Archive for the ‘Harcourt’ Category


Workman Gets Neck Broken at Harcourt

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: Aug. 20, 1906

Workman Gets Neck Broken at Harcourt

Fatal Accident on the New Interurban Line Saturday Afternoon

A.J. Gore Was the Victim

Heavy Rail Struck His Crowbar He was Thrown Into Air and Fell on Head Instantly Killed Buried at Boone Today

A.J. Gore a laborer employed on the construction gang of the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern was instantly killed Saturday afternoon at about two o’clock while working near Harcourt. A car of rails was being unloaded. One of them was thrown to the grown in such a manner that it struck another under which was the crowbar of Gore. He held the other end of the steel bar in his hand and the shock threw him into the air about ten feet. He struck on his head and was instantly killed.

His fellow workmen called a physician from Harcourt and also notified Coroner McCreight of this city. As the manner of death seemed perfectly clear and there was no evidence of foul play or even a suspicion of the same no inquest was held. Gore’s neck was broken in two places.

The unfortunate victim of the accident resided at Boone where with his brother he lived with an aged grandmother. These are the only relatives that he had. The body was shipped at once to Boone and burial was made there today.

Gore was a young man 23 years of age. He was well known in Boone and very well liked among his fellow workmen. Not the slightest blame is attached to any one for his death, it being entirely the result of circumstances.


Horse Thieves are at Work

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 14, 1904

Horse Thieves are at Work

Farmer Living Near Gowrie Loses a Horse Friday – Scheriff (sic) and Police Notified

Peter Olson, a farmer living between Harcourt and Gowrie, is mourning over the loss of a horse which was stolen from his farm Friday night. The animal is described black with star on forehead, weighs 1,450 pounds, and is four years five months old.

The horse was taken from the Olson farm some time late Friday afternoon or evening. It was through possible that the person or persons in whose possession the animal now is came in the direction of this city. Sheriff Henry Olson was notified this morning and is offering a reward of $50 for the apprehension of the thief or thieves.


Interurban Strikes Second Autmobile

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The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: July 1, 1913

Interurban Strikes Second Autmobile

Traveling Man is Injured When Interurban Hits Auto at Harcourt – Injuries Not Serious

(Special to the Chronicle)

Harcourt, Iowa, July 1 – As he was crossing the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern road at Harcourt Dan Reese, a traveling man for a Hardware company of Rockwell City was struck yesterday by the afternoon interurban which leaves Fort Dodge at three o’clock. Reese was approaching the crossing when he killed his engine. He was unable to stop the auto in time to avoid being struck.

The car hit the auto about in the center. It was carried for about forty yards, resting on the cow catcher. When the interurban was stopped the auto was one complete wreck. That Reese was uninjured except for a few bruises is considered miraculous. None of his injuries are expected to result seriously.


Is There Firebug in Harcourt?

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 31, 1903

Is There Firebug in Harcourt?

Events of Past Few Days Cause Strong Suspicion

Three Fires in Same Place.

Harcourt Citizens Kept Busy Fighting Fire in Haggin Drug Store – A Period of Excitement.

Harcourt, March 31 – Harcourt has this week had a narrow escape from a disastrous fire which has awakened much excitement among the citizens of this town. Last Wednesday morning about 7 o’clock the fire was discovered at the drug store. With the aid of as many citizens as could be mustered and the appliances which the town possesses the fire was quickly subdued without any damage to property.

About 10 o’clock the same day the cry was again raised, “Fire at the drug store,” and by the time sufficient aid arrived the whole building, including the restaurant building now occupied by L. Haggin and family for living room was filled with a dense smoke. About fifty men arrived at the scene, some of them fighting the fire and the rest removing the furniture from the rooms. The most valuable portion of the drug stock was also removed.

though the whole building seemed on fire, yet the citizens by heroic exertions again saved it and the fire was supposed to be out but the next morning at 3 o’clock the fire alarm was again called and the fire again put out.

How the fire started in a mystery and considerable talk of incendiarism is beaing (sic) heard, altho no cause or reason can be assigned for such a supposition. The building, a double one, two stories high, is owned by W.J. Struthers and J.E. Swanburg, Mr. Haggin, the druggist leasing the building. The furniture and drug stock are badly damaged from the effect of fighting the fire.

Had the building burned down, there is no doubt that the meat market owned by A.A. Peterson and the Wilson Brothers store would have shared the same fate as they adjoin it.