The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: June 28, 1913
M’Creight Tells of France Death
Was Riding on the Interurban Car When Accident Happened
Charles France Died Shortly After Accident
Operation at Mercy Hospital Fails to Save Man’s Life – Chest Was Crushed
That Charles M. France met his death thru no fault of the Interurban which struck him Saturday afternoon at the crossing of the Hawkeye highway at south 20th street, is the opinion of Dr. McCreight, who was on the car. “I was on the incoming three o’clock car when the acccident happened,” he stated to a representative of the Chronicle. “It stopped for the block of the Great Western road and had just started up again. It was going slowly and I remember hearing the bell ringing. Whether or not the whistle was blown I do not remember. As we approached the crossing road bed the car slowed down, but did not entirely stop; just then it was jarred and it seemed as if the car had gone off the track. Then came a regular shower of glass from the windshield. The interurban was stopped within its own length. I was in the smoking apartment at the time and it seemed as if the auto had hit the car near the baggage end.
When I first saw France it was from back platform. He was lying but a few feet away with his head towards the car and his body down the embankment. As I was going towards him he gave a few gasping breaths and was still breathing when I reached him. We carried him into the shade and the first passing automobile was requested to take him to the hospital. We did this as it was far quicker than waiting for the ambulance. He was taken immediately to the operating room where examination took place. It was found that he had severe injuries on his chest, just as if he had been crushed by the steering wheel, and a punctured wound over the right eye. Everything was done to revive him and before his death he rallied enough to tell us his name. He did not realize what had happened or where he was. He was put to bed and died within fifteen minutes at 4:15 o’clock. The car was the most complete wreck I ever saw. It was carried not quite the length of the interurban and was squeezed between a telephone pole and the car. It was twisted twice around just as a towel would be wrung. The car was evidently a new one as the speedometer registered just three hundred miles. The crossing is very clear there and how it happened I cannot say. To avoid the car he could have turned down 22nd street.
Old Resident of Iowa
Charles M. France had lived in Iowa for a number of years, having settled on a farm near Webster City some years ago. He was born in Wisconsin in 1858 and since last March has been a resident of Woolstock, having moved there from a farm near Webster City. He is survived by his wife and one child, Mrs. E.A. Turner of Webster City. The funeral services will be held tomorrow from the house at 3 o’clock. |
 Photo of C.M. France as a young man is provided courtesy of Jane Curtis, the great-granddaughter of C.M. France.
The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 30, 1913
C.M. France Was Motor Accident Victim Saturday
Woolstock Man Succumbed Shortly After Hurt
Body Sent to Woolstock
C.M. France of Woolstock died at Mercy hospital Saturday afternoon a few minutes after he was hit by the 3:00 p.m. interurban car of the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern. France was driving his automobile across in front of the interurban car at the east end of the city limits where the Hawkeye highway crosses the interurban tracks. He was rushed at once to the hospital and every effort was made to save his life but he injuries were of too serious a nature. The body was sent to Woolstock yesterday morning for burial.
The interurban car was just entering the city whent he accident occurred. France according to the motorman on the car, when he saw the approaching interurban speeded up his automobile until he was on the tracks when either the engine of the machine was “killed or he attempted to put on the brakes to back off. The car came to a dead halt on the tracks and was hit full force by the interurban.
France was a man of about fifty years of age. He leaves a wife and son in Woolstock. From the time he was hit by the interurban until he died, he was conscious only long enough to give his name. |
The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: June 28, 1913
EXTRA! Man Hit by Interurban
Man Hit by Interurban While he Was Crossing Track in Automobile – Taken to Hospital
While crossing the Interurban tracks at Fourth avenue south and 22nd street in an auto this afternoon C.M. France was hit by the three o’clock interurban. He was taken to the hospital and surgeons are operating upon him in order to save his life.
It was stated this afternoon by an eye witness that the man was either trying to beat the car to the crossing, or was unable to stop. At any rate the car went halfway onto the track and was badly damaged.
This afternoon it was stated by physicians that he man’s right chest was caved in, and that it was doubtful if he lived thruout the night. Death is inevitable. |
The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 28, 1913
Interurban Hits Woolstock Man in Automobile
The 3:00 interurban southbound hit an automobile driving by C.M. France of Woolstock at the crossing of the Great Western Railroad. Mr. France was badly hurt and was rushed at once to the hospital. The extent of his injuries are not known but he is believed to be in a critical condition. |