Posts Tagged ‘Hanson’


Local Ins and Outs

   Posted by: admin    in Clare, Eagle Grove, Humboldt, Society news, Thor

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 8, 2903

Local Ins and Outs

Miss Josie O’Hara spent Sunday in Eagle Grove.

Thomas Nixson is home for his summer vacation.

Fred Hall, of Sioux City, is visiting relatives in the city.

Miss Ida Oleson left Saturday morning for a visit in Boone.

Miss Amy Dyke of Colorado Springs is visiting in this city.

Mrs. Otis Garrison of Sioux City, is visiting Fort Dodge friends.

James Delamore and U. Graham of Clare were in the city Saturday.

Miss Evelyn Rodney of Independence is visiting at the M.J. Rodney home.

E.G. Larson and Dr. C.J. Saunders went to Clare this afternoon to attend a bank meeting.

County Superintendent A.L. Brown and wife visited over Sunday with relatives in Sac City.

Mrs. D.J. Farrell has returned to her home in Mason City after a visit at the Dr. Farrell home.

Dick Kenyon has returned from Grinnell where he has spent the year in the pursuit of learning in Iowa college.

Miss Maude Herrick leaves tonight for her home in Elk River, Minn., where she will spend most of the summer.

E.S. Tinkham was called to Humboldt on Friday by news of illness of his father, returning to the city Saturday.

Miss Maude Herrick leaves tonight for her home in Elk River, Minn., where she will spend most of the summer. (Editor’s note: This was repeated in the original paper.)

Will Mulroney has returned to the city for a week’s vacation after a trip on the road in the interest of the Gate City Hat Company.

Miss Gertrude Gardner has returned from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where she has held a position in the art department of the schools.

Miss Ella Beach, of Minneapolis, who has been visiting her mother and father in the city, leaves this week for Seattle, Washington.

Dr. C.J. Saunders leaves on Tuesday for Rochester, Minn. He expects to spend several days in studying in a hospital which is located there.

Thomas Kozel who has been living in Arizona for the past two years is expected home in a few days, for a visit with relatives in Fort Dodge.

After a visit at the J.W. Beck home in this city, Mrs. A.J. Hanson has returned to her home in Thor. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Beck.

Mrs. Augusta Hill has gone to Grinnell to attend the commencement exercises of Iowa college, from which her daughter, Miss Ina Hill, graduates this year.

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They Won in the Box Contest

   Posted by: admin    in Entertainment, People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 10, 1903

They Won in the Box Contest

Misses Hannah Hanson and Jennie Pollock Receive Highest Number of Ballots

Voting Was Lively Today

Miss Hanson Received 212 Votes and Miss Pollock 93. Other Teachers in the Race

Miss Hannah Hanson and Miss Jennie Pollock are the winners in the Messenger box contest for the performance of Charles B. Hanford, in “Much Ado About Nothing,” at the Midland on next Monday evening. Having received the highest number of votes in the contest for the post popular school teacher of Fort Dodge they are each entitled to a box for this performance and have the privilege of inviting five friends to occupy it with them.

The voting was fast and furious this morning. Miss Hanson’s friends rallied to her support, and when the time came to count the ballots at noon, she was found to have 212 of the little paper slips to her credit. Miss Jennie Pollock who was the favorite on Friday, did not do so well today, but came next with 93 votes.

Miss Ella Fin had many friends who exerted themselves in her behalf and she received 74 votes.

The full list of teachers for whom coupons were cast is as follows:

Hannah Hanson
Jennie Pollock
Ella Fink
Grace Fibbs
Maude Herrick
Cora Newton
Florence Anderson
Myrtle Hill

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What They Say

   Posted by: admin    in Town Topics, weather

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 17, 1906

What They Say

“One would think that the hotel man always sees new faces and deals with an every changing crowd. As a matter of fact it is practically the same old crowd all the time. The same persons, especially among those that are on the road are to be seen every few weeks. One soon gets to know everybody that travels much and it soon gets so the faces are all familiar.”

-J.L. Johnson

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“I believe Fort Dodge will do its record on holiday business up this year. I never saw such a crowd here before as there was last Saturday. Next Saturday, of course will be the big day of all.”

-N.E. Hanson

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“I well remember one Christmas many years ago when I was a small boy and just like this year there had been no snow. I kept wanting a sled but was afraid it wouldn’t snow so I could use it. Christmas eve it snowed and Christmas morning I got my sled. My small boy happiness was just about complete.”

-Wm. Mulroney

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Badger Woman is Centenarian

   Posted by: admin    in Badger, People, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Nov. 1, 1905

Badger Woman is Centenarian

Celebrates Her One Hundredth Birthday Sunday at Her Badger Home.

Her Energies are Un-impaired

Her Hair Has Not Yet Turned Competely Gray, While She is Able to Knit and Also to Read. – Walk to Church on Sunday Mornings.

Mrs. Sarah Hanson of Badger celebrated her one hundredth birthday Sunday by having twenty relatives and many friends to dinner. Her birthday was on Thursday, but the celebration did not take place until Sunday, as more of the relatives could come on that day than on Sunday.

Mrs. Hanson was born in Norway on October 26th, and resided in her native country until about thirty-eight years ago when she came to American (sic) and then to Badger, where she has resided constantly ever since. She has been married twice, her first husband dying before she came to America. This husband was William Williamson. Two years after she came to Badger, she was married to Peter Hanson, twenty years her junior, who still is living.

By her first husband she had two children, Ole Williamson of Badger (and) Knute Williamson of Wisconsin, both living. The oldest son is sixty-eight years of age. Mrs. Hanson has two brothers, both of whom are living at this time.

Both of these brothers reside in Illinois, one being ninety-eight years of age and the other ninety-six. For a family of long lived people, the Williamson family, certainly should be up near the top. Neither of these brothers were able to come to their sister’s anniversary, but both sent congratulations. Her son living in Wisconsin, also sent a letter of congratulations to his mother and this was read at the celebration.

At the Sunday celebration, there were four generations present, the oldest great grandchild being sixteen years of age. There were several other great grandchildren present and a family picture was taken, and also one of the four generations.

Mrs. Hanson generally walks to church every Sunday but at this was her anniversary an dso (sic) many were coming she refrained from doing so.

A big dinner was served during the day to the assembled guests most of whom were relatives but several were friends. The pastor of the church Mrs. Hanson attends, was also at the celebration and made a long address, complimenting her and telling of her interesting life.

Mrs. Hanson is well preserved in every way, and today is able to get around in a manner to make a woman of seventy jealous. Besides her trips to church, seh knits almost constantly. She is also able to read and enjoys this very much.

Her hair is black in places, and although the gray shows, yet it is that of a woman much younger. Her hearing, although somewhat impaired is yet good, and she is able to hear an ordinary conversation. At the Sunday celebration she joined in the merrymaking with all and enjoyed the day greatly. Everyone congratulated her, and in return she told stories of her early life in far away Norway.

She told reminiscences of her childhood days, which greatly surprised, her hearers, who thought that surely her memory must have been impaired by the many years of life. However her stories were told with a vim and were very interesting to all. During the day she related storeis that would fill many a volume and stories that would rival those of fiction.

Her condition is such that her relatives feel that she will live for many years, for her vigor is equal to that of a woman much younger. Among the relatives at the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. O.O. Stageberg and children, who reside on Round Prairie in this city. Mrs. Stageberg is a grandchild of Mrs. Hanson.

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Baby Dead as Result of Runaway

   Posted by: admin    in Accident, Duncombe

(Editor’s note: This is another article that goes into somewhat gory detail of the exact extent of the injuries suffered.)

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 9, 1903

Baby Dead as Result of Runaway

Little Child of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hanson of Duncombe Was Buried Today.

Terrible Injury to the Skull

Operation Disclosed Fact That Skull Was Broken Open Half Way Around So That Finger Could Be Inserted Into Aperture.

Grief stricken parents and sorrowing friends this morning followed the body of the little baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hanson of Duncombe to its last resting place. The baby died on Tuesday night as a result of injuries received in a runaway accident a week ago last Saturday.

The child received terrible injuries to the head, which were not discovered u ntil Tuesday, when Dr. Evans was called and performed the operation which was the last chance of saving the little life.

The doctor found that the skull had been forced apart from a point beginning at the right ear, and extending to the back of the head. A finger could be laid in the gaping aperture.

The injury ahd gone so long, that the brain had become infected, and the doctor did all that could be done, removing the blood clots and infected brain tissue and putting in drainage. Medical skill was in vain, however, and death came at 9 o’clock the same night.

While driving to Fort Dodge on Saturday, June 29, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and their little child were thrown violently from their buggy by the unexpected shying of their horse. Mr.s Hanson was somewhat bruised in the fall, but is recovering nicely, altho almost broken-hearted over the accident which has caused the death of the little one.

Mr. Hanson’s mother lives in Fort Dodge.

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Miscellaneous notices

   Posted by: admin    in Miscellaneous notices, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 5, 1904

The family of Mr. and Mrs. James Kincaid, of this city, was increased on Saturday night by the arrival of a bright baby girl.

Tom Joyce, who has been suffering from an attack of pneumonia, is now regarded as on the road to recovery. His physicians this morning benefited him and it is now thought that he will recover, being so strong and robust no fear is entertained of his not making good progress from now own.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pearsons were host and hostes (sic) to a jolly Fourth of July picnic party at their home just north of the city. It was more in the nature of an old-fashioned Fourth of July. The hospitality of the host and hostess made the day one long to be rememberes. The families there were those of D.K. Lincoln, J.P. Dolliver and Geo. R. Pearsons.

Invitations are out for the wedding of Harry Emmett Peterson, of this city to Miss Ella Lorena Hanson, of Lehigh. The event will take place on the 14th of this month at high noon, at the home of the bride’s pahents (sic), in Lehigh. The groom is well known throughout the city, being one of the partners in the newly formed coal firm of Collins & Peterson. The bride is one of Lehigh’s most popular young ladies and is also well known in this city.

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Serious Runaway Near Duncombe

   Posted by: admin    in Accident, Animals, Duncombe

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 29, 1903

Serious Runaway Near Duncombe

Ole Hanson, Wife and Baby Thrown Out of Buggy By a Frightened Horse.

The Baby Will Probably Die.

Mrs. Hanson Was Unconscious for Several Hours From the Shock, But is Recovering Slowly At The Present Time.

Last Saturday morning about nine o’clock while on their way to Fort Dodge, Ole Hanson, wife and five months old baby of Duncombe met with a very serious accident. When about two and a half miles from home and close to the John Mallinger farm their horse became frightened at a hay loader and rake standing inside the fence. The horse which was traveling at a good rate stopped suddenly, shied to one side, throwing the occupants of the buggy violently to the ground. Mrs. Hanson was knocked senseless by the fall and did not recover consciousness for almost half an hour. When she became aware of what had happened she found herself surrounded by friends in the John Mallinger home. Her first thought was for her baby, and she found that its injuries were very dangerous, perhaps fatal as the blood was gushing from its mouth and ears.

Dr. Thompson of Duncombe was immediately summoned and did what he could for both the woman and baby. They were taken to the home of Thomas Ness, Mrs. Hanson’s father, where they are now resting. Mrs. Hanson has recovered from the shock to a considerable extent, being bouyed (sic) up by her anxiety for her baby. The baby is lying in a semi-unconscious state with few chances for life. Mr. Hanson escaped almost without an injury and the horse which is an ordinary looking, sedate plug, ran but a short distance with no injury to itself or to the buggy. Mr. Hanson is a farmer and lives a quarter of a mile east of Duncombe on his mother’s farm. His mother, Mrs. Anna Hanson lives in East Fort Dodge.

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Sunday’s Chapter of Accidents

   Posted by: admin    in Accident

The Fort Dodge  Messenger: June 15, 1903

Sunday’s Chapter of Accidents

Heroism of Sister Saves Two Year Old Daughter of Mrs. Anna Svaleson from Death.

Child’s Clothing Was on Fire.

Katie Hanson Falls Eight Inches and Breaks Her Collar Bone – Sylvester Worley Has Hand Pierced by Blow From Pick.

A painful accident which came very near resulting in the death of a child, occurred on Sunday morning. The little two-year old daughter of Mrs. Anna Svaleson while playing alone in an upstairs room of her home on Eleventh avenue south, in some way lit some matches which set the child’s dress on fire. In a moment the little girl’s garments were ablaze and her pitiful screams could be heard for blocks away. The little one’s sister, who was down stairs came to the rescue and smothered the flames which would soon have caused the child’s death and probably set the house on fire.

The little girl was badly burned about the abdomen and thighs but will recover within two weeks.

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Katie Hanson, the thirteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hanson, living at 1026 Eleventh avenue south, fell a distance of not over eight inches from a hammock on Sunday, and broke her collar bone. The child was lying in the hammock which was almost touching the ground when the rope broke, letting her fall. She struck on her shoulder, in such a manner as to break the bone.

The injury was given prompt medical attention, and is not regarded as serious.

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While attempting to move a dummy coal car in the Illinois Central coal shed, Sylvester D. Worley had his hand pierced thru by a pickax which was being wielded on some coal by Isaac Hedgecock at four o’clock Sunday afternoon. The pick went clear thru Mr. Worley’s hand, causing the wound to bleed copiously and giving Mr. Worley intense pain. Medical attendance was immediately summoned but the wound was not dressed without considerable loss of blood. The injury was purely accidental.  Mr. Worley will recover without permanent inconvenience.

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Dog Fight Led to Fist Fight

   Posted by: admin    in Animals, People, Police court

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 30, 1903

Dog Fight Led to Fist Fight

Con Fogerty (sic) Was Heavily Fined for Striking Mrs. Montgomery

Was a Busy Police Court

Busy Monday Attested the Fact That Spring Has Come Again – Six Drunks Docketed.

A dog fight resulted in a fist fight Sunday afternoon and the fracas culminated in police court this morning when Con Fogarty was fined $25 and costs for striking Mrs. Montgomery a blow on the forehead which to use Mrs. Montgomery’s own words, penetrated “plumb to the bone.”

On Sunday afternoon Con Fogarty’s dog encountered Mrs. Montgomery’s canine pet and proceeded to literally eat up his adversary, being incited in so doing, it is claimed by Fogarty. Mr. Montgomery tried to make peace but Fogarty objected. Then Mrs. Montgomery appeared on the scene and Fogarty struck her with brutal force on the forehead, the wound being plainly visible when the lady appeared against Fogarty in police court this morning. James O’Hare, who was also implicated, was fined $5 and costs. both Fogarty and O’Hare being unable to pay their fines were sent to the city jail.

Besides the dog fight case, six drunks were docketed. David Fuller, who was charged with carrying knuckles besides being drunk, admitted that the knuckles were his possession, but said that he had them by accident. He was fined $7.10 and left his gold watch as security, having no cash. Simon Fodge who resides in the country was charged with being drunk but was dismissed on payment of a dollar and on promise of going home. James West, John Hanson, Sam McElroy and James Hallison were charged with being drunk. All please guilty and were accordingly given the customary $7.10 fine. West left a watch in place of cash. John Hanson was discharged and McElroy, who when asked by His Honor what was his business, replied, “I ain’t got no business,” was committed to jail. Hallison was also sent to jail.

This morning’s docket was the heaviest in some time and those connected with police court are beginning to feel that spring has really come.

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