Posts Tagged ‘1915’


Local News

   Posted by: admin    in Fire, Miscellaneous notices, People, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 4, 1915

Local News

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting and banquet of the Plymouth Clay Products Company will take place Tuesday evening. The traveling men and stockholders are arriving in the city today, and all will be here for tomorrow.

Changes Position

Lou Brunenkant has resigned his position with the Strow Cigar Company and has taken one with Robert Wilson at the Conway Cigar Store. Brunenkant worked in his present position when the Conway Company had the place.

In New Position

Mrs. J.M. Spayde has resigned her position at the Cozy Tea Rooms and accepted one at the Drapery Shop.

Winter in California

Mr. and Mrs. A.S.R. Reynolds leave the last of the week for California where they will spend the winter.

Small Fire Today

The fire department were called about 2:00 p.m. today to the home of F.P. Schultz, 1504 Fifth avenue north. Whent he department arrived a small fire was discovered in the basement of the house. It is thought some rubbish which was piled near the furnace caught fire from the furnace causing the people to call the fire department. The fire was easily extinguished and practically no damage was done.

Purse Snatcher at Work

A home on First avenue north was entered precipitately Saturday evening about 9:30 by Miss Sarah Gallagher, who was badly frightened by a recent encounter with a purse snatcher. She explained that she had been walking between Central avenue and First avenue north when a man ran paster her and snatched at her purse. The purse handle broke, the purse fell to the ground and the man did not turn back to get it, but disappeared down an alley, running west. Miss Gallagher recovered her purse, which she said contained about fifty dollars (about $1,135 today).

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Habit of Letter Writing

   Posted by: admin    in Home and Society

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: May 6, 1915

Habit of Letter Writing

One of the Best That Can Be Acquired and is One That Makes Friends.

Don’t get into the habit of saying that you hate to write letters. Many a friendship has been broken by neglecting to answer letters.

Letter writing is decidedly not a forte with some women – they think it a bore and keep their correspondence as far as possible within the very narrowest limits. Others don’t trouble even to answer letters when they get them.

“Oh! you know I’m a wretched correspondent,” they will say in excuse.

The woman who can talk on paper to the person to whom she is writing, almost in the same way and with the same fluency as she would talk to here were they together in the same room, is by far the most successful letter writer.

It is one of the unwritten laws of etiquette not to being a letter with the pronoun “I.”

This is always a point which should be remembered in letter writing.

It is always a wise plan to answer letters within a few days. In this way there is no danger of your laying them aside and forgetting them. This is especially important where invitations are concerned.

-Camden Daily Courier.



Eight Pound Pike Captured by Hand

   Posted by: admin    in Tall tales

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: May 3, 1915

Eight Pound Pike Captured by Hand

Brakeman Captures Fish Which Attempts Foolish Stunt in View of Passing Train.

A Fort Dodge traveling man, who returned yesterday from Minnesota, tells a true fish story which would have given Isaac Walton pointers on entirely (word missing here – new?) methods of fishing.

The train had just pulled out of Welch, Minnesota, and was traveling along the banks of the Cannon river, when the conductor, who was watching the stream, signaled the engineer to make a quick stop. Passengers looked out of the window expecting to see a Ford car on the cow catcher. Instead they saw the brakeman make a dash for the river and pick up a big fish which had fallen on the sand in an effort to work its way upstream by jumping the dam. With his prize wiggling and gasping in his hand he rushed back to the train. The fish was a pike, weighing eight pounds.

L. Williams, the brakeman, and the conductor, J. Peterson, took the pike back to the baggage room and the man from Fort Dodge overhearing them express a wish to keep the fish alive until they reached Northfield, secured a Turkish towel which he wrapped around it. Buckets of water were poured over it from time to time and the pike reached Northfield, the home of the brakeman, alive and in fine condition.

Anyone doubting the veracity of this story can write to L. Williams, Northfield, Minnesota, and have it verified.

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Thomas Haire Dies at Dubuque Hospital

   Posted by: admin    in obituary

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: Jan. 13, 1915

Thomas Haire Dies at Dubuque Hospital

Former Fort Dodge Business Man No More – Funeral in This City Tomorrow

Thomas Haire, a well known resident of Fort Dodge, died last night in a hospital in Dubuque, where he has been ill for several months. Mr. Haire began to fail in health about two years ago and since that time has steadily been growing weaker until his death occurred yesterday.

He was born in Fort Dodge fifty-two years ago and is the son of a prominent and well known family. He was connected with the Haire clothing company for many years and afterwards with the Haire Drug company. Of late years he was engaged in the insurance business. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Haire, preceded him in death. The brother and sisters living are M.J., John, Will, J.F. and Edward P. Haire, Miss Anna and Miss Josephine Haire and Mrs. J.W. Kinney.

The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 9:30 o’clock from the Corpus Christi church. Father Saunders will have charge of the services.

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The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: June 21, 1915

Rail Echoes

L.G. Meder, traveling passenger agent for the Union Pacific, is in the city today on business.

Fred J. Morrison, division claim agent for the Illinois Central, went to Council Bluffs today on business.

Sick List

Miss Loyala Van Rhein, is sick at her home.

Miss LaVena Decker is confined to her home with illness.

A.E. Rutter, who has been sick with typhoid fever, is slightly improved.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. V.B. Tennant is sick with quinsy.

Miss Bessie Struthers underwent a slight operation this morning.

Mrs. George Kearby was operated on at the hospital for appendicitis, Saturday.

Notice to Not Give Credit.

My wife, Clara Mikelson, having left my bed and board, and deserted my home, notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for her debts after this notice is published.
P.J. Mikelson

New Arrivals

Sunday a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. K. Echternacht. (Editor’s note: I’m not really sure if that initial is a K, an F or an E.)

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Grow Your Own Feed

   Posted by: admin    in Farm life

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: June 21, 1915

Grow Your Own Feed

More Cowpeas Could Be Grown to Advantage of Dairyman.

Cost of Milk Can Be Greatly Reduced by Replacing Part of Concentrates in Rotation With Silage – Alfalfa is Cheapest.

Two many dairy farmers are running to the mills and feed stores for supplies for their dairy cows. They know they need concentrates, but do not study the problem of feeding to a conclusion. Down in Tennessee they raise a great deal of cowpea hay, and think much of it. Northern farmers might raise more to advantage. They are also beginning to know what alfalfa is down there, and they are feeding it largely in many sections of the state.

The Tennessee station has helped the farmers immensely by experimenting with the different feeds for dairy and beef cattle. The investigators find that the cost of milk can be greatly reduced by replacing a part of the concentrates in a ration with silage, because of its succulent and palatable nature.

A ton of alfalfa or pea hay can be produced as a cost of from $3 ($63.85 in today’s money) to $5 ($106.42), whereas wheat bran costs from $20 ($425.70) to $25 ($532.12). From two to three tons of pea hay and from three to five tons of alfalfa can be obtained from an acre of land; hence there is a great advantage in the utilization of these roughnesses in the place of wheat bran.

Alfalfa and pea hay cannot be substituted to the best advantage for cottonseed meal, as this foodstuff is so very rich in protein, that a larger bulk must be consumed than the capacity of the average cow will permit. The substitution of a roughness rich in protein for an expensive concentrate will enable the dairyman to make milk and butter as a less cost and will thus solve one of his most serious problems.

In substituting alfalfa hay for wheat bran, it will be best to allow one and one-half pounds of alfalfa to each pound of wheat bran; and the results are likely to prove more satisfactory if the alfalfa is fed in a finely-chopped condition.

These tests indicate that with alfalfa hay as $10 ($212.85) a ton and wheat bran at $20 ($425.70), the saving effected by substituting alfalfa for wheat bran would be $2 ($42.57) for every 100 pounds of butter and 19.8 cents ($4.21) for every 100 pounds of milk. The farmer could thus afford to sell his milk for 19.8 cents ($4.21) a hundred less than he now receives, and his butter for about 22 cents ($4.68), as compared with 25 cents ($5.32) a pound.

These experiments show why alfalfa has been frequently used as a basis of manufactured foodstuffs, and indicate that the farmer who can grow it makes a mistake in purchasing artificial stuffs of which it forms the basis.

When alfalfa was fed under the most favorable conditions, a gallon of milk was obtained for 5.7 cents ($1.21), and a pound of butter for 10.4 cents ($2.21). When pea hay was fed, the lowest cost of a gallon of milk was 5.2 cents ($1.11), and a pound of butter 9.4 cents ($2).

In localities where pea hay has grown well, it can be utilized to replace wheat bran; and in sections where alfalfa can be grown, this crop can be substituted for pea hay with satisfaction.

(Editor’s note: I have attempted to put the adjusted for inflation price in italics next to the 1915 price in every case. And remember, although the article says that a gallon of milk could be produced for the equivalent of $1.21, that doesn’t include packaging and getting it to market. This is no reason to get upset with farmers for today’s high prices.)
