The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 8, 1907
Marriage License is Granted Kalo Couple
Bride Was Probably the Youngest Ever License in Webster County, Being But Fourteen
Deputy County Clerk Lindquist has broken the record in the issuing of marriage licenses in several different ways, but this afternoon when he was called upon to issue a license to William B. Laughlin of Kalo to wed Annie May Raner of the same village, he smashed the record to small bits.
The groom confessed to having seen twenty-four winters while the bride’s age was given at fourteen. Accompanying the application for the license was a permit from the parents of the girl in which their willingness was expressed that she sould (sic) marry the young man, and the license was accordingly issued. She is probably one of the youngest brides ever licensed to wed in Webster county.
Tags: 1907, Laughlin, Lindquist, Raner
The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 5, 1907
Glorious Fourth Passed Quietly
Majority of Fort Dodge Citizens Spent Day in Cooling Shade of Nearby Woods
The glorious Fourth passed off very quietly in Fort Dodge, and during the afternoon there were fewer people to be seen on the streets than on a Sunday. During the morning hours there was considerable celebrating, but by noon the greater number of the people had sought the cooling shade of the nearby woods.
The majority of the people who left the city celebrated the day at Manson and Lehigh, both receiving large delegations, all of whom report a very pleasant time. No accidents incident to the day occurred in any of the towns in this section of the state. The banks of the Des Moines and the Lizard were well lined with fishermen, although the water was exceedingly muddy as a result of the heavy rain the night preceding.
All of the merchants in the city except the druggists, cigar dealers and news dealers closed their places all day long, the dealers in ice cream were entirely sold out of the commodity before night. All in all the day was passed very quietly and pleasantly by the people of this city, there being not even the usual minor accidents reported to mar the pleasures of the day, barring the sad drowning of Carl Intermill during the early part of the morning.
Tags: 1907, Independence Day, Intermill
The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 5, 1907
(Editor’s note: The newspapers did not publish on holidays or Sundays during the early days of Fort Dodge, so we must use a July 5 article to show what happened on July 4.)
German Lutheran Picnic Enjoyable
The German Lutheran annual picnic at Oleson park the Fourth was one of the largest attended and most successful in the past few years. There was amusement for everybody and all day long games, races, contest and other features were indulged in. Clerks at the refreshment stands were occupied every minute waiting upon the people. A picnic dinner was served at noon, the members of the church bringing lunch baskets well filled with good things to eat. It was an enjoyable event for many and one long remembered.
Tags: 1907, Independence Day
The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 5, 1907
(Editor’s note: The newspapers did not publish on holidays or Sundays during the early days of Fort Dodge, so we must use a July 5 article to show what happened on July 4.)
Successful Picnic Held The Fourth
The members of the German Evangelical Sunday school and church held the most successful picnic of years in the woods north of the city Thursday. The fun started early and at the noon hour all enjoyed a grand picnic dinner. In the afternoon games and races of all kinds were enjoyed by both old and young. Everybody present voted it the best picnic held by the church for years. The attendance was large and all present entered into the spirit of the occasion. The success financially exceeded the expectations of all and the society was enriched to the amount of about ninety dollars (about $2,079 today).
Tags: 1907, Independence Day
The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 3, 1907
County Jail Inmate Ill With Appendicitis
Has Been Confined to General Hospital But Has Improved and Will be Returned to Jail
Andrew Swadling, who was sentenced to serve six months int he county jail for the theft of a couple of rings and a few small articles from a room in the Union house last fall, has been confined at the general hospital for a few days, suffering from an attack of appendicitis. He is under the care of County Physician Mulroney.
His attack was very acute and for a time it was considered an operation was necessary but this was objected to so strongly by the prisoner he was given other treatment and has now so far recovered as to be able to return to the county jail, to which place he will be brought back within the next couple of days to complete his sentence.
Tags: 1907, Mulroney, Swadling
The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 3, 1907
Scrappers Released From County Jail
Butler and Stubbs Become Good Friends This Morning and Ordered to Leave County at Once
George Stubbs and his uncle, Jud Butler, who were (t)aken in charge Tuesday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Woolsey, for fighting in the road near the Adams farm, were kept in the county jail overnight and were chased shortly before dinner today.
Both of the men suffered severely from their wounds but during the time they were confined in the county jail affected a reconciliation and became the best of friends. Their wives appeared at the sheriff’s office this morning and offered to get them outside the county in the shortest possible time if they were allowed their freedom and as neither of the men would file information against the other this was believed to be the best thing to do, hence they were released
Tags: 1907, Butler, Stubbs, Woolsey
Posted by: admin in Death
The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 2, 1907
Letter Tells of Sad Drowning
Miss Nellie Boland Receives Communication Telling How Brother Lost His Life
Miss Nellie Boland is in receipt of a letter from B.F. Spry, one of the fellow workmen of Miss Boland’s brother, James Boland, who was drowned in Little Beaver creek, North Dakota, June 22.
The letter gives a clear account of the result of a flood or cloud burst the result of a flood or cloud burst which descended on the camp about 8 o’clock that evening. It seems the camp was situated on low ground and the water came with such a rush that they were entirely cut off from high land. The men in the camp all worked with all their strength to save the camp but to no avail.
They waded in water four or five feet in depth, their heavy clothing making it impossible to swim in the strong current. Many of the men had narrow escapes and the escape of (M)ichael Quinlan was almost miraculous. James Boland and Patrick Quinlan were the two unfortunate ones to meet death. The bodies were easily recovered and were tenderly laid to rest the following day. Mr. Spry writes that Michael Qu8inlan will bring the bodies of Mr. Boland and his brother to this city in October where they can be laid in the family burying grounds.
James Boland was born in 1882 and was the youngest of a family of eight children. Much sympathy is being extended the relatives here by their many friends. Expressions of sorrow and regret have been offered to the bereaved family which has helped them bear their loss with a greater fortitude.
Tags: 1907, Boland, Quinlan, Spry
The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 1, 1907
Historical Society to Hold Annual Meeting
Annual Reports Will be Made by Officers and Paper on Pioneer Life Read by Mrs. J.F. Duncombe
The Webster County Historical Society will hold their annual meeting at the Library association rooms at 8 o’clock Tuesday evening, July 9. Annual reports will be heard from the President, Mrs. J.P. Dolliver; from the secretary and treasurer, Mrs. C.B. Hepler, and curator, H.M. Pratt. The rest of the program will consist of a report of the state historical meeting at Iowa City in April to which Curator H.M. Pratt was a delegate.
Mrs. John F. Duncombe will give a paper on early reminiscences of Fort Dodge and several historical documents will be read.
Election of officers will take place at this meeting. It is also planned to have a few musical numbers.
The members of the society and all others interested in the work are cordially invited to be present.
Tags: 1907, Dolliver, Duncombe, Hepler, Pratt
The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 1, 1907
Automobile Driver is Assessed Second Fine
I.R. Campbell, Fined for Exceeding Speed Limit, Will Carry Case to District Court
I.R. Campbell, of the Campbell Automobile Co., was fined $25 (about $577 today) this morning by Mayor Duncombe on charges of exceeding the city speed limit on Saturday and Sunday evenings. He was also unfortunate enough to run over another dog, as on the former time he was fined for driving his puff wagon too fast.
Mr. Campbell refused to plead to the charge and the fine was assessed upon the complaint of the officers and without the taking of further evidence, although Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher were present in the court room to testify against him. He maintained he was not running at 25 to 30 miles an hour as reported by the officers, and not even going faster than the city ordinance allows, and for this reason will carry the case to the district court.
Tags: 1907, Campbell, Duncombe, Fisher
The Messenger: March 27, 1907
Passed Bogus Check
S.R. Crego Arrested by Manager Duncombe House This Afternoon – The Monday not Found.
Man giving his name as S.R. Crego and residence as Cresco was arrested this afternoon by the polnce (sic)on complaint of the manager of the Duncombe House where he was stopping on the charge that he had obtained $50 ($1.155 today) under false pretenses. Crego is not an entire stranger to the manager and when he presented a sight draft on the Cresco bank and asked him to endorse it, it was done. Shortly after he learned that he had attempted to get a check cashed at the Fessler clothing store for $15 ($346) in payment for a hat and this raised a suspicion in the mind of the landlord who at once took steps to learn the validity of the draft cashed only to find that he had been duped.
He lost no time in looking up his man and at once had him taken into custody. He had acquired something of a load of “wealthy water” in the meantime and when arrested at the city hall had in his possession besides several bottles of dope and poison, a partially filled bottle of common booze. Although officer Grant made a careful search he failed to find the fifty. He did find, however, pinned to his vest, a private detective star, although the prisoner was unable to give any reasonable explanation as to how he came in possession or by what authority he was wearing it. He was placed in the city bastile (sic) until his brain cleared sufficiently to enable him to give some explanation of his actions.
Tags: 1907, Crego, Fessler, Grant