Posts Tagged ‘Olson’


Horse Thieves are at Work

   Posted by: admin    in Gowrie, Harcourt, theft

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 14, 1904

Horse Thieves are at Work

Farmer Living Near Gowrie Loses a Horse Friday – Scheriff (sic) and Police Notified

Peter Olson, a farmer living between Harcourt and Gowrie, is mourning over the loss of a horse which was stolen from his farm Friday night. The animal is described black with star on forehead, weighs 1,450 pounds, and is four years five months old.

The horse was taken from the Olson farm some time late Friday afternoon or evening. It was through possible that the person or persons in whose possession the animal now is came in the direction of this city. Sheriff Henry Olson was notified this morning and is offering a reward of $50 for the apprehension of the thief or thieves.

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Another Chapter in Anderson Case

   Posted by: admin    in Lawsuits

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Feb. 11, 1903

Another Chapter in Anderson Case

Supreme Court Dismisses Appeal on Account of Anderson’s Marriage to Plaintiff

$10,000 Judgment Still Stands

Anderson Appears to Have Got Him a Wife to No Purpose in Evading Judgment

John Anderson in marrying Sophia Olson got him a wife and also secured the affirmation of the judgment against him. This would appear by a decision of the supreme court, announcement of which was received here today, decides that there is no appeal now before the court, inasmuch as plaintiff and defendant have married, thus leaving the judgment still standing against Anderson.

Last week, Healy & Healy, the attorneys for the plaintiff, she who was Mrs. Olson and is now Mrs. Anderson, filed a motion showing Anderson’s marriage to the plaintiff and suggesting the dismissal of the case by the reason of the disability of Anderson, as husband to further prosecute the appeal as against his wife. The motion to dismiss the appeal was sustained by the supreme court, which has the effect of confirming the $10,000 judgment. The case now stands as though no appeal had been made.

The plaintiff’s attorneys have an attachment against hte land which was sold to satisfy the judgment, for fees. The case will come up at the March term of court.

The net result of Anderson’s attempt to defeat the lein (sic) for attorneys’ fees seems to have been to have the whole judgment against him affirmed. Instead of his marriage effecting his purpose, it has resulted in depriving him of whatsoever chance he had in his appeal, as the judgment is now in force and effect to the sum of $10,000.

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Marriage Ends Sensational Suit

   Posted by: admin    in Lawsuits, Marriage

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Feb. 2, 1903

Marriage Ends Sensational Suit

S.J. Anderson and Mrs. Sophia Olson Decide to Kiss and Make Up

Ends Breach of Promise Case

Marriage Ceremony Was Performed at 11 O’clock on Saturday Night. Last Chapter

Sven J. Anderson and Mrs. Sophia Olson were united in the bonds of matrimony on Saturday night, in the neighborhood of 11 o’clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G.W. Pratt, of the Methodist church at the home of the bride, 215 Second avenue south.

The mere statement that she who was Mrs. Sophia Olson is now Mrs. S.J. Anderson does not convey the full significance of the action. It means also that the oil has been poured upon the troubled waters of litigation, that suits and counter suits are now things of the past; in a word that one of ht emost sensational breach of promise cases ever tried in Webster county, has practically been disposed of.

They who are not Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Anderson have been much in the public eye for the past week or so. Last week their case was submitted to the supreme court in Des Moines, Anderson praying for a reversal of the judgment. Last Saturday, the couple showed up again at the capital city. They wanted to get married, and they went to Chief Justice Bishop, of the supreme court, and told him so, adding that the head of the court was the chosen one to make them man and wife.

Chief Justice Bishop balked at the responsibility. The Des Moines Register and Leader tells what happened as follows:

“Judge Bishop refused to perform the ceremony, his principal reason being that Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Olson wanted to file with the court as a part of the marriage Freemon a statement and stipulation regarding the suit now pending which would probably have the effect of cutting Senator Thomas D. Healy and M.F. Healy, attorneys for Mrs. Olson, out of their fees.

“Mr. Anderson, who is aged 53, and Mrs. Olson, who is 34, first made their appearance at the office of the county clerk where they secured a marriage license. Then they betook themselves to the supreme court and hunted up the chief justice. Judge Bishop advised them to confer with an attorney, and said in view of the importance of the damage suit that was on he thought it ws improper for him to unite them in marriage.”

Disappointed in their hope of being married by so exalted a personage as a chief justice, Anderson and his bride to be, returned to Fort Dodge on Saturday evening. County Clerk Colby had left his office, but was corralled and brought back and issued a license empowering the two to enter into the state of matrimony which they did without delay.

The marriage return, made out in proper form and testifying to the fact that S.J. Anderson and Sophia Olson were married on January 31, is now on file at the office of the county clerk.

Mrs. Sophia Olson sued Anderson for breach of promise and got a judgement of $10,000 ($239,495 today) a year ago last summer. Anderson’s farm was attached for the judgment, and Mrs. Anderson bought it on sheriff’s sale. Only a few weeks ago, a new development appeared in the case when Healy & Healy, who were the attorneys for Mrs. Olson, now Mrs. Anderson, brought suit to recover the attorney’s fees alleged due them thru their petition.

The bringing of the appeal before the supreme court, and the marriage on Saturday night, practically closed the episode.

T.D. Healy, one of the attorneys for the erstwhile Mrs. Olson, stated this morning that the marriage would in n o way effect the collection of the attorneys’ fees.

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Daring Safe Crackers Appear in Vincent

   Posted by: admin    in Crime, Vincent

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 23, 1903

Daring Safe Crackers Appear in Vincent

Two of Three Doors of Safe in Vincent Bank Were Blown Off With Dynamite Early This Morning

Bank robbers very nearly succeeded in cracking the safe of the Vincent bank, T.M. Anderson president, early this morning. One of the three doors of the safe was blown off with dynamite, with such violence that it was blown up to the ceiling, knocking off a big piece of plaster. The second door had almost yielded to the assaults made upon it.

Had it not been for the opportune arrival of three Vincent boys, who were returning home after an evening spent in the country the robbers would have been successful in their attempt. The safe contained a considerable sum of money.

The robbers secured entrance to the bank by prying open a window on the west side of the building. When they left, they went out thru the front door, which was left open. They were keeping a guard outside the bank. It is supposed that others were inside. The robbers are supposed to have driven away in a wagon, to which was hitched a team, one horse of which was gray, the other a bay.

Wilfred Harding, Oliver Lear, and Charlie Wells were returning from a farewell party at the Shriver home, in the country, one mile south of Vincent, at about three o’clock this morning. They walked in from the Shriver place, and as they entered the town, were surprised to seen (sic) a team and wagon hitched by the Catholic church of Vincent. going a little farther, they saw two men standing by the corner of the Vincent bank. As soon as the men saw the boys, there was a hurried movement, and almost immediately two shots rang out u pon the still night air, and brought slumbering Vincent out of bed with a jump. It is supposed that the shots were fired, both to warn the robbers inside the bank and to frighten the boys. The latter motive succeeded admirably. The boys ran to the Vincent hotel and aroused Landlord Sillabee, who grabbed his trusty rifle and fired an alarm of three more shots.

By this time Vincent was thoroughly awake to the fact that something was wrong. Mr. Woolsey, a leading Vincent merchant, was one of the first to hurry into his clothes and rush down town. By the time he appeared on the scene, however the birds had flown, leaving the bank door swinging wide behind them. A glance at the bank’s interior showed that the safe crackers had been interrupted just in the nick of time. A few more moments and the contents of the safe would have been in the hands of the robbers.

The work was apparently done by men who were not very familiar with their work, as was shown by the force of the charge, which blew one of the massive safe doors almost thru the roof of the bank building. The explosion of the dynamite was heard by several Vincent people, but none at first associated the reports with an attempt on the bank. The appearance of the bank, showed how hurried had been the departure of the robbers, when once their presence was discovered. Their candles and all their tools were left scattered over the floor, making it evident that they had stood not upon the order of their going. Two crow bars had been taken by the safe crackers form the Vincent Power house, and Proffenburger’s blacksmith shop had also been entered and his tools pressed into service. All these had been abandoned by the robbers in their hasty flight.

Sheriff Olson was notified of the robbery this morning but has not much to work on. The three boys who first discovered the robbery were so badly scared that they are able to give no description of the two men whom they saw standing by the bank. All the sheriff knows is that the robbers are supposed to be connected with a team, of which one horse is a bay and the other a gray. Telephone messages have been sent all over the country, and every effort will be made to apprehend the robbers. The attempt was one of the most daring, nad also one of hte most nearly successful ever made in Webster county.

T.M. Anderson, president of the Vincent bank, stated over the telephone this morning that the bank safe contained $2,400 ($57,479 today) at the time when the safe crackers were tinkering about the outside. The robbers, he said, did not get quite thru the second door, but the outer or fire door was entirely demolished.

In the bank, beside the tools were found a can of dynamite, a bottle of nitroglycerine, and the soap and cotten (sic) used by the robbers in preparing their charges.

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New Officers Take The Oath

   Posted by: admin    in County supervisors

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 4, 1904

New Officers Take The Oath

Successful Candidates in Recent County and Township Elections, Take Office.

Supervisors are in Session

Treasurer Ryan Appoints Assistant Depuey (sic) – Sheriff Selects Woolsey.

County treasurer, sheriff, surveyor, coroner and county superintendent of schools, two supervisors and township officers to fill vacancies took the oath of office today. The county officers are:

Treasurer – J.T. Ryan.
Sheriff – Henry Olson.
Surveyor – C.H. Reynolds.
Coroner – A.H. McCreight.
Superintendent – A.L. Brown.

The supervisors are:

First district – A.F. Simpson of Duncombe to succeed himself.
Second district – P.H. Cain of Clare, to succeed J.T. Ryan.

Treasurer J.T. Ryan today appointed O.F. Weiss, assistant deputy. No appointment was filled for deputy treasurer although it is known that E.H. Cox will be appointed to that office. Clark Woolsey has been appointed deputy sheriff to succeed himself.

By acclamation Swan Johnson, of Dayton, was appointed chairman to succeed A.F. Simpson. The board is now engaged in settling with the former treasurer, J.A. Lindquist. The following program has been made out by the board:

Tuesday, January 12.
Appointment of court house janitors, county physicians and official newspapers and book binders.

Wednesday January 13
Annual inspection of poor farm.

Thursday, January 14
Ditches, roads and bridges and appointment of commissioner of poor and over-seer of poor farm.

The standing committees for the year are:

Claims – Cain and Hilstrom.
Settlement with county officers – Collins and Simpson.
Roads – Simpson and Johnson.

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Prisoners Look For Their Comfort

   Posted by: admin    in Court matters

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 4, 1903

Prisoners Look For Their Comfort

Occupants of Webster County Jail Believe in Having an Easy Time.

They Ask For Conveniences

System of Signals by Which They Can Call Sheriff at any Time.

One ring – Cold water.
Two rings – Hot water.
Three rings – Papers, books, etc.
Four rings – Sick call.
Five rings – Emergency call.

Sheriff Olson is now “bell hop” in his (one full line of text is obscured) at the southeast corner of Central avenue and Seventh street, upstairs, in appointment, puts to shame many so called hoselries that demand at least $2 per day (about $48 today).

Modern in every detail; equipped with all the modern conveniences, the best of light and ventilation, and above all, assuring absolute safety for its occupants – probably if the “guests” were asked they would say a little too safe – the establishment presided over by Sheriff Olson is above the standard.

Webster county prisoners have their own opinions as to their rights and they are by no means backward in making expression of the same. While not exactly basing their theories on the belief that the world owes them a living, the occupants of the top floor of the court house maintain that while they are the enforced guests of the county, the aforesaid county shall provide for their comfort. The new jail is one of the best in the state and is modern in every detail, but its occupants have discovered some shortcomings. At the recent meeting of the board of supervisors they petitioned that body to install a system of signals in the jail by which the prisoners may make known their wants to the sheriff, whose residence is on the same floor, but situation on the east side of the building, and practically out of hearing from the jail, which occupies the west side of the building.

The petition was granted and now the sheriff’s residence and the jail are connected in the same manner as are the rooms of a hotel with the clerk’s desk on the main floor. There is no other way out of it. The sheriff, who is his own jailer, must respond when he is called. One ring of the electric bell means that some prisoner had decided his convenience would be furthered if he had a little cold water. Two rings means that the water must be hot, and when the bell goes bur-r-r-r three times a little reading matter is desired. Four and five rings are sick call. For ordinary cases the bell is rung four time. Five rings means that something serious is the matter and the attention of the sheriff is desired at once.

This method of ringing the sheriff will probably be found most convenient at times when the prisoners are locked in their cells and are unable to do for themselves. The occupants of the jail find the new system of no little convenience and use it to advantage.

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Sheriff Lund After Wife Deserter

   Posted by: admin    in Divorce

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: Sept. 2, 1910

Sheriff Lund After Wife Deserter

Hiram Dillingham Under Arrest at Roseau, Minn., and Will be Brought Here for Trial.

Sheriff Rasmus S. Lund left the city at midnight Thursday night for Roseau, Minn., in response to a telegram from Sheriff Edward T. Olson that he had in custody Hiram Dillingham wanted in Webster county on a charge of wife desertion. It is expected Sheriff Lund and his prisoner will return to the city about Tuesday or Wednesday, Roseau being an out of the way town on a branch line running out from St. Paul, and the railroad connections being very limited.

Dillingham was formerly a drainage contractor in Webster county, and some months ago it is alleged he brought his wife to the city and left her, telling her she need not return to the boarding camp he was conducting in connection with his drainage work. Recently Mrs. Dillingham filed suit in the district court for divorce, alleging infidelity as a cause, and naming a local woman as corespondent.

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Vincent Saloons May be Enjoined

   Posted by: admin    in Business, Court matters, Vincent

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 1, 1903

Vincent Saloons May be Enjoined

Application for Injunction Will Be Argued Before Judge Evans on July 3

Petitions Are Placed On File

Action is Brought Against Two Saloons of Vincent on Claim That They Have Been Operated Contrary to Provisions of Mulct Law.

Applications for injunctions to close the two saloons which are now in operation in Vincent will be argued before Judge Evans in Hampton on Friday, July 3. Notice to this effect was served on the proprietors of these saloons on friday and petitions reciting the causes upon which the plaintiffs base their action have been filed in the office of the county clerk.

The injunctions, if granted by Judge Evans, will have the effect of making Vincent a dry town, as these two saloons are the only ones operating there.

The plaintiffs allege thru their petitions that the two saloons have violated the provisions of the mulct law, which governs the sale of liquor in the state of Iowa, in several particulars, and ask that the court shall enjoin them from operating their saloons in Vincent on the ground of abating a nuisance.

The two saloons against which this action is directed, are owned by Olson and Thompson, and by Colby Brothers & Company. E.S. Benjamin appears as paintiff (sic) on one petition, and Mr. Benjamin and J. Wadson on the other.

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   Posted by: admin    in Badger, People, Society news, Thor

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 11, 1905


Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Houge were pleasantly surprised by a number of friends last Thursday afternoon in honor of the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding day.

Miss Susan Evanson came home from Highland Park for a few days vacation.

Word reaches us of the marriage of Carl Houge at Edgeley, N. Dakota, to a young lady of that place. The community extends congratulations.

Ellen Chantland entertained the Y.L. Aid Society last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. N.O. Nelson of Humboldt came down to attend the surprise on Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Houge.

Mrs. Myrtle and children left for their new home in Minn., last Saturday night. We wish them success in their new home.

Mrs. Oscar Olson is enjoying a visit from her friend Georgina Lund of Thor.

There will be a dance at Badger hall on May 17.

Henry Erickson now sports a brand new buggy.

Thor and Badger crossed bats last Sunday. It resulted that they had to have it abandoned on account of the rain.

Mrs. Myhre and children left for their future home in Nyfolden, Minnesota last week.

Mary Kelley resumed her duties again after a few days the forepart of last week, to attend the wedding of her sister Anna Kelley to Mike Flattery. Anna Kelley has been one of our most efficient teachers in this district, so we wish her success in her matrimonial venture.

(Editor’s note: Mrs. Myrtle and Mrs. Myhre are no doubt the same person, but I’m not sure which spelling is correct. It’s not the first time I have seen a news item repeated in this fashion.)

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An Experience in a Balky Elevator

   Posted by: admin    in People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 7, 1904

An Experience in a Balky Elevator

Two Women Try to Descend in Court House Elevator – Trip Takes an Hour

Stops Between Two Floors

Elevator Will Neither Go Up Nor down – See No Humor in Situation

Compelled to stand in an elevator that balked between the first and second floors and positively refused to either go up or down, their calls for assistance unanswered and their utmost efforts to either operate the machine or to devise a means of escape from the trap in which they found themselves, was the unpleasant experience of Mrs. Henry Olson, wife of Sheriff Olson, and her visitor, Mrs. Frank Clark, a few days ago.

The story, which declined to be suppressed, can be seen in a humorous light by persons to whom it is told, but to the two women who were caged in the elevator for what to them seemed like an infinite time, there is no humor attacked (sic) to it. Although the situation was devoid of danger, it was extremely exasperating and not in the least laughable to them.

There are two elevators in the court house. One leads from the sheriff’s office to the top floor and is used for the conveyance of prisoners and visitors to and from the jail. The other is in the southeast corner of the building and is for the private use of the sheriff and his family, who occupy the south side of the fourth floor. It was this elevator that balked when it had descended and it occupants from the top floor to four feet above the top of the door of the first floor.

Mrs. Clark had been calling at the Olson home. She had climbed the stairs, but in leaving had been induced by Mrs. Olson to descend in the elevator. The latter operated the machine and the trip was made successfully from the fourth to the second floor and part way down to the first.

Then the elevator stopped. The elevator shaft is a cage of iron netting. The elevator itself has no doors, the entrance being closed by the side of the shaft when the car is in motion. For this reason when the electricity which furnished the motive power failed, not a single means of exit was offered to the encaged women. They called for help, but unfortunately for them the elevator is in a part of the building furtherest from the offices. It has no chairs or seats of any kind and for that reason they had to stand up.

An old man heard their calls, and inquired as to the trouble, but aside from volunteering the information that he “guessed you’ll have to stay up there,” was of no material assistance.

Finally a small boy came to the rescue and was dispatched to the office of the Light & Power company, where he reported the predicament. After some delay the power was turned on, but instead of going down the elevator ascended to the top floor. Her visitor was content to be free again and favored descending by means of the stairway, but the sheriff’s wife was determined to make the elevator obey whether it wanted to or not. The women embarked for the second time and this time made the trip successfully.

(Editor’s note: In an effort to make this easier to read, I have introduced paragraph breaks in a few logical places. The original article only had two paragraphs. I think I will continue this practice for the future for the ease of the reader.)

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