Posts Tagged ‘Mulroney’


Local Ins and Outs

   Posted by: admin    in Clare, Eagle Grove, Humboldt, Society news, Thor

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 8, 2903

Local Ins and Outs

Miss Josie O’Hara spent Sunday in Eagle Grove.

Thomas Nixson is home for his summer vacation.

Fred Hall, of Sioux City, is visiting relatives in the city.

Miss Ida Oleson left Saturday morning for a visit in Boone.

Miss Amy Dyke of Colorado Springs is visiting in this city.

Mrs. Otis Garrison of Sioux City, is visiting Fort Dodge friends.

James Delamore and U. Graham of Clare were in the city Saturday.

Miss Evelyn Rodney of Independence is visiting at the M.J. Rodney home.

E.G. Larson and Dr. C.J. Saunders went to Clare this afternoon to attend a bank meeting.

County Superintendent A.L. Brown and wife visited over Sunday with relatives in Sac City.

Mrs. D.J. Farrell has returned to her home in Mason City after a visit at the Dr. Farrell home.

Dick Kenyon has returned from Grinnell where he has spent the year in the pursuit of learning in Iowa college.

Miss Maude Herrick leaves tonight for her home in Elk River, Minn., where she will spend most of the summer.

E.S. Tinkham was called to Humboldt on Friday by news of illness of his father, returning to the city Saturday.

Miss Maude Herrick leaves tonight for her home in Elk River, Minn., where she will spend most of the summer. (Editor’s note: This was repeated in the original paper.)

Will Mulroney has returned to the city for a week’s vacation after a trip on the road in the interest of the Gate City Hat Company.

Miss Gertrude Gardner has returned from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where she has held a position in the art department of the schools.

Miss Ella Beach, of Minneapolis, who has been visiting her mother and father in the city, leaves this week for Seattle, Washington.

Dr. C.J. Saunders leaves on Tuesday for Rochester, Minn. He expects to spend several days in studying in a hospital which is located there.

Thomas Kozel who has been living in Arizona for the past two years is expected home in a few days, for a visit with relatives in Fort Dodge.

After a visit at the J.W. Beck home in this city, Mrs. A.J. Hanson has returned to her home in Thor. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Beck.

Mrs. Augusta Hill has gone to Grinnell to attend the commencement exercises of Iowa college, from which her daughter, Miss Ina Hill, graduates this year.

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County Jail Inmate Ill With Appendicitis

   Posted by: admin    in Disease, Hospital

The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 3, 1907

County Jail Inmate Ill With Appendicitis

Has Been Confined to General Hospital But Has Improved and Will be Returned to Jail

Andrew Swadling, who was sentenced to serve six months int he county jail for the theft of a couple of rings and a few small articles from a room in the Union house last fall, has been confined at the general hospital for a few days, suffering from an attack of appendicitis. He is under the care of County Physician Mulroney.

His attack was very acute and for a time it was considered an operation was necessary but this was objected to so strongly by the prisoner he was given other treatment and has now so far recovered as to be able to return to the county jail, to which place he will be brought back within the next couple of days to complete his sentence.

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Physicians Equip Common Laboratory

   Posted by: admin    in Medical matters

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 6, 1905

Physicians Equip Common Laboratory

The Doctors in the Oleson Block Will Have a Laboratory for Themselves.

The Project is  New One

Four Physicians Are Working Together in Equipping This Labratory (sic), Which Will Be in The Back Room On The Second Floor.

The physicians in the Oleson block have adopted a novel plan, by which they will all be able to progress in their work in medical science. There are four physicians in this block besides Dr. Carver, who is a specialist, and the four men will jointly equip one of the rooms in this block for a labratory, which they can all use. Thus all will have the advantage of a well equipped labratory, and at a less expense, than if each had to equip his own.

The men have been talking of this plan for some time, but have been unable to get a room until this week. J.N. Millker, who has had his office, and that of the Fort Dodge Clay Works located here, today moved his fixtures to the office of J.M. Kincaid in the Messenger building. This leaves his large office room vacant.

Dr. Charles N. Mulroney will take this office and add it to his office suite, while he will give up the room he formerly used as his private office, for the use of a labratory for all the physicians. The new office is much larger than his former private office, and it will enable him to better handle his work, wh ile the former office will be sufficiently large for the labratory.

The labratory will be fitted up in the near future, but as Dr. Churchill, one of the prime movers in the new venture is out of the city this week, it will probably not be fitted up until next week. The project is a new one but will aid all the physicians in their work, as they will gain the help of the other men.

(Editor’s note: The word laboratory is misspelled labratory consistently throughout, but I only noted it once.)

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What They Say

   Posted by: admin    in Town Topics, weather

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 17, 1906

What They Say

“One would think that the hotel man always sees new faces and deals with an every changing crowd. As a matter of fact it is practically the same old crowd all the time. The same persons, especially among those that are on the road are to be seen every few weeks. One soon gets to know everybody that travels much and it soon gets so the faces are all familiar.”

-J.L. Johnson

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“I believe Fort Dodge will do its record on holiday business up this year. I never saw such a crowd here before as there was last Saturday. Next Saturday, of course will be the big day of all.”

-N.E. Hanson

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“I well remember one Christmas many years ago when I was a small boy and just like this year there had been no snow. I kept wanting a sled but was afraid it wouldn’t snow so I could use it. Christmas eve it snowed and Christmas morning I got my sled. My small boy happiness was just about complete.”

-Wm. Mulroney

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What They Say

   Posted by: admin    in Market Gossip

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 14, 1906

What They Say

“A white Christmas would make trade better for everybody. Unless snow comes it will hardly seem like Christmas at all and if the streets and ground are bare of snow it is certain the merchants will have less trade than if a good covering of white would come.”

-William Mulroney.

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“All of the business men along the street are wishing for a fall of snow this week. They think the holiday trade will be heavier if there is snow on the ground. At any rate sales on boy’s sleds will be light if the snow doesn’t come.”

-S.A. Smith

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I was out to Storm Lake this week ice-boating. it’s great sport. Got skating and all the other winter sports beat a whole city block. We  went a distance of two miles in four minutes once, and some other records almost as good.”

-George Somers

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“If there is one person who ought to write plainly, it is a doctor. It is so easy to make a mistake in reading illegible writing, and because of the similarity of the scientific names of the various drugs and compounds, the prescription clerk is as liable to read one thing as the other, if the writing is not plain and readable. I know one physician in the city who writes his prescriptions on a typewriter, which is an excellent way, and sure to make mistakes in reading impossible.

-Dr. H.G. Ristine

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Gladys Powell Burned to Death

   Posted by: admin    in Accident, Death

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: Sept. 23, 1910

Gladys Powell Burned to Death

Young Girl Meets With Fatal Accident On Thursday Evening

Fell Down Cellar Stairs While Carrying Lamp

Clothing Was Completely Burned From Her Body and Death Resulted Seven Hours Later

Miss Gladys Powell, aged between sixteen and seventeen years, and who resided at 326 South Fifth street, received burns on Thursday evening about seven o’clock which resulted in her death at St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital about seven hours later.

Fell Down Cellar Stairs

The family were eating their evening meal in their  home when the daughter had occasion to visit the cellar, carrying a kerosene lamp to light her way. In some unaccountable manner she tripped and fell, and her clothing was set on fire from the lamp, according to members of the city fire department who made an investigation of the case. the mother rushed to the assistance of the young woman and was herself painfully burned about the arms and face, while attempting to rescue the young woman.

Clothing Burned Off

The young lady was gowned in light fabrics and for this reason the flames took rapid hold, all her clothing being burned from her body, with the exception of about one inch of one stocking and her entire body with the exception of the waist, which was given some protection by the corset, was one immense blister as a result of the burns.

An alarm of fire was turned in from Box 43, and the central fire department responded in record time. The emergency case carried on the fire wagon was pressed into service and Chief Trusty did all in his power to relieve the suffering of the young lady until two physicians who had been summoned had arrived. The physicians gave additional needed medical attention and the young woman whom it as seen was fatally burned, and mother who was painfully burned, were then taken to St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital. The young woman passed away about one o’clock this morning as a result of her burns, and while the mother will be confined at the hospital for some time it is not believed she will suffer permanent disfigurement.

Although the accident was of the most serious nature, and resulted fatally to Miss Gladys Powell, the house was not damaged in the least, and members of the fire department for this reason were able to give all of their attention to the relieving of the suffering of the young woman until the arrival of the physicians. Chief Trusty speaks in the highest terms of praise of the emergency case which has been prepared for the city fire department by Dr. C.H. Mulroney, city health officer, and which is carried at all times on the h ose wagon sent out from the central fire station.

No Inquest Necessary

Coroner J.D. Lowry stated this afternoon it would not be necessary to hold an inquest to inquire into the death of the  young woman.

(Editor’s note: Besides the sensational nature of this article, with graphic details about the extent of the young woman’s injuries, I did see something quite interesting. It mentions an emergency case prepared by the city’s health officer, Dr. Mulroney. It sounds like an early version of what paramedics take out on calls.)

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County Doctors are Organized

   Posted by: admin    in Medical matters, Organizations, People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 15, 1903

County Doctors are Organized

First Regular Meeting of the Webster County Medical Association is Held Tuesday.

Society to Meet Quarterly.

Next Session Will Be Held First Tuesday in September – Board of Censors Appointed and Other Business Transacted – Officers of Association.

The fifth regular meeting of the Webster County Medical association was held in the coroner’s office in the court house Tuesday afternoon. the purpose of the session was to compete the organization of the society which was formed a few weeks ago. Among other business transacted it was decided to hold quarterly meetings, the date of the next session being the first Tuesday in September.

The following were appointed a board of censors:

Dr. H.G. Ristine, Fort Dodge.
Dr. C.H. Mulroney, Fort Dodge.
Dr. G.C. Riordan, Barnum.

It will be the duty of this board to determine who is eligible for membership into the society and to investigate any alleged unprofessional conduct on the part of the members. As recently stated in the Messenger, every county organization in the state are units of the Iowa State Medical society, according to the provisions embodied in the constitution of the American Medical association of New Orleans a few months ago, and those attached to the constitution of the Iowa State Medical Society when that body met in Sioux City and a county society membership is necessary to obtain admission into the state organization.

The Webster County Medical association has a membership of twenty-two, the basis on which it was organized, providing for membership from all schools of medicine, including all licensed physicians who admit that they do not practice religion or faith as a healing power for disease.

The following are the officers of the association:

President, Dr. Robert Evans, Fort Dodge.
Vice President, Dr. E.O. Evans, Gowrie.
Secretary, Dr. W.W. Bowen, Fort Dodge.
Treasurer, Dr. F.B. Olney, Fort Dodge.

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