Archive for the ‘Kalo’ Category


Telephone Line Finished

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: Aug. 17, 1906

Telephone Line Finished

The New Selective Farm Line South of City Finished Yesterday — First of Kind Outside City

The final work in establishing the new selective farm telephone line, southeast of the city, was completed late yesterday aftrnoon (sic), by the Iowa Telephone company. It is the first line of the kind to be established out of the city by the Iowa company, and is the beginning of a series which will radiate into the country in various directions. It is a result of the work of L.A. Townsend, special solicitor for the Iowa Telephone company, out of Des Moines.

The line extends from Fort Dodge to a point between Kalo and Otho. It is strictly a party line, and is composed of two wires, with five telephones on each wire. It is what is known as the metallic circuit line, which provided for each party of it long distance telephone service. On calling into the central office in the city the service is the same as though the telephone were in Fort Dodge, with the advantage of long distance service.

The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 8, 1907

Marriage License is Granted Kalo Couple

Bride Was Probably the Youngest Ever License in Webster County, Being But Fourteen

Deputy County Clerk Lindquist has broken the record in the issuing of marriage licenses in several different ways, but this afternoon when he was called upon to issue a license to William B. Laughlin of Kalo to wed Annie May Raner of the same village, he smashed the record to small bits.

The groom confessed to having seen twenty-four winters while the bride’s age was given at fourteen. Accompanying the application for the license was a permit from the parents of the girl in which their willingness was expressed that she sould (sic) marry the young man, and the license was accordingly issued. She is probably one of the youngest brides ever licensed to wed in Webster county.


Ellson Funeral to be Held Monday

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 7, 1906

Ellson Funeral to be Held Monday

Services at Home of Deceased’s Daughter Mrs. H.A. Jahn in the City

Interment Made at Pomeroy

The Eighteen Month’s Old Child of Mr. and Mrs. John White of Kalo Dies – The Funeral Will be Held Some Time Sunday.

The funeral of the late Peter Ellson whose death occurred Friday afternoon at 1:10 o’clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H.A. Jahn, will be held from the Jahn residence on 1418 1st avenue north, Monday morning at 10:00 o’clock. The body will then be taken to Pomeroy on the noon train where a brief funeral service will be held in the Swedish church of Pomeroy, interment to be made in the Swedish cemetery.

The deceased has resided in the city for some time making his home with his daughter, Mrs. H.A. Jahn, having resided in Pomeroy previously. His death wsa not wholly unexpected as he has been in poor health for some time. Death was due to complications and old age.

The eighteen months’ old child of Mr. and Mrs. White residing at Kalo died this morning after a brief illness from a complication of measles and pneumonia. The funeral will be held Sunday.


Message From Dead Found in Bottle

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 7, 1904

Message From Dead Found in Bottle

 Boys Fish Out the Bottle as it is Floating in the River Near Kalo.

“Matt McDermott, Clare, Iowa. Tired of living, will seek a watery grave.”

This message was found enclosed in a tightly corked bottle by some small boys at Kalo. While playing near the river they noticed the bottle floating near the shore and fished it out with a pole.

Matt McDermott, a young farmer living near Clare, disappeared last summer and if the note in the botle (sic) proves to be writen (sic) by him it is the first real clue discovered as to his possible fate. McDermott drove to Fort Dodge one Saturday. He put his team in a livery stable and was seen at several places until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. He is supposed to have been seen later in the day but conclusive evidence to that effect has never been produced and the same holds in regard to his being seen near the public square the following morning. Many rumors were afloat for a time, but after the first three hours he spent in the city that afternoon he had disappeared almost as completely as if the earth had opened and swallowed him. Suicide was the theory for his disappearance, but the authorities and many of the missing man’s friends were not wont to disbelieve the theory that he is still living. McDermott had been inclined to be morose for a year or so preceding his disappearance and various troubles are assigned as the causes for his wishing to suddenly disappear.

A brother of the missing man living at Clare was notified of the discovery and immediately went to Kalo. He identified the handwriting as that of his brother and feels certain it is not a deceit. The only unusual feature of the note is the fact that it was signed Matt McDermott. His brother’s usual way of signing was his initials only.

The discovery has created considerable excitement in Kalo, but no search has yet been made for the body.

It is quite likely, if the missing man did take his life in this was he threw himself into the Des Moines at a point not far from this city and there is no way of accurately judging how far the body may have drifted since the deed was done.


City News

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The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: Sept. 23, 1910

City News

Marriage License
James B. Apland Kalo
Josie Hotek Kalo

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Divorce Suit Dropped.

The divorce suit filed by Guy Walrod against his wife, Muriel Walrod, on the grounds of desertion has been dropped by the plaintiff and stricken from the district court docket.

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Settlement is Reached

The case of George Townsend vs. Mrs. J.M. Beavers, assigned for trial at the present term of the district court, has been dismissed by the plaintiff at his cost.

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Small Judgment Given

The jury in the case of Wm. Oberton vs. J.B. Black, on trial in the district court brought in a verdict awarding the plaintiff damages in the sum of $8 as a result of the defendant’s cattle trespassing on his corn fields.

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Another Case Settled.

The case of Conrad Brown and Anna Brown vs. The Fort Dodge Brick and Tile Co., slated for trial at the present term of the district court, has been settled out of court, the defendant company paying the plaintiff the sum of $310 as a result of an accident suffered by their son.

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Jury is Excused

Wednesday evening, owing to the settlement and continuation of many cases assigned for trial in the district court during the present week, Judge C.G. Lee dismissed the petit jurors for remainder of the present week. They will report Monday afternoon at 1:30 for service during the coming week.

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Divorce Granted

Thursday afternoon Judge C.G. Lee in the district court granted a divorce to Jessie Davenport on the grounds of desertion. The number of divorces granted during the two weeks court has been in session is nearly a record breaker.

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Funeral on Saturday

The funeral of the late P. Henry Vaughan, who passed away on Wednesday evening as a result of a stroke of apoplexy suffered on Tuesday morning, will be held at 9:30 on Saturday morning from Corpus Christi, with interment in Corpus Christi cemetery. All of the members of the family of the deceased are in the city to attend the funeral.

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Paving is Delayed

The rain of Thursday called for a cessation of the paving work in the city, and this morning the employes (sic) are taking a still longer enforced vacation as a result of continued inclement weather. Up to the present time the men have been able to push their work with a pleasing degree of speed and little time has been lost through bad weather.


In Memoriam: John Walter Bennett

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 7, 1903

In Memoriam

John Walter Bennett was born in Seghill, Northumberlandshire England March 31st, 1829, and died at kalo, Ia., March 29th, 1903.

He was married at Vinegar Hill, Jo Davis county, Ill., January 7th, 1852, to Margaret Ward, who died June 14th, 1856. He was married again to Jane Anderson at Center, Lafayette county, Wisconsin, Feb. 3rd, 1858. To them were born eight children, one of whom, Robert William died in childhood. The other seven are all married, residing, Cordelia Jane Hay, at Sioux City, Walter Bennett at Pittsburg, Kansas, Mary F. Williams at Pleasant Lake, N.D., William F. Bennett, Benton, Washington, J. Wesley Bennett Kalo, Ida May Williams, West Bend, and Elizebeth E. Chilgren, of Fort Dodge. Five of these were present at the funeral.

In young manhood he lived in Pana, Ill., and Wisconsin. For the past 33 years he lived in Iowa. He settled in Kossuth county with the early pioneers and endured with his family much hardship during the grasshopper scourge. Twenty-eight years ago he came to Coalville and has lived in Kalo since 1880. Probably no man has received more of the regard and respect of the community than he. A man of great integrity, he was true to his convictions in all departments of life. No one ever thought of doubting his fidelity to what he conceived to be right.

In early life he became an active Christian. For a while he was a member of the Primitive Methodist church. But most of his life he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, to which he was greatly attached. The Methodist itinerant was always sure of a hearty welcome in his home. He was well read in the doctrines of history and policy of his church. For at least thirty years he was class leader and had special qualifications for this work.

Before his wife died and all the five years he has lived with his son, Wesley, he has been a great sufferer and suffered to the end. A good man has left the community who will be long remembered. But he has gone to his reward, for he died in the Lord.

Rev. John Cook, of Epworth, Iowa, preached the sermon from the text, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” He preached Mr. Bennett’s father’s funeral sermon 30 years ago. Rev. Cook had with him on the platform Rev. Francis Fawks, pastor of the Congregational church and Rev. Jones of the Otho Methodist church. Mr. Fawks made the opening prayer. The services were very impressive and were attended by a very large part of the community.