Archive for the ‘Somers’ Category
The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 8, 1904
The Dog Paid the Price
A Sad Lesson About Handling Unloaded Guns.
Young Woman in Somers Takes for Granted That Gun is Unloaded and Mourns Pet Dog.
The Somers’ correspondent of the Messenger repeats the oft given and much needed advice to the effect that even if you know a gun is not loaded don’t be too sure of it and govern yourself accordingly. He sends the following sad account of how a poor little dog was offered up as a sacrifice that a human being might be taught a lesson:
“The daughter of a prominent farmer living near here a few days ago had an experience which taught her a lesson she will not readily forget. Her brother had been out hunting and returning home had carelessly left his gun standing against the wall. Thinking the weapon was unloaded his sister picked it up and idly pulled the trigger. There was a report and when the smoke leared (sic) away the girl was alone in the room. She had entered with the family pet, an English terrier. The unfortunate canine was standing near the muzzle of the gun when the girl pulled the trigger and his life went out that she might next time be sure that the gun was unloaded or that no little doggies were near the muzzle when she pulled the trigger.”