Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category


Task Begun of Changing Current in Fort Dodge

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 7, 1914

Task Begun of Changing Current in Fort Dodge

Electric Power in City Being Changed to 25 Cycle

Big Job is Nearly Done

The big task of changing the electric current of the city from sixty cycle to twenty five cycle alternation will begin this week. Many of the meters already have been changed or replaced with meters that will correctly record the use of the current soon to be installed. While a meter built to record the amount of twenty five cycle current is in use with a sixty cycle current, a computation of figures must be used to arrive at the correct amount of current used.

The Central Iowa Light and Power Company from which the Fort Dodge Gas and Electric Company will buy its current still have a half mile of wire to string to Fraser where the power plant is located. This will be finished this week.

Workmen in Fort Dodge have been busy putting in new transformers to take care of the new current. The work of replacing sixty cycle motors with those adapted to twenty five cycle current will begin this week. Most of the motors in use here must be changed. The Fort Dodge Gas and Electric Company will allow a fair allowance on the exchange of motors, depending on the time in which the motors now installed have been in use.