Local Ins and Outs
The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 8, 2903
Local Ins and Outs
Miss Josie O’Hara spent Sunday in Eagle Grove.
Thomas Nixson is home for his summer vacation.
Fred Hall, of Sioux City, is visiting relatives in the city.
Miss Ida Oleson left Saturday morning for a visit in Boone.
Miss Amy Dyke of Colorado Springs is visiting in this city.
Mrs. Otis Garrison of Sioux City, is visiting Fort Dodge friends.
James Delamore and U. Graham of Clare were in the city Saturday.
Miss Evelyn Rodney of Independence is visiting at the M.J. Rodney home.
E.G. Larson and Dr. C.J. Saunders went to Clare this afternoon to attend a bank meeting.
County Superintendent A.L. Brown and wife visited over Sunday with relatives in Sac City.
Mrs. D.J. Farrell has returned to her home in Mason City after a visit at the Dr. Farrell home.
Dick Kenyon has returned from Grinnell where he has spent the year in the pursuit of learning in Iowa college.
Miss Maude Herrick leaves tonight for her home in Elk River, Minn., where she will spend most of the summer.
E.S. Tinkham was called to Humboldt on Friday by news of illness of his father, returning to the city Saturday.
Miss Maude Herrick leaves tonight for her home in Elk River, Minn., where she will spend most of the summer. (Editor’s note: This was repeated in the original paper.)
Will Mulroney has returned to the city for a week’s vacation after a trip on the road in the interest of the Gate City Hat Company.
Miss Gertrude Gardner has returned from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where she has held a position in the art department of the schools.
Miss Ella Beach, of Minneapolis, who has been visiting her mother and father in the city, leaves this week for Seattle, Washington.
Dr. C.J. Saunders leaves on Tuesday for Rochester, Minn. He expects to spend several days in studying in a hospital which is located there.
Thomas Kozel who has been living in Arizona for the past two years is expected home in a few days, for a visit with relatives in Fort Dodge.
After a visit at the J.W. Beck home in this city, Mrs. A.J. Hanson has returned to her home in Thor. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Beck.
Mrs. Augusta Hill has gone to Grinnell to attend the commencement exercises of Iowa college, from which her daughter, Miss Ina Hill, graduates this year.
Tags: 1903, Beck, Brown, Delamore, Dyke, Farrell, Gardner, Garrison, Geach, Graham, Hall, Hanson, Herrick, Hill, Kenyon, Kozel, Larson, Mulroney, Nixson, O'Hara, Oleson, Rodney, Saunders, Tinkham
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