The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 5, 1907
Glorious Fourth Passed Quietly
Majority of Fort Dodge Citizens Spent Day in Cooling Shade of Nearby Woods
The glorious Fourth passed off very quietly in Fort Dodge, and during the afternoon there were fewer people to be seen on the streets than on a Sunday. During the morning hours there was considerable celebrating, but by noon the greater number of the people had sought the cooling shade of the nearby woods.
The majority of the people who left the city celebrated the day at Manson and Lehigh, both receiving large delegations, all of whom report a very pleasant time. No accidents incident to the day occurred in any of the towns in this section of the state. The banks of the Des Moines and the Lizard were well lined with fishermen, although the water was exceedingly muddy as a result of the heavy rain the night preceding.
All of the merchants in the city except the druggists, cigar dealers and news dealers closed their places all day long, the dealers in ice cream were entirely sold out of the commodity before night. All in all the day was passed very quietly and pleasantly by the people of this city, there being not even the usual minor accidents reported to mar the pleasures of the day, barring the sad drowning of Carl Intermill during the early part of the morning.
The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 29, 1916
Family Saved by Dog
Awakened Just in Time to Escape From Burning Home.
Manson, March 29. – The home of Mr. Hall, who works for the Farmers’ Elevator company, was burned to the ground last Thursday morning. Nothing was saved. No one knows how the fire started but it is thought to have originated from the stove. A large chuck of coal had been put in the heater the night before and it was thought that might have pushed the stove door open and thrown out live coals.
When Mr. Hall was awakened by the whining of a pet dog the bed was on fire. He dropped the children out of the window to the ground and went back for his wife and baby. The dog had been at Mr. Hall’s heels all the time but when he got out of the house he noticed it was not there, so he started back for it but it was not to be found.
The family went to a neighbors for the night.
The people of Manson are helping them get fitted out with clothing again. The Hall family expected to leave for Canada April 1. Mr. Hall recently had traded the house in on a farm in Canada.
Posted by: admin Tags: 1903
The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 12, 1903
Manson Secures Supply of Coal
Ilinois Central Railroad Sets Aside Six Cars Expressly for Town’s Use
In Answer to Petition
Cars are Being Loaded in Central Yards Here. Unique Move on Part of Manson
A somewhat unusual concession has been made by the Illinois Central railroad company to the town of Manson. Six cars are now in the Illinois Central yards, to be loaded with coal to be devoted exclusively to supplying the wants of the people in and around Manson. Two of the cars are already loaded and it is expected that more will soon be in readiness.
This action was taken by the Central, in response to a petition from the town of Manson, asking that they be granted this favor. It is not known that any special coal stringency exists at Manson, but this action was taken by the citizens to ensure a good-sized supply being kept on hand.
“Six cars won’t be much in Manson tho,” said a Fort Dodge coal dealer, in speaking of the situation th is morning. “Manson supplies a territory of many miles in extent and those cars will just evaporate as soon as they get on the Manson side track. The action taken in petitioning the railroad company was certainly rather unusual but it had produced good results, and the contents of those cars will fill a good many empty coal bins. Those cars to be shipped to Manson; and no where else. Those are the instructions of the railroad company.”
The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 17, 1906
Manson Will Celebrate
Commercial Club Meets and Decided to Celebrate the Fourth.
Mansion will celebrate the Fourth of July. The Commercial club of that city held a meeting Wednesday night and decided that the city should do itself proud. Committees will be appointed and preparations started at once. The Manson Democrat says regarding the celebration:
“It will take over $500 to do the thing up right, but there is not the least doubt that such an amount can be raised very quickly if the right start is made. One of the best speakers in the nation will be hired, one of the best concert bands will be engaged, two of the best amateur baseball teams in the state will play and several good free attractions will be engaged. It will be a celebration worth coming fifty mies (sic – should be miles) to see and enjoy and will be the means of re-establishing Manson as the amusement center of this section on the Fourth of July.”
The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 9, 1903
Were Wedded After Lapse of Many Years
Youthful Romance of Manson People Ends Happily After Ten years of Waiting.
Manson, April 9 – Some years ago, about ten if we are not mistaken, J.B. Benton wooed a young lady in Manson, Miss Mary Fluharty. The affection was returned, but for some reason the parents of the young lady objected to the marriage, and Mary being a dutiful girl, listened to the parental objection and told her lover that the wedding could not be consummated.
Years passed. Mr. Benton met another young woman, and married her. In the course of time the wife died. His first love remained single. He was located in Bosatt, Idaho.
He again offered his hand and heart and was accepted. Miss Fluharty went out to Idaho, and the marriage took place on the 2d of April.
After ten long years of waiting, love has been rewarded by its faithfulness. We occasionally read of such things, but it is not often they come home to us as in this case. Manson friends of Miss Fluharty, of whom she has many, congratulate her upon her happy marriage.
(Editor’s note: I have no idea what they meant by Bosatt, Idaho. I found a listing for Basalt, and of course there is Boise. Unless there is a ghost town of that name, I’m guessing one or the other of those two towns was meant.)