Posts Tagged ‘Peterson’


Eight Pound Pike Captured by Hand

   Posted by: admin    in Tall tales

The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: May 3, 1915

Eight Pound Pike Captured by Hand

Brakeman Captures Fish Which Attempts Foolish Stunt in View of Passing Train.

A Fort Dodge traveling man, who returned yesterday from Minnesota, tells a true fish story which would have given Isaac Walton pointers on entirely (word missing here – new?) methods of fishing.

The train had just pulled out of Welch, Minnesota, and was traveling along the banks of the Cannon river, when the conductor, who was watching the stream, signaled the engineer to make a quick stop. Passengers looked out of the window expecting to see a Ford car on the cow catcher. Instead they saw the brakeman make a dash for the river and pick up a big fish which had fallen on the sand in an effort to work its way upstream by jumping the dam. With his prize wiggling and gasping in his hand he rushed back to the train. The fish was a pike, weighing eight pounds.

L. Williams, the brakeman, and the conductor, J. Peterson, took the pike back to the baggage room and the man from Fort Dodge overhearing them express a wish to keep the fish alive until they reached Northfield, secured a Turkish towel which he wrapped around it. Buckets of water were poured over it from time to time and the pike reached Northfield, the home of the brakeman, alive and in fine condition.

Anyone doubting the veracity of this story can write to L. Williams, Northfield, Minnesota, and have it verified.

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Wreckage in Path of Runaway Team

   Posted by: admin    in Animals

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Nov. 6, 1905

Wreckage in Path of Runaway Team

Team Belonging to Mrs. R.M. Wright Wrecks Three Conveyances in Flight

A team belonging to Mrs. R.M. Wright broke loose from their fastenings near the corner of Seventh street and Central avenue at 10:00 this morning and took a quick run down Central avenue to the park. In the flight a carriage belonging to J.C. Hoagland was tipped over and the Peterson grocery wagon received a like fate. The horses ran astraddle of a tree in the park, and their flight was stopped, but not before the buggy and harness were badly damaged. The horses had been hitched by Mrs. Wright, near her husband’s office. They began kicking at each other and in the melee the hitching strap was broken and the wild run started.

After overturning the Hoagland carriage, the vehicle of Mrs. Wright was in turn tipped over and dragged on its side.  Later the carriage righted itself and then was turned again as the Peterson wagon was struck. The runaway attracted a large crowd to the park.

The Wright carriage is badly damaged, every wheel being ruined, and the body of the rig is in bad shape. The harness likewise, is badly cut up. The Hoagland carriage, was uninjured, as Mr. Hoagland caught the horse, before it could joint (sic) the others in their wild flight. The Peterson horse was also easily captured before any damage was done.


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Miscellaneous notices

   Posted by: admin    in Miscellaneous notices, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 5, 1904

The family of Mr. and Mrs. James Kincaid, of this city, was increased on Saturday night by the arrival of a bright baby girl.

Tom Joyce, who has been suffering from an attack of pneumonia, is now regarded as on the road to recovery. His physicians this morning benefited him and it is now thought that he will recover, being so strong and robust no fear is entertained of his not making good progress from now own.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pearsons were host and hostes (sic) to a jolly Fourth of July picnic party at their home just north of the city. It was more in the nature of an old-fashioned Fourth of July. The hospitality of the host and hostess made the day one long to be rememberes. The families there were those of D.K. Lincoln, J.P. Dolliver and Geo. R. Pearsons.

Invitations are out for the wedding of Harry Emmett Peterson, of this city to Miss Ella Lorena Hanson, of Lehigh. The event will take place on the 14th of this month at high noon, at the home of the bride’s pahents (sic), in Lehigh. The groom is well known throughout the city, being one of the partners in the newly formed coal firm of Collins & Peterson. The bride is one of Lehigh’s most popular young ladies and is also well known in this city.

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Co-operative Store at Moorland

   Posted by: admin    in Business, Moorland

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 13, 1905

Co-operative Store at Moorland

Company is Incorporated at The Farmers Elevator Company of Moorland

Many Farmers are Interested

The Company Plans to Handle Every Kind of a Business That Would be Needed There – Will Operate An Elevator, a Store and Real Estate.

Articles of incorporation were filed with the County Recorder in this city this morning, incorporating “The Farmers Elevator Company of Moorland.” This company has among its stockholders all the principal business men of that place as well as many farmers of the  surrounding country.

The articles of incorporation give considerable space to the kind of business the company is to engage in. The company has among its objects the operation of a grain elevator, the running of a co-operative store, which will handle dry goods, groceries, hardware, farm implements, boots and shoes and in fact all other products ever handled by a general store and will in addition transact real estate business.

The elevator is also to be run on a very liberal basis and the company will handle grain, live stock, swine, sheep and all dairy products. The company is organized in a way to indicate that it meant to absorb all business interests in that town.

The articles of incorporation do not give the capital stock, but allows for an increase in the stock up to $25,000 while the company is to have $3,000 paid up stock in the treasury on its date of incorporation which is June 10.

The president of the company is to be Joe Fiala. The vice president is T.A. McCarville. James A. Halligan is secretary while E.J. Halligan is treasurer. The other stockholders in the ocmpany on the date of its incorporation are as follows. F.G. Cochran, E.C. Kusterer, Joe McCarville, E.S. Fiala, Joseph Stanek, B.E. Peterson, F.H. Blunck, M.J. Barrett, N.L. Ornis, and Mr. J. Frosland.

(Editor’s note: The inflation calculator gives the amount of $598,737 in 2010 dollars for the original $25,000, and $71,484 for the original $3,000.)

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Accident at the Circus Grounds

   Posted by: admin    in Accident, Entertainment, People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 19, 1906

Accident at the Circus Grounds

Seats Fall Upon Miss Ruth Peterson Prior to the Evening Performance.

Bad Accident Barely Averted

Caught in a Rush For the More Popular Places The Young Lady Was Thrown to the Ground The Seats Falling Upon Her.

During the performance of the Sells-Floto circus at Oleson park last evening an accident that might have resulted seriously for many people occurred. It was only averted by the presence of mind of those in the vicinity, all escaping but the one young lady, who, besides a badly sprained ankle, is suffering from many bruises as a result of the accident.

She is Ruth Peterson, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Peterson, residing at 1727 Fourteenth avenue south. It was during the early part of the evening, before the large crowds has assembled. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and daughter were seeking seats in the west end of the tent near the entrance from the menagerie. As they started up the tier of seats, a general rush was made for the better places, and in the hurry about them a portion of the seats were thrown to the ground, one of the supports thus weakened, slipping out of place.

In the excitement and confusion several people were thrown down from their seats, but all escaping except Miss Peterson, whose right foot was caught beneath the fallen seats and twisted in such a manner as to temporarily dislocate the bones. She was badly bruised by the fall, and for a time suffered much pain.

At the time of the accident the crowd in the tents was small, but yet large enough to cause a general rush to apparently safer quarters. That section of the seats was immediately rearranged and strengthened.

The employes (sic) of the circus came to the assistance of Miss Peterson at once, and after caring for her as best they could, arranged a property chair taken from one of the dessing (sic – should be dressing) tents in a place of advantage, where in spite of the pain suffered, she remained, seeing the circus to the finish.

Before leaving the circus grounds, however, Miss Peterson’s ankle had become twice its normal size, and she was taken to the city, where a surgeon’s aid was secured to care for the dislocation.

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Is There Firebug in Harcourt?

   Posted by: admin    in Fire, Harcourt, People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 31, 1903

Is There Firebug in Harcourt?

Events of Past Few Days Cause Strong Suspicion

Three Fires in Same Place.

Harcourt Citizens Kept Busy Fighting Fire in Haggin Drug Store – A Period of Excitement.

Harcourt, March 31 – Harcourt has this week had a narrow escape from a disastrous fire which has awakened much excitement among the citizens of this town. Last Wednesday morning about 7 o’clock the fire was discovered at the drug store. With the aid of as many citizens as could be mustered and the appliances which the town possesses the fire was quickly subdued without any damage to property.

About 10 o’clock the same day the cry was again raised, “Fire at the drug store,” and by the time sufficient aid arrived the whole building, including the restaurant building now occupied by L. Haggin and family for living room was filled with a dense smoke. About fifty men arrived at the scene, some of them fighting the fire and the rest removing the furniture from the rooms. The most valuable portion of the drug stock was also removed.

though the whole building seemed on fire, yet the citizens by heroic exertions again saved it and the fire was supposed to be out but the next morning at 3 o’clock the fire alarm was again called and the fire again put out.

How the fire started in a mystery and considerable talk of incendiarism is beaing (sic) heard, altho no cause or reason can be assigned for such a supposition. The building, a double one, two stories high, is owned by W.J. Struthers and J.E. Swanburg, Mr. Haggin, the druggist leasing the building. The furniture and drug stock are badly damaged from the effect of fighting the fire.

Had the building burned down, there is no doubt that the meat market owned by A.A. Peterson and the Wilson Brothers store would have shared the same fate as they adjoin it.

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