of the wire herself, either planning suicide or from a desire to make the trip hanging by her teeth, out of pure bravado.

The discovery of a third red band Sunday evening, by C.H. Smith, a member of the jury, may change the aspect of the whole case. It is now argued that the belts were buckled behind, that this third band was run down the front, and the safety wire slipped under it. The supposition is that when the girl’s full weight was committed to the wire, this flimsy contrivance was torn off, letting the girl fall to an awful death.

The use of any such band was strenuously denied by Mrs. De Etta, when the extra strip was brought out this morning. She insisted that the belts were buckled in front, and that the third band, which she had not mentioned at all in her examination on Sunday afternoon, was sewed on behind.

The testimony of J.F. Mangels, the high diver with the company, taken on Sunday afternoon, was corroborative of that given by the De Ettas. Mr. De Etta, when later brought in and questioned, made known the fact that he is practically the whole Shelby amusement company himself. It had been given out when he first came here that Mr. Shelby was in New York and that the man who calls himself De Etta was the manager of this branch of the company. De Etta stated  under pressure that the entire company were the people in Fort Dodge, including himself and wife, the girl Clara Rasmussen who was killed, the high diver J.F. Mangels, Mr. and Mrs. Hart, and a man named Wilson, who was to have done the slide for life, but was prevented by a burned hand.

De Etta said that his real name was McLane, but that he had used the names Von Lear and Hi Wallace. He said that he had taken the name Shelby for his amusement company because he had at one time been partnership (sic) with a man named Shelby, who had died leaving him with a lot of stationery on his hands.

The witnesses to appear before the jury on Sunday were J.M. Preston, janitor of the court house, who was on the roof when the girl made her fatal slide, Dr. J.W. Kime, who was the first physician to reach her, L.DeEtta, the head of hte amusement company, Mrs. Millie DeEtta, his wife, who was also on the roof with the dead girl, Dr. W.W. Bowen, J.F. Mangels, the high diver, Mrs. M.E. Hart, property woman, Dr. T.E. Devereaux who was present when the harness was cut from the woman’s body and R.P. Rasmussen, the girl’s brother. this morning Mr. and Mrs. DeEtta and Mrs. Hart were recalled and Mr. Hart’s testimony was also taken.

Little could be learned about the girl’s history or home life. The DeEttas stated that she had joined them with the intention of coming here to put on a vaudeville show in connection with the celebration, and that her sister and several other girls were also coming, but had later disappointed them, but that Clara came anyway. The only name she had ever given to the DeEttas was Clara Fox, Coroner McCreight learning that the girl’s sister, named Louise, was supposed to be workign at the Prague hotel, corner Thirteenth and Williams street, Omaha, telegraphed to that point. The girl showed the telegram to her brother who at once wired Dr. McCreight and appeared himself in person on Sunday afternoon.

He stated before the jury that the girl’s right name was Clara Rasmussen, and that she was sixteen years of age. He said that she and her sister had made their home with their father until three months ago, and that after that the girls had gone to work at the Prague hotel, where Clara held a position as dishwasher. He himself is married and in the grocery business. He did not know that the girl had left home until he received word of her tragic fate.

The brother took the body back to Omaha on the Sunday night train.

On account of the morning tragedy, City Marshal Ed Welch stopped the high dive which was to have been given in the afternoon.

The girl appeared for her fatal slide in a hastily manufactured homemade costume, improved out of cheap materials, hastily purchased at Fort Dodge stores. A portion of the harness which she wore was also purchased in this city.

This was the first time she had ever made the slide, but the preponderance of evidence went to show that she was very courageous about it, and was determined upon taking the risk. It was stated that she herself urged the De Ettas to let her do it.

(Editor’s note: The story of the Slide for Life, the death of Clara Rasmussen and what happened to the people involved in this tragedy will continue here.)

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First Official Trip is Made

   Posted by: admin    in Interurban

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 22, 1903

First Official Trip is Made

Car No. 20, of Fort Dodge and Interurban Line, Makes Run Over New Extension.

Was Enjoyable Excursion

Thirty-Two Fort Dodge People Were Guests of the Street Car Management – Run Was Made to Race Track, Terminal Line.

The first official trip over the Fort Dodge and Interurban street car line was made Saturday evening at 7:30. The excursion was made in one of the new cars, No. 20. Manager Healy had invited about thirty friends, including the stockholders of the company to ride as guests of honor upon the occasion of the first tour over the new line.

No. 20 is a large, easy running car, and as the road bed is in good condition the trip was a very enjoyable one. The party left at the city park and rode directly to the new park where the guests alighted and were shown about the grounds. After viewing the park, the car was run out to the driving park which is the terminal of the line, after which the party was conveyed back to the city.

The trip was made without a hitch and the management received many congratulations upon the successful and early completion of the line. Manager Healy had charge of the trip; Arthur Comstock, superintendent of the Light & Power company was the motor man, and Thomas Wilson acted s conductor on the first run.

There are now four miles of track laid which makes the ride a pleasure trip as well as convenient for those living on the line. For the present two cars will be kept running on the line. The cars will pass at the Great Western depot. The management are now arranging a schedule.

Those who went out on the first trip were:

Ed Haire
J.J. Ryan
E.G. Larson
B.J. Price
H.A. Cook
J.E. Downing
Andrew Hower
W.I. Selvy
Frank Collins
Marshall Young
Will Laufersweiler
Louis Fessler
Harry Harps
M.J. Haire
M.J. Rodney
Jack Ruge
Robert Healy
Maurice Welch
G.F. Rankin
Will Healy
John Wolfinger
John Vaughn
Ed Welch
Tom Joyce
C.B. Hepler
John Campbell
O.M. Oleson
C.A. Roberts
George Flannigan
P.J. Tierney
B.W. Slack
Earl Robinson

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Twine May be Cheaper

   Posted by: admin    in Farm life

The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 20, 1904

Twine May be Cheaper

Slight Decrease Possible in Binding Twine

M.J. Rodney Estimates 300,000 Pounds to Be Necessary to Handle Grain in Webster County.

Wholesale quotations on binding twine have been received by the local agency of the International Harvester company, and the prices indicate that twine this year will at least be no higher than last, and may even be a trifle lower. These quotations have just been issues (sic) by the International Harvester company, and the local retail dealers have not yet received quotations. The price of last year, which was 12 cents per pound, it is stated will probably prevail this year altho it may go lower by a quarter or half a cent.

The twine situation, is always one of much interest to the farmer, as he uses from one to several hundred pounds and in many instances much more, a half or a quarter of a cent’s difference on the pound makes considerable difference in his harvesting bill. A scarcity of fiber is claimed by the International people, and they state the price quoted by them is less than might have been expected under the circumstances.

According to an estimate of Manager M.J. Rodney, of the local agency of the International Harvester company, it will take approximately 300,000 pounds of twine to handle the small grain corp of Webster county along. The saving of even a quarter of a cent per pound on this enormous amount as a whole.

(Editor’s note: 300,000 pounds of twine at 12 cents per pound would be $36,000 [$862,181 in 2010 prices] With a quarter cent discount, the price would be $35,250 [$844,219 in 2010 prices]. With a half cent discount, the price would be $34,500 [$826,257 in 2010 prices].   A significant difference.)

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