Posts Tagged ‘Tullar’


Mayor Has Hoboe Cleaned Up

   Posted by: admin    in Police court, Scams

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Aug. 14, 1905

Mayor Has Hoboe (sic) Cleaned Up

Man Found Begging With Over One Hundred Dollars on His Person

Unable to Speak English

Mayor Has Him Fixed Out at Barber Shop, Buys New Suit of Clothes for Him Out of His Money and Sends Him Out of Town

Residents of the east part of the city telephoned in Saturday afternoon to police headquarters stating that a hoboe (sic) was begging at the residences of that part of the city.

The patrol was sent out in response to the call and a stout looking young foreigner with one arm in a sling found in the act of asking assistance from the back door of a dwelling. He made a race for cover as soon as he sighted the officers but was captured and placed in the wagon.

Later, while on the way down town he leaped from the vehicle and started out on the dead run. The officers with the aid of bystanders succeeded in capturing him again, though only after a hard fight and this time he was held in the back of the patrol until the jail was reached.

On searching him Chief Tullar was surprised to find that almost every pocket in his clothes contained a bag of money. Six separate sacks and purses each containing bills or silver were taken from him.

A count of the money brought to light that he had a total of $132.06 (about $3,323 today) in the following denominations: bills, $45; gold, $5, dollars, halves and quarters, $27.50; nickels, $4; loose change, $3.21; pocketbook, $6.75.

Mayor Bennett found in police court this morning that he was unable to speak a word of English. An onlooker stated that his talk sounded like Polish and Tom Robinson was summoned. Robinson stated that he spoke Bohemian and a person of that nationality who happened to be in the room volunteered to talk to him. Little was learned other than that the fellow readily admitted having begged the money that he carried, Smiling when telling about it and evidently thinking that it was an exploit to his credit.

Under instructions from Mayor Bennett he was told that he was fined $15 for begging and that the marshal would be instructed to take him to a barber shop, give him a bath, shave, hair cut and shampoo, buy him a suit of clothes out of his money and send him out of town.

He objected strenuously to parting with his money, begging to be let go without being fined, or having to pay for a new suit of clothes and for getting cleaned up out of his hoard, but the mayor was obdurate and still protesting he was led to a tonsorial parlor. After his bath, shave, etc., he emerged a changed man. He really semed (sic) to enjoy getting cleaned up after being forced to do so and grinned with delight when he surveyed himself in the mirror.

He was taken to a down town clothing store by Chief Tullar and fitted out with a neat well fitting suit of clothes and with his hoard of money lightened considerably, instructed to get out of town and go to work.

Joe Kelley of Council Bluffs was found asleep in an alley in a badly intoxicated state yesterday. He was allowed to leave town.

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Big Junk Steal is Unearthed

   Posted by: admin    in theft

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 29, 1907

Big Junk Steal is Unearthed

Robinson Bros. Fort Dodge Junk Dealers Bought Articles That Were “Queer.”

Police Officers Seized Goods

About Five Hundred Dollars Worth of Valuable Brass, Copper and Other Metal Shipped in Car of Rags. – Car Stopped at Freeport.

Through the watchfulness of Chief Tullar and some smooth detective work on the part of special agents of the Illinois Central valuable property starting from Fort Dodge was unearthed yesterday at Freeport, Ill., when detective T.J. Healey of the Freeport division of the Illinois Central caught and held for investigators a car of junk shipped out by Robinson Bros. of this city.

Hid in Rags.

Examination of the car showed that valuable brass fittings, copper wire, linotype metal, etc. was concealed in a consignment of rags with which the car was supposed to be filled.

Most of the stuff was railroad property, part of it belonging to the Illinois Central and part to the Rock Island and Northwestern. It was brought to Fort Dodge at once for identification.

Four Detectives Here.

Four railroad detectives were in the city today in connection with the matter. The were M. Morweiser, special agent on the Rock Island located at Cedar Rapids, A.P. Houston, special agent on the Rock Island located at Estherville, J.T. Dineen, special agent of the Illinois Central, located at Waterloo and T.J. Healey, special agent of the Illinois Central, located at Freeport.

About three hundred dollars (about $6,928 today) worth of the junk was identified by these men.

The Catchers Talk.

“You see” said Mr. Dineen, of the Illinois Central to a Messenger representative, “this stuff is never sold by the railroads. It is very valuable and if it becomes broken it is recast. Part of the goods recovered are boiler and engine fittings that are perfectly new. Those of the latter kind are very valuable. Some small pieces come as high as six dollars apiece ($138). All junk dealers know that the railroads never sell such stuff and they know they are buying stolen goods when they make a purchase of this kind. A great deal of what we have recovered has been stolen right here from the Fort Dodge shops.”

“It is the biggest steal of the kind that has been unearthed in this part of the state for a long time” said Mr. Morweiser, of the Rock Island.

“I’ve been working on the deal for two weeks,” said Chief Tullar. “I did all I could from this end and when the railroad detectives got to work they made the wires hot and rounded up the goods.”

Men from the Central shops identified a large part of the goods.

Robinson Bros. were arrested by two of the police this forenoon and at two o’clock this afternoon were brought before justice of the peace Magowan for trial on the charge of receiving stolen property.

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Chief Tullar Sells Livery Business

   Posted by: admin    in Animals, Business

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 16, 1905

Chief Tullar Sells Livery Business

His Stock of Horses and Rigs Sold to Charles Smith of Iowa Falls

A deal was completed last night by which Charles Smith of Iowa Falls becomes the sole owner of the livery barn of Chief of Police Tullar on First avenue south.

Mr. Smith is an old and experienced liveryman. He has been in the city for some time looking for a location and takes possession of the Tullar stables at once. Mr. Tullar states that he has found his duties as chief of police to great for him to give proper care to his business so decided to sell.

The entire stock of vehicles and horses except those kept by Mr. Tullar for his personal use were involved in the transaction. the consideration for the stock was $15,000.

(Editor’s note: The amount of $15,000 in 1905 would be equivalent to about $359242 today.)

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“Lid” Is On In Earnest In Fort Dodge Today

   Posted by: admin    in Crime

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 13, 1905

“Lid” Is On In Earnest In Fort Dodge Today

Reign of Terror Through The City Will Be Brought to Speedy End.

The Slot Machines Go Down

Mayor Gives Chief Orders to Throw Out the Drag Net For Tough Characters

General Cleaning Up Started

All Gambling Institutions, Saloons That do Not Company With the Law, and Any and all Disreputable Places Will be Closed.

The lid is on in Fort Dodge today. A general cleaning up process has been started, and the city is to be thoroughly  gone over, cleaned and disinfected of the moral filth that has existed during the past few months.

At nine o’clock this morning Mayor Bennett entered police headquarters with a grim look on his face, and calling the chief announced that the lid was to be clapped down and hermetically sealed. The chief was given orders to take down all slot machines, whether operated for the purpose of winning cigars or money; all gambling devices of any sort, close all saloons that did not comply with the law, all gambling institutions and disorderly resorts, and throw out the drag net and rake in all the suspicious, tough and disorderly characters that could be found from end to end of the city.

Work Starts at Once.

The work starts at once, and it is safe to say that by night Fort Dodge will exist under the tightest lid that ever covered an Iowa city. Chief Tullar will personally visit all places in the city where slot machines are operated this morning, and will order them consigned to the garret, and on refusing will confiscate them. Saloons will be notified to observe a strict compliance with the closing law at nights and Sundays, warned to observe the black list and preserve order in their places. All suspicious localities will be visited, and anything that hints of disorder or lawlessness will receive a thorough investigation.

Throw Out the Net.

This completed the net will be thrown out, and the city raked through from east to west and from north to south. Alleys, by streets, dens and dives will be visited, and all undesirable characters found therein will be loaded into the patrol wagon, which will accompany the visits, and landed behind prison bars to await a sentence of a few days labor on the streets or a jail term on a diet of bread and water.

Mayor Bennett is determined that the reign of terror that has existed here during recent times will be ended, for good and for all if possible. The whirr of slot machines, and the rattle of the nickle (sic) will be heard no longer. Dice shaking for drinks and cigars will be prohibited, and the crap game in a sequestered spot in alleys is to be a thing of the past. Hold-ups, burglaries, drugging in saloons, and slugging on dark streets by foot pads will cease, and the gentry who have been perpetrating the acts will hide by day and night, or leave the city.

It is is expected that it will take several days to complete the work that has been started. It was placed well under way by noon, however, and a large part will be completed by night. The rest will await the action of time and vigorous action.

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City Sued for Loss of Pup

   Posted by: admin    in Animals, Lawsuits

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 13, 1906

City Sued for Loss of Pup

William Ault, Wants $250 For Pup Taken by the Dog Catcher.

Suit Filed in Court Today

Dog Was Without tag and was Taken on 27th of June – Suit an Unusual one – Will Come up for Trial at the Next Term of court.

State of Iowa, Webster County, ss.

William Ault vs. S.J. Bennett, M. Tullar and Ed. Smith.

The plaintiff for a cause of action against the defendants and each of htem states that on or about the 27th day of June, 1906, the defendant took and converted of the property of this plaintiff one certain Llewelyyn (sic) setter pup, named Outenie of the value of $250 (two hundred and fifty dollars to the plaintiff’s damage in said sum, wherefore plaintiff prays judgment against the defendants and each of them in the sum of $250 and costs.

The above petition was filed at noon today in the office of the clerk of courts. The  plaintiff, Ault, is a laborer residing at 806, 12th avenue south. It appears that the dog in question was picked up by the city dog catcher, Ed. Smith at the time named while without a tag and was promptly shot as is customary with all canines not bearing the stamp and seal that shows dog tax to have been paid. The suit is a very unusual one and no doubt much interest will be evinced in it through the city when it comes up for trail at the August term of court.

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Dog Catcher is Wanted Here

   Posted by: admin    in Animals

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 3, 1905

Dog Catcher is Wanted Here

So Says Chief of Police Tullar Who is Looking for a Man to Take This Job.

Several Qualifications Needed

Says He Does Not Want a One-Legged Man Anymore, But Wants One Who Can Get Around More Lively – Dog Owners Must Pay License.

A respite has been given the dog owners, who have not yet paid the dog license, not intentional to be sure, but because the dog catcher has thrown up his job in disgust. Chief of Police Tullar in an interview with a Messenger reporter this morning gave forth his views on the subject of dog catching and explained the qualifications needed by the man who takes this job. He sums up the situation as follows:

“Life was a little too strenuous for the dog catcher so he resigned. He was handicapped by his misfortune of having only one leg, and for that reason could not make the quick angles and turns necessary to the successful discharge of his duties. The city is yet full of dogs without tags and the time for procuring the necessary badge of safety has been extended to the 10th of June. On that day a man will be commissioned as dog catcher that will be quick on his pins and has the necessary qualifications to clean up the town so far as dogs without tags are concerned. So if your dogs are of value, tag them.”

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Are Heavily Fined

   Posted by: admin    in Police court

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 29, 1906

Are Heavily Fined

Erring Couple Taken From 4th Street Rooming House get Heavy Fines in the Mayor’s Court.

On the complaint of the keeper of a South 4th street boarding house, who stated that a man and woman who were registered at the place as man and wife were evidently not married, Chief Tullar raided the place last night and arresting the two placed them in jail.

Before the mayor this morning they gave their names as Frank Richmond and Nell Earley, frankly admitting the charge against them. Richmond was fined $25 and costs and the woman $10 and costs. Both were sent to jail in default of payment. Richmond works in a lunch counter on 1st avenue south. A watch and chain stolen from the rooming house were found on him. The Earley girl is employed at the Logan house.

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Gold Tooth Caught Him

   Posted by: admin    in Court matters

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 4, 1907

Gold Tooth Caught Him

Gilt Molar Was Undoing of Forger Caught by Chief Tullar

A gold tooth in the front of the mouth of Oscar Walker, alias H.R. Williams resulted in his being arrested Saturday afternoon by Chief Tullar on the charge of forgery, and today he will be taken to Omaha to await the time when the machinery of the law will get in motion and pass upon his crime. Mr. Tullar received a letter Saturday morning from Chief of Police Donahue of Omaha asking him to look out for Walker, who was wanted for forging checks on the manager of Collier’s Weekly while acting as canvasser for the publication. A good description telling that the man wanted was 35 years of age, high 5 feet 11 inches, florid complexion, weight 180 pounds, sandy mustache, and that he had a gold tooth in the front of his mouth accompanied the letter. It also stated that a man named Williams has applied for a position with Collier’s from Fort Dodge and that Williams would probably prove to be Walker. This turned out just as expected. Chief Tullar was walking along First Avenue South that same afternoon when he met a man answering the description. He spoke to him and when he opened his mouth to reply Tullar caught sight of the gold tooth and nabbed him. A detective from Omaha arrived here yesterday and identified the prisoner as the man wanted. He had been here only a week or so and went under the name of H.R. Williams.

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