The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 30, 1906
Why Streets Are Dirty
Pointers For The Ones Who Object to Conditions.
Habits That Leave Trail of Dirt in Every Street and Alley – Everything Goes Into the Gutter.
Objection is frequently found to the condition of the streets and aleys (sic) in Fort Dodge as regards cleanliness and appearance. Chief Tullar has worked a vigorous campaign in this behalf during the present spring, a few fines have been assessed and the conditions are now fairly good. To those who find material for objection to the appearance of Fort Dodge’s streets the following list of a few causes for the same may be of interest:
Are You One of These?
The porter or janitor who sweeps refuse intot he street.
The teamster who drives through the streets with dirt sifting through cracks in his wagon or falling from the running gear where it was left after dumping.
The smoker who throws cigar or cigarette stubs, cigarette boxes, tobacco sacks or burned matches to the pavement.
The man who mows his lawn and throws the grass into the street or alley.
The woman who is neat and tidy at home, but who drops theater programs, candy boxes and equally offensive things on the street.
The man who reads a letter, tears it up and throws the pieces on the pavement.
The fruit vendor who throws tissue paper wrappers, banana stems and refuse into the gutter in front of his stand.
The ice cream merchant who places freezers on the curb and lets briny water run into the gutter, leaving a sediment of salt.
The conduit digger who never pretends to clean the street after tearing up the pavement.
The store clerk who does his sweeping out after the streets have been cleaned.
The man who repairs buildings and throws the refuse into the street.
The drivers of meat wagons who litter the streets with brown paper.
The man who gathers garbage from residences and restaurants and scatters it about.
The bill boards which are constantly discarding large slabs of old posters.