Posts Tagged ‘Young’


$200,000 for Webster City

   Posted by: admin    in Death, Organizations, People, Webster City

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Sept. 8, 1903

$200,000 for Webster City

By Demise of Mrs. Kendall Young Webster City Gets Princely Sum

The Story of the Bequest

It Was Made by Her Husband, Who Was Wealthy Pioneer of Webster City

Webster City, Sept. 8 The death of Mrs. Kendall Young in Battle Creek, Mich., Monday, was announced in this city today. By the death of Mrs. Young, Webster City will received $200,000 (about $5,032,308 today) to be used in the building of a library as a monument to the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Young. The fund has been in trust since 1896, when Mr. Young died, but could ot be used until the death of his wife.

The will provided that upon the death of Mrs. Young, $25,000 ($629,038) should be expended for a fire proof building. The remainder of the fortune must remain intact, and only the income of it, or so much of it as the trustees may see fit, is to be used for library purposes.

Kendall Young was born in Maine, and his wife in County Kent, England. The two were married in this city in 1858, and with the exception of a short residence in Irvington, have lived here ever since. At the time they were married here, the population of the city was but 400, and of the county 1,600. Through Mrs. Young’s generosity, the Kendall Young library on a small scale was established in 1898. At that time it became apparent to her that the annual income form the estate was more than she required or desired for her personal use. She very generously offered the use for library purposes of the magnificent Kendall Young home on Wilson avenue, beautifully situated and surrounded by spacious ornamental grounds, together with its furnishings, including many valuable paintings and pictures. She also proposed that the surplus income form the estate should be devoted to the immediate establishment and maintenance of the library.

At the February, 1898, term of the district court, upon the joint application of Mrs. Young and the executor, it was ordered that the executor annually turn over to the library trustees the surplus income from the estate, to be by them used for library purposes. At this time Mrs. Young was confined in the Battle Creek, Mich., sanitarium, on account of her health, where she remained until she died.

Mr. Young laid the foundation for his fortune during the California gold craze of 1849, and with this start began business in Hamilton county, where the balance of his fortune was made. Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Young has been cared for by the trustees of the estate. These gentlemen have seen to it that she has had all the comforts that money could buy. She has wanted for nothing, and yet, good soul that she was, she has often talked with them about the cutting down of her personal expenses in order that the money might be saved to the estate. She was 73 years of age. The funeral will be held in the city Thursday from the old Young home, now the library building.

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Fort Dodge as an Art Center

   Posted by: admin    in Entertainment, People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 10, 1905

Fort Dodge as an Art Center

What is Being Accomplished by the Constant Efforts of Fort Dodge Artists

An Interesting Sketch Club

Anyone is Privileged to Join and Much Interest is Being Awakened Among Lovers of the Fascinating Art – Meets Thursday Afternoons

A sketching club has been organized which meets Thursday afternoons after school in Recital Hal (sic). The class has been sketching for several weeks and a great deal of interest is being awakened and about twelve gather every week to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to develop talent.

Different members of the club pose each time, or furnish some one who will and fifteen minute sketches are made. By timing the sketches, there is a certain amount of ambition aroused to see who can accomplish the most in the allotted time.

Among those who sketch are Miss Lizzie Newberry, one of Fort Dodge’s best known artists,; and Carl Hepler, who studied recently at the art Institute in Chicago. Mr. Hepler as well as Miss Newberry is able to suggest a great many points to the amateurs who sketch, and much good is being derived from the classes.

Anyone who wishes is privileged to join the class, and as there is no stated instruction, there is no charge to the ambitious beginner, although they can not but be helped by the regular practice, and association with those interested.

Another art class which is accomplishing much good in Fort Dodge is that instructed by Miss Florence Young at the Mosaic club, one evening a week for the benefit of those who cannot study at other times. This class has been sketching all winter and is accomplishing much.

Miss Young is also elevating Fort Dodge art by teaching china painting and Miss Edna Richardson has a very large class in this line of work.

At Recital hall Miss Carrie Newberry and Miss Lizzie Newberry also have a very interesting class in china painting, and the hall itself is an artistic place to visit, with its many pretty pictures on the walls and the quantities of beautiful china which helps to adorn this attractively arranged hall.

The smell of the plants and oils is very attractive to one who has the craving for art, and this  Bohemian den is worthy of many visits from Fort Dodge people who are interested.

With these professional instructors quietly and constantly at work and the instruction which is developing the school children together with the many able artists who work in their homes, the artistic developments of Fort Dodge should surely not suffer.

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First Official Trip is Made

   Posted by: admin    in Interurban

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 22, 1903

First Official Trip is Made

Car No. 20, of Fort Dodge and Interurban Line, Makes Run Over New Extension.

Was Enjoyable Excursion

Thirty-Two Fort Dodge People Were Guests of the Street Car Management – Run Was Made to Race Track, Terminal Line.

The first official trip over the Fort Dodge and Interurban street car line was made Saturday evening at 7:30. The excursion was made in one of the new cars, No. 20. Manager Healy had invited about thirty friends, including the stockholders of the company to ride as guests of honor upon the occasion of the first tour over the new line.

No. 20 is a large, easy running car, and as the road bed is in good condition the trip was a very enjoyable one. The party left at the city park and rode directly to the new park where the guests alighted and were shown about the grounds. After viewing the park, the car was run out to the driving park which is the terminal of the line, after which the party was conveyed back to the city.

The trip was made without a hitch and the management received many congratulations upon the successful and early completion of the line. Manager Healy had charge of the trip; Arthur Comstock, superintendent of the Light & Power company was the motor man, and Thomas Wilson acted s conductor on the first run.

There are now four miles of track laid which makes the ride a pleasure trip as well as convenient for those living on the line. For the present two cars will be kept running on the line. The cars will pass at the Great Western depot. The management are now arranging a schedule.

Those who went out on the first trip were:

Ed Haire
J.J. Ryan
E.G. Larson
B.J. Price
H.A. Cook
J.E. Downing
Andrew Hower
W.I. Selvy
Frank Collins
Marshall Young
Will Laufersweiler
Louis Fessler
Harry Harps
M.J. Haire
M.J. Rodney
Jack Ruge
Robert Healy
Maurice Welch
G.F. Rankin
Will Healy
John Wolfinger
John Vaughn
Ed Welch
Tom Joyce
C.B. Hepler
John Campbell
O.M. Oleson
C.A. Roberts
George Flannigan
P.J. Tierney
B.W. Slack
Earl Robinson

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Has Discovered His Parentage

   Posted by: admin    in Court matters, Lawsuits, People, Real estate

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 12, 1903

Has Discovered His Parentage

Irving B. Bischoff, of Fonda, Claims Interest in Webster County Lands by Inheritance

Says His Real Name is Young

Story of One ot (sic) Most Peculiar Claims Ever Presented in Webster County

As a result of a quarrel with the man whom he had all his  life supposed to be his father, Irving B. Bishoff (sic) of Fonda, who now believes that his real name in (sic) Young, was in the city on Wednesday, investigating what he believes to be a valid claim to certain Webster county lands. Bishoff (sic) claims an interest, by inheritance, in 130 acres of land in Johnson township, now owned by W.F. Rubel.

The story of Bischoff’s discovery of his real parentage is a strange one. For thirty years he has lived quietly in Fonda, believing himself to be the son of the man whom he now considers his step father. A short time ago, a difference of opinion arose between the two men, in the course of which the elder Bischoff announced the fact that the relation between them was not that of father and son. The younger man started to unravel the mystery, with startling results:

He now believes that his grandfather was James S. Young, and that his father was Samuel Young, who died before he was born. After his father’s death, his mother married Bischoff. J.S. Young was the owner of 130 acres of land in Johnson township, described as follows: the north one-half of the south east quarter and the east fifty acres of the south one-half of the south east quarter of section 20, range 89, township 30.

James S. Young left a will in which he bequeathed this property to his wife, Martha Young, during the term of her natural life. Later Martha Young brought suit to have her dower set apart to her, alleging that her son Samuel Young died unmarried and without issue. This was done, and subsequently another suit was brought by one of the heirs to have the land sold and the proceeds divided. In this suit it was alleged again that Samuel Young died unmarried and without issue. Accordingly, the land was sold, and the proceeds divided among the heirs.

In both suits, notice was served on the unknown heirs by publication. Whether this notice will have any effect on the claim of the heir who has thus unexpectedly presented himself, is said to be a matter of doubt, as he has all the time resided within the borders of the state of Iowa, while the notice by publication applies only to those resident outside the state.

Bischoff claims a 2-9 interest in the 130 acres now owned by Mr. Rubel.

Bischoff was in the city on Tuesday going over the records with a view to establishing his claim. He stated while here that he will hereafter go by the name of Young  which he claims to be lawfully his.

The case is one of the most peculiar which has come up for sometime. The fact that the allegations in both previous suits claim that Samuel Young died unmarried and without issue point apparently to a secret marriage on the part of that individual. Bischoff while here, asserted that he would trace the matter to its foundations, and would take all steps to secure possession of what he believes to be his patrimony.

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