Posts Tagged ‘Wright’


Destructive Fire at Knierim

   Posted by: admin    in Fire, Knierim

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 4, 1904

Destructive Fire at Knierim

East Side of Main Street Swept by Flames

Loss Amounts to About $4,000 – Fire Originated in Hay Mow of a Livery Barn

The whole east side of the main street of Knierim was destroyed by fire Friday evening, causing a loss of about $4,000 ($95,798 today), partially covered by insurance.The fire originated in the haymow of the livery barn, and had broken thru the roof of that building before being noticed. Three horses were burned before they could be rescued. The fire spread rapidly to the adjoining  buildings, all of which were consumed despite the utmost efforts of the fire company. The strong wind which was blowing at the time made control of the blaze impossible.

The buildings consumed were the livery barn, belonging to John Burr, partially covered by insurance, the George Wright harness shop, fully insured and a carpenter shop. The last named building was empty.

The fire was discovered about 4:30 in the afternoon and was so far advanced that nothing could be done by the fire department.

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John Haire Sr. Passes On Beyond

   Posted by: admin    in obituary

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Nov. 11, 1904

John Haire Sr. Passes On Beyond

Was One of The Best Known of Old Settlers of the County.

Pneumonia Caused His Death

Was Eighty-Six Years of Age When The Summons Came – Funeral Will Occur From Corpus Christi at 11:00 O’clock Saturday Morning.

The going out of the life of Mr. John Haire, Sr., takes from Fort Dodge one of the oldest settlers, successful business men and worthiest citizens.

Death occurred Thursday afternoon between four and five o’clock after a two weeks’ illness with pneumonia.

His death comes after eighty-six years of useful life, in all of which he has been respected and admired. Although he was seriously ill but two weeks he has been slowly failing for several months.

The funeral services will be held from Corpus Christi church Saturday morning at eleven o’clock, when high mass will be said by Rev. Father Lenihan. The pallbearers will be Edward Sherman, C.W. Maher, Dr.  Evans, Owen Conway, Peter REilly, Michael Healy, J.M. Mulroney (and) A.L. Furlong.

born in Ireland in 1818 he spent his boyhood and young manhood there, coming to America when about thirty years of age. Aside form leading a good and noble life, which has been a quiet, simple one in this country, his early years in Ireland are filled with experiences and circumstances which make it doubly interesting.

Coming to America at (indecipherable word) age he made a success in business, raised a large family, held positions of influence and goes form this life, leaving  his wife and children all in comfortable circumstances.

His first residence in America was Cincinnati, Ohio, where he engaged in the dry goods business, staying there until 1855.

His arrival in Fort Dodge the following year brought one of the truest hearts and best of citizens of which Fort Dodge can boast and since that time he has lived here to make all with whom he same (sic) in contact happy; and to live such a life that when his golden anniversary was celebrated in 1901, he was entirely worthy of the tribute which was paid to him and  his wife, Mary M. Carr, whom he married in Cincinnati.

This tribute appeared in the column of the Messenger at the time of his wedding and is so true in every point and we reprint it page eight of this issue of the Messenger.

A Few Expressions.

Below are given a few expressions from the older citizens of Fort Dodge, all of whom have known Mr. John Haire for many years:

Michael Healy: “It has been a source of great pleasure for me to have been acquainted with John Haire for 36 years. My friendship and respect for him always grew, and never diminished. His genial manner, represented to my mind, in the person of John Haire, the perfect type of the Irish gentleman, as well as the enlightened American citizen.”

R.W. Crawford: “When I came to Fort Dodge, in the spring of 1868, John Haire was the leading merchant. I soon made his acquaintance and found in him a good friend. He always bore the same cordial greeting. His personality gave dignity to his presence. Few persons have attained so wide an acquaintance and universal friendship. I rejoiced to see him in the very advanced years of his life, so well, so happy and in the fullest enjoyment of all his endowments.”

R.M. Wright: “Mr. Haire was one of the most kindly and courteous old gentlemen that I ever met. He had that which should accompany old age, love, honor, obedience, troops of friends. To such kindly natures old age is a crown of glory. By reason of the lives of such men the world is made better.”

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Wreckage in Path of Runaway Team

   Posted by: admin    in Animals

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Nov. 6, 1905

Wreckage in Path of Runaway Team

Team Belonging to Mrs. R.M. Wright Wrecks Three Conveyances in Flight

A team belonging to Mrs. R.M. Wright broke loose from their fastenings near the corner of Seventh street and Central avenue at 10:00 this morning and took a quick run down Central avenue to the park. In the flight a carriage belonging to J.C. Hoagland was tipped over and the Peterson grocery wagon received a like fate. The horses ran astraddle of a tree in the park, and their flight was stopped, but not before the buggy and harness were badly damaged. The horses had been hitched by Mrs. Wright, near her husband’s office. They began kicking at each other and in the melee the hitching strap was broken and the wild run started.

After overturning the Hoagland carriage, the vehicle of Mrs. Wright was in turn tipped over and dragged on its side.  Later the carriage righted itself and then was turned again as the Peterson wagon was struck. The runaway attracted a large crowd to the park.

The Wright carriage is badly damaged, every wheel being ruined, and the body of the rig is in bad shape. The harness likewise, is badly cut up. The Hoagland carriage, was uninjured, as Mr. Hoagland caught the horse, before it could joint (sic) the others in their wild flight. The Peterson horse was also easily captured before any damage was done.


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Several Are Hurt in Lively Runaways

   Posted by: admin    in Accident, Animals

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 12, 1904

Several Are Hurt in Lively Runaways

Two Runaways of a Serious Nature Take Place Monday Afternoon.

Mrs. Isaac Garmoe a Victim

With Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Fibbs She is Thrown Out of Carriage – Mrs. R.M. Wright Hurt in Runaway of Team.

An accident which came nearly terminating seriously occurred Monday afternoon on tenth street and Fifth avenue north. Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Fibbs and Mrs. Isaac Garmoe were riding in the Fibbs’ carriage on Fifth avenue north and they noticed an automobile standing near the curbing. Mr. Fibbs realized that the horse would become frightened if the automobile was started and asked the person in charge not to start it until the horse had passed them. Misunderstanding the request, the operator started it forward. This frightened the horse so that he turned around and overturned the carriage, throwing the occupants onto the paving. The noise of the machine frightened the horse still more and it started off dragging the occupants of the carriage several feet before breaking loose, leaving the buggy upset with the occupants pinned beneath it.

Mrs. Garmoe Painfully Hurt.

People in the vicinity were attracted by the accident and assisted the injured people from beneath the buggy. For some time it was thought that Mrs. Garmoe was badly injured and a report was circulated that she could not live, but this is false. Although she was very painfully hurt she is in no danger. Mr. Fibbs also suffered a very severe cut over his eye and a doctor had to be called for him. One eye and the fact of Mrs. Garmoe was badly scraped, and her right arm cut. The back of her neck was bruised and her right leg was also bruised and the knee of the left leg was quite badly lacerated. Mr. Fibb’s (sic) greatest injury was to his eye. Mrs. Fibbs escaped with several minor bruises.

Accident Made More Serious.

The accident is all the more to be deplored, because of the condition of Mr. Garmoe, who underwent an operation last week. He has not yet been informed as to the seriousness of the accident. Mrs. Garmoe is at present confined to her bed, but it is thought that she will be able to be up in a few days.

Mrs. R.M. Wright injured.

Mrs. R.M. Wright was thrown from her buggy while driving in the sough part of the city Monday afternoon and suffered a severely wrenched hip and badly bruised shoulder.

The horses driven by Mrs. Wright are a lively pair and have run away twice before. This time while coming east on Thirs avenue south, one of the animals kicked over the pole, when the team became unmanageable. Mrs. Wright was thrown from the buggy almost immediately and the team ran only a block before being stopped. The carriage was badly smashed.

Mrs. Wright, although badly bruised, was able to pick herself up and was taken immediately to her home, where she received medical attendance. She will be able to get about in a few days.

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The Jolly Peanut Club

   Posted by: admin    in Entertainment, Organizations, People, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 16, 1904

The Jolly Peanut Club

A New Fun Finding Organization is Organized.

Eight Young Ladies Band Together As Eight Kernels in a Peanut Shell.

Seven members of the Jolly Peanut club, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Vincent as chaperon and Bruno Schroeder as coachman, left the city this morning in a large carryall for Humboldt, where they will spend the day in the various manners of enjoyment best known to young girls. The club was organized some time ago, but this is the first expedition into other lands as an organized band of funfinders.

The young ladies, eight in number, spent the night at the Schroeder residence, sleeping all in one bed, arranged by laying two big mattresses on the floor side by side. This was done in an attempt to live up to their name, it is supposed, like eight little kernels in a peanut shell. The girls were up at 4 o’clock this morning to be ready for their lark, and all in their big carryall passed thru the streets at 6 a.m. , rousing the town from its slumbers with the  hubbub of tin horns secured by them the night before the occasion.

The Peanut club was organized by the  young ladies for a good time organization, and they plan to follow as closely as possible the life and doings of “Eight Girls and a Dog.” The dog is not as yet forthcoming, but the club is otherwise complete with eight as lively girls as are often seen in a bunch.

The members of the club are as follows: Doris Olney, Hazel Schroeder, Olive Maher, Lulu Kepner, Talma Kitchen, Jean Marquette, Beth Wright, Hazel Clark.

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   Posted by: admin    in Miscellaneous notices, People, Society news

The Webster County Gazette: May 14, 1880


Frank Quinby was in town Tuesday.

Mrs. Duncombe went to Ottumwa, Tuesday.

Warwick Price, of Cleveland, is in the city.

M.D. O’Connell is in Des Moines this week.

D.W. Halstead has been out west all week.

Mrs. Steele, of Omaha, is in town this week.

G.B. Reynolds went to Des Moines Monday.

Mrs. Manly Brown, of Dakota, is in town this week.

James Black has returned from his Colorado trip.

Mrs. Getchell went down to Cedar Falls Wednesday.

Dr. Reed, of Manson, was in the city over Sunday.

Miss Grace Wood left Tuesday for Geneva, Illinois.

Sanders, formerly of the Fort Dodge House is in town.

E.M. Dunning goes east Sunday night to buy buggy horses.

J.H. Deming is in the city. Arrived Wednesday. His wife remains east.

Miss Cornele Sherman has gone to Chicago to obtain treatment for her eyes.

Rev. Coyle went to Cherokee, Thursday to assist in the services of ordination.

Miss May Brown and Mrs. C.F. Demuth are visiting O.M. Hazard and family at Newell.

J.M. Boyer, ensign U.S.N., accompanied by his wife will reach Fort Dodge Saturday, on a visit to their relatives here.

T.H. Wright discovers that the Sioux City end of his division needs a great deal of attention of late. There is calico on the track. (Editor’s note: I’m guessing they are implying that he is seeing a woman in Sioux City. Anyone else have an explanation?)

Mrs. David Davis and Miss Nettie left Wednesday morning for Boston. They spend the summer in the east, most of it at Martha’s Vineyard.

George Smith is bossing his train on the Des Moines road after a week’s visit in Keokuk. George is the fellow who has run on his line 13 years and never rode a mile on any other road in the state.

J.M. Berry surprised everybody by walking in Tuesday afternoon, just a day or so behind a letter that promised his return about the 1st of June. Mr. Berry is looking very hearty, and feeling strong.

Mr. D.M. Diggs, general agent of the C.R.I. & P. refrigerator line, was in the city on Saturday, in the interest of that company, the cars of which are running in connection with the D.M. & Ft. D.R.R. to this city.

Rev. R.F. Coyle pastor of the Presbyterian church at Fort Dodge, preached Sabbath morning and evening at Joyce’s hall. He is an admirable speaker, earnest, enthusiastic and eloquent. His language is forcible, and he states his propositions uncompromisingly. One cannot fail to see that he believes thoroughly what he says, and his sermons have that force which only intense individual conviction of truth can give. Mr. Coyle appears to be still a young man and has a brilliant career before him. -Carroll Herald.

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Mayor Draws a Full House

   Posted by: admin    in Crime, People, Police court

The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 11, 1905

Mayor Draws a Full House

Is Confronted by Three of a Kind and a Pair in Police Court This Morning.

Was Liberal With Justice

Fines Were The Largest That Have Been Assessed in Police Court For Many Months. – Will Have a Most Discouraging Effect on Graft.

Mayor Bennett drew a full house in police court this morning. When the moment arrived for the doling out of justice, there were three of a kind and a pair ranged on the penitential bench before him. It was with no miserly hand he ladled out the big bunches of fines and costs. The freedom with which he piled it on them was certainly discouraging to the bum, the vag, the thief.

Peter Coyne and John Lowery, both of whom were caught while in the act of stealing overalls from in front of one of the local stores, were given a fine of $100 and costs each or thirty days in the county jail. Neither of them having a cent of money they were sent to jail where they will have a chance to dwell on the evils of their ways for a month.

The three remaining in the line were given fifty dollars and costs each and allowed a chance to sweat it out in the county jail, a job that will occupy their vagabond minds for a period of fifteen days. The three vags were Frank Jones, Charles Wright and Luke O’Brien.

The theft of the overalls took place on Monday afternoon. Peter Coyne took the garments from a box in front of one of the stores on South Sixth street and ran with them to a nearby corner where he secreted them in a buggy and made his get-away. It was then Lowery’s turn to play his part in the deal, so getting the bundle from the buggy he made his way through an alley to the rear of one of the lunch counters of the city where his brother is employed, and there hid them in a box.

He was seen to do this by one of the high school boys who reported it to the police and the two arrests followed with the resulting convictions.

Both of the parties to the game plead guilty to the charge entered against them and there was no delay in meting out their punishment. Coyne has been implicated in other petty thieveries about the city, and was arrested a few months ago as one of the parties engaged in the burglary of the Cochran saloon. At that time, however, the evidence against him was not sufficient to hold him to the grand jury and he was released.

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