Archive for the ‘Military matters’ Category


Army Rations Not In It

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Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 5, 1904

Army Rations Not In It

An Old Soldier Writes of His Christmas Dinner.

Former Fort Dodge Man Tells of Good Things to Eat at Old Soldiers’ Home on Christmas.

Those veterans of the civil war who are gathered together in the home for the old soldiers at Marshalltown fared just as well or better than many who had homes of their own on Christmas day. One soldier from Fort Dodge, who is now at the home, has written to the Messenger telling of the many good things that they were served on that day, and starts his letter with “Did we have dinner Christmas at the Soldier’s home? Read the following and draw your own conclusions.”

“One hundred and twenty-three pounds of turkey; three gallons of oysters for dressing; three gallons of good gravy, forty pounds of potatoes; fifteen pounds of bread, six pounds of good butter; forty pounds of plum pudding; three gallons vanilla sauce; green pears; fourteen quarts cranberries, nine pounds of sugar; one hundred and thirty-eight oranges; one hundred and sixty-two bananas; twenty-four pounds of candy, one-third of a barrel of apples, twelve dozen doughnuts; nine pounds of cheese; one and one-half dozen pickles, fifty pounds of milk, two pounds of Mocha Coffee; one-fourth pound Formosa tea. This was in our dining room in the O.P.B. We have two good cooks in the kitchen and five good girls in the dining room. Everything is cooked and served in good style.”


Fort Dodge Boy on the Missouri

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: Nov. 8, 1904

Fort Dodge Boy on the Missouri

Charles Dunsmore, Who is in the Navy Returns to His Duties.

Has Been in Navy Three Years

Has Visited in Many Countries Since He Enlisted – Spent Summer in The Mediteranean (sic) Sea and Will Spend Winter in West Indies.

Charles Dunsmore, the Fort Dodge boy on the battleship Missouri, who has been visiting at his home in this city for the past ten days, left for Boston Saturday night where the ship is located. Dunsmore has been in the navy for three years and likes the life. He was on the Missouri last summer when the awful accident occurred in in (sic) which several of the gunners in one of the thirteen inch turrets were killed.

Since his visit to his home in this city last May, he has been with this ship in every country in southern Europe bordering on the sea. He spent some time in Greece and also visited the cities of Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal and France. He secured a few days lay off while in each of these countries, and with companions visited interesting cities.

This winter Dunsmore expects the squadron will be located in the West Indies. They have spent each winter there since he joined and he understands that orders to spend this winter there have been given. The Missouri belongs to the battleship squadron of the North Atlantic fleet. In this same squadron is the Kentucky, on which ship Robert Wolverton of this city is an electrician.

Dunsmore is an apprentice and holds as a position, the title of second gunner, on one of the eight inch guns of this ship. He says he is glad he enlisted, and thinks the experience he will get will do him good. He says that although he would not like to take up the navy as a life vocation, he still thinks that five or less years of it will help many.

One sees lots of the world while in the navy. Since Dusnmore joined he  has visited the countries of southern Europe and northern Africa and South America and the West Indies. He thinks that he will be able to get an assignment next summer to a ship that will sail in the waters of northern Europe. In this way he will be able to see Great Britain, Germany, Russia,  northern France, and the Scandinavia (sic) countries.

He said while here that he may try later to get an assignment to a ship on the Pacific squadron. This would enabe (sic) him to see the Philippines, Asia and probably other islands in the south sea. He does not want to do this until he has seen northern Europe, as when one is detailed to the Pacific squadron he is not able to return here until the time  of his enlistment is out. He says that there are many thing (sic) about the life in the navy that are reverse, as is the case in every kind of life.


Iowa Butter for Use in the Navy

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 7, 1905

Iowa Butter for Use in the Navy

Creameries of the State Will Be Called Upon For Large Amount

The Local Product May Go

Fort Dodge Company Not Yet Called upon But May Contribute Before Contract is Filled – All Must Be of the Best Quality.

Fort Dodge people may be interested in the news that Iowa will furnish nearly all the butter for the consumption of the sailors in the United States navy next year, and that possibly some of the product of this city may go to make more palatable the hard tack of the boys who uphold the nation’s honor on the blue expanse. Four hundred thousand pounds or over is needed and all the big creameries of the state will be called upon to aid in furnishing the supply. Last year much of the butter consumed on naval vessels was bought from this state, the Sioux City creamery putting most of it on the market.

This season a much larger amount will be used and creameries all over the state will aid in putting forth the required amount.

The local manufactury as yet has had no call to put forth their product for the purpose but when the time comes those in the contract may be so rushed in filling the orders that resort will be made to the butter that is made in this city.

At Clarinda the big creamery is busily engaged in making 200,000 pounds of this butter, while the Monticello creamery has a similar contract.

Butter for the navy must all be put in three-pound cans, which are hermetically sealed, placed in sawdust packed boxes and then kept in cold storage at zero temperature, until ordered shipped to some ocean port to stock an American man of war. Swift & Company, the big packers of Chicago, secured the butter contract from the navy department and then sublet the immense contract to Iowa and Kansas creameries. As soon as the butter is packed it is sent to Chicago to be kept in the big cold storage buildings of the company until it is needed by the navy.

The government requires a somewhat different butter for its navy thatn is placed on the table for a landsman. It has been found that butter to stand the long trips of the war vessels to all climates must contain a low per cent of water and a high per cent of salt, and all the navy butter is made according to this requirement. The contracting companies are required to guarantee that this butter will keep for at least three years. In order to have the best possible dairy butter, the government also requires that its navy butter be packed only in the month of June and July. It is placed in three pound hermetically sealed tin cans.

At Clarinda a new process for sealing the cans has been successfully adopted. A cement composition is placed on the edge of the can top and then the can top is crimped firmly by a machine into this cement, thus making it air tight. Other creameries have had to solder each can and at Sioux City last year, when the navy butter was put up there, a force of nearly fifty solderers alone were kept busy. The new sealing process at Clarinda requires the services of only two or three men for the same amount of work.

For this butter in cans the government pays 29 cents a pound, which with the present butter market hovering about 20 cents a pound, is expected to give a good profit to the creameries, though the packing is more expensive than that required for the ordinary marketing of butter in the United States.


Company “G” Prepare for Camp

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 28, 1905

Company “G” Prepare for Camp

Band and Company Will Go Into Camp at Des Moines Next Week.

Will Be Gone Eight Days

Full Membership in Each Organization Will Go – Two I.N.G. Boys Will Float Down The River in a Boat to Join Company.

Arrangements are being made this week by members of Company G and the band for their eight days’ camp which will be held at Des Moines, beginning on Thursday of next week.

The Fort Dodge company will be under the direct supervision and control fo Captain B.J. Price, who will accompany them on the trip. Nearly all of the members of the company are planning on attending camp and many are occupied this week in preparing their arms, uniforms and equipment. The showing of the local company last year was an excellent one and with the additional men and equipment that has been acquired since then an even better record will probably be made at this year’s camp.

Will Rohrback and Stafford Carpenter, both members of the company, will leave for Des Moines Sunday, their intention being to float down the Des Moines river in a boat. Their preparations for the trip are now under way and all is expected to be in readiness for them to start early Sunday morning. The young men expect the voyage to take them about four days and if they accomplish the distance in that time they will be in Des Moines one day before the arrival of the company and band. If possible a special train will be secured for the transportation of the men and baggage of both organizations. Nothing definite is known regarding this as yet, however.


Company G in a Predicament

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 7, 1903

Company G in a Predicament

Are Threatened With Loss of Their Present Armory in the Parson’s Block

Company Will Be Homeless

Only Hope is That Some One Can Be Found Who Will Build New Armory

Company G will soon have to give up their armory, which has been in the Parsons block, now rented to the McCormick Harvester company and the proposition now before them it the building they are to get to take its place. They have no building in view at present, and it is the unanimous opinion of the members of the company that it is only right and fair to them that the citizens of Fort Dodge should build a new building for them. They are all disgusted with the building they have had, and have said that unless the company is given a fit room to drill in, it will have to be mustered out. The company must have a hall big enough to drill in and there are none in town of the right size.

They are allowed $300 a year for rent by the state, but this has not been enough, and the drill money, which rightfully belongs to the men, has often been given over to help swell this fund. The money which is received from camping is always added to it. In this way the rent has been paid up to date, but this is of no avail in the present emergency.

What the company wants is a building with a half about 60 by  140 feet, or even 70 by 120 feet. The old armory never was large enough, and the new building, if there is to be one, must be larger. The company is prepared to pay a very good rent for a hall, and if Fort Dodge secures the military band, the amount will be doubled. They have not been given notice to vacate as yet, but expect it soon, and as only thirty days are allowed them after the notification, something must be done soon.

The members of the company say they will drill anywhere until the new armory is built, if they can only be sure that it will be built.


Better Buy Your Clothes Now, Girls

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 11, 1917

Better Buy Your Clothes Now, Girls

Girls, Girls!

It’s a sad story but when the hot summer days roll around and there is nothing comforting but the summer frock, don’t forget to lay away your spring suit so that you may draw it out again next spring ready for use.

Uncle Sam’s officials have announced that this may be the last year for some time that ready made factories will be turned over for the manufacturing of women’s wear. Uncle Sam is going to have a little party all of his own in the next few years and he is going to require the ladies factories to make olive drab and khaki suits for his boys, and we girls are going to be the sufferers.

But then, patriotism comes first, and who will care to sport a new suit or a silk gown with all the sweethearts away on the border fighting? The dress maker will reign supreme one more. Her reign has fallen to the background during the past because the ready to wear garments have proven so exacting with the women.

We want our brothers to look spick and span when they go away to war, if it must be and this now looks inevitable. A million uniform suits will have to be made and maybe two million. There must be hats, coats, caps, shoes and socks.

A rush order may be that the boys will have to have the out put of the wool in this country, so girls get together al of yoru clothes. Brush them up and hang them away for it may be our lot to wear made over garments instead of ready made during the war.


Memberships in Red Cross Jumps to 564

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 10, 1917

Memberships in Red Cross Jumps to 564

Organization Wants 1,700 in Webster County

Lehigh Women Will Enroll

May Have Three First Aid Classes Here

Fort Dodge women are giving their loyal support to every branch of the Red Cross work. Membership in the Webster County Red Cross chapter has jumped to 564. Thirty new members were received this morning. The mark of “1700 new members for Webster county,” as set by the national headquarters no longer seems impossible and in a short time that number will be reached.

Lehigh Women Enroll.

Lehigh women are anxious to organize an auxiliary. This will be done at a meeting at the home of Mrs. John Marsh Thursday afternoon. One of the Fort Dodge women will talk to the women and explain the methods of organization. The local chapter is known as the Webster County Red Cross. Any other organizations in the county will be auxiliary to this. That means that the money that will be raised will be distributed to the general fund here and work will be apportioned out to them from the headquarters here.

“Any Rags, Any Rags?”

Officers of Company F and company G has asked the Red Cross Chapter t collect as many rags as possible for them. These are used to clean rifles. Any rags, any color and of any age of service will do for this purpose. It is a simple request and with housecleaning on the program an opportunity will be given housewives to collect them and send them to the headquarters at the Municipal rest room.

White rags, such as old pillow cases and sheets are also needed for making the oakum pads. These may also be sent to the local headquarters.

May Be Three Classes.

If membership in the First Aid class increases as rapidly as it has started there may be three classes formed. At present there are forty members enrolled. It is the intention that the members should have one general meeting. Depending upon the size of this classes will be subdivided. Each class will then elect officers and choose its time for meeting.

The largest crowd that ever attended  a work session was present at the Municipal rest room Monday afternoon. Every chair was taken, but there was plenty of work for all and it is hoped that this attendance will be kept up.

Wednesday Evening class.

For the benefit of those whose work keeps them from attending the after noon sessions a class is held every Wednesday evening. The attention of young women and girls who work is called to this. The lighting facilities are excellent.

J.M. Plaister, manager of the Fort Dodge Telephone company, has donated a telephone to the Municipal rest room for use of the Red Cross members. This will be a great convenience and a saver of time.

Mrs. R.P. Atweil has been appointed chairman of a committee to arrange for lunches at the close of the work sessions. A small price will be charged for this and the money raised will go toward the general fund.

Visit Sherman Laundry.

Nearly 100 visitors were at the Sherman laundry Monday, the first day of the all week benefit for the Red Cross chapter. for every visitor F.V. Sherman will give ten cents to the chapter. Automobiles were kept busy going back and forth. St. Margaret’s guild after their meeting in the Boston Store tea rooms, attended in a body.


Army Recruiting Office Gets Orders

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 4, 1917

Army Recruiting Office Gets Orders

Prepare to Handle Men in Large Numbers

To Ask Ministers to Help

Orders were received by the Fort Dodge recruiting office this morning from district army headquarters in Omaha to have the local office prepared to handle recruits in large numbers by the latter part of the week.

Corporal Weir in charge said today that as yet he could not give out any information which is purported to back the order, but that within a few days there would probably be more definite news given out by the war department at Washington.

Military men here believe that this order is a forerunner of an order which will be received within the next few days to recruit the regular army up to full war strength. In that case it would be necessary for the government to enlist 75,000 men at once. The standing army as it is in peace times numbers about 150,000 and 225,000 in war strength.

Two Men Enlist.

James S. Jenkins of Bancroft was enlisted into the coast artillery today. He left this morning for Fort Logan, Colo. Glen M. Paul of Bancroft was enlisted this morning but upon protests from his mother, who said that he was not of age, he was rejected by the local officers.

Want Ministers to Help.

Recruiting Officers Kellar and Weir at the army recruiting office announced today that they would visit every minister in the city this week and request them to urge men to join the army. This is one of the plans that the army is taking to recruit up to the required strength.

Sergeant Kellar said today that he had planned to see all the ministers in the city as soon as possible. He will urge them to speak fro the pulpit on the standing army and the excellent chances for promotion that is offers, and tell of its need of good clean men to enlist under the colors of the United States of America.

The army has no trouble in getting recruits, but it can not get the right kind of recruits. Men are being turned down daily because they are not the kind of men that are needed in the regular army.

Sergeant Kellar would like to have the ministers preach a sermon next Sunday on the army. Next Sunday, however, is Easter Sunday and it is probably that many of the ministers would rather not give over the entire service. Recruiting officers, however, will try and get them to say a few words about the army.