Archive for the ‘Editorial’ Category
The Fort Dodge Messenger: Feb. 21, 1907
Editorial: Fort Dodge’s Handicap
The chief handicap to progress in Fort Dodge is declared to be the difficulty of getting laborers to work in the factories. To a large extent, this labor shortage is universal in the United States, but the departure of mechanics and their families during a couple of dull years left Fort Dodge in a depleted condition in its supply of competent labor.
A Fort Dodge factory manager stated to the writer recently: “I do not see how we can continue to increase our business until conditions have adjusted themselves on the labor problem. We need apprentices in our business all the time, who, until they have been taught, cannot be paid big wages. As fast as they become useful to us we pay them according to their value. The people actually are not here to supply this kind of help and young men and women cannot afford to come here and work for a novice’s pay. Although they can soon earn their way if they have ability, not many can afford to support themselves during that period. Until there is employment guaranteed for all members of families that want work this embarrassing condition will continue. It is time that something was done to recognize this handicap.”
It is not forestalling the future too much to say that with nearly all residences in town now occupied there will be need first of all to have new modern cottages erected this summer for working men and their families. Small but convenient houses that can rent for a lower revenue than has been the custom here would do much to relieve the labor shortage.