Archive for December, 2011


Hail New Year With Patriotism

   Posted by: admin    in Organizations

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 31, 1906

Hail New Year With Patriotism

Local D.A.R. Chapter Will Raise the Stars and Stripes January 1st.

In commoration (sic) of the unfurling of the first American flag, which waved over the then unhistoric Prospect Hill, Cambridge, for the first time in the year 1776, the local chapter of the society of the Daughters of the American Revolution will raise the stars and stripes on the new flag staff, recently presented to the school children of the city, on Tuesday morning.

“Hurl defiance to the enemy,” said General George Washington one hundred and thirty years tomorrow morning, as the thirteen stripes selected by him, “in honor of the thirteen United Colonies” were tossed to the winter winds. In the field was then the united crosses of Saint Andrew and Saint George, later replaced by the thirteen stars, by order of congress in 1777.

January 1st is the first day of the year to be observed by the patriotic society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the others being February 22., Washington’s Birthday; April 30th, Inauguration of the first president; June 14th, (1777) Flag Day, this day congress ordered the flag as it is today; July 3rd (1775) Washington took command of the army; July 4th, Independence Day; September 3d (1783) Ratification of peace with Great Britain; October 11th (1891) Founding of the society of the Daughters of the American Revolution; October 17, (1783) Washington took farewell of his officers at Frances Tavern, New York. This tavern is now being restored and brick from the same kiln in Holland has been brought to make the walls the same as the original.



Lovers of a Single Day Wed

   Posted by: admin    in Entertainment, Marriage

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 31, 1906

Lovers of a Single Day Wed

J. Inman Marries May Monte a Chorus Girl With “Show Girl.”

Met Her On Saturday Night

And After a Day Spent in the Company of Miss Monte Induces Her to Become His Bride – Both Left for Iowa Falls This Afternoon.

After knowing his bride but a single day, John Inman, a workman of the Green-Wheeler shoe factory, was married to Miss Mae Monte, a member of the “Show Girl” chorus, this afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Justice Martin about 2 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Inman leaving on the afternoon train over the Illinois Central railroad, together with the theatrical organization, which appears at Iowa Falls tonight.

Ainman (sic) hails from Nashville, Tenn., which is his native city. He has resided in Fort Dodge since last spring, and has been employed at the Green-Wheeler shoe factory, being one of the highest salaried employees.

His bride is a professional chorus girl who came to the city in the chorus of the “Show Girl” company last Saturday noon, prior to which time she had no intention of marrying, or had even seen the groom.

The story is the old one – “Love at First Sight.” After the performance on Saturday night Inman met Miss Monte. Sunday was passed together and at noon today, an application for a marriage license was made. Following it the ceremony was performed by Justice Martin, Fred Loeber, of this city, employed as a stage hand at the Midland theater, and Florence Mackey, another member of the “Show Girl” chorus witnessed it.

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Not Drunk But Lightheaded

   Posted by: admin    in Police court

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 30, 1905

Not Drunk But Lightheaded

Andrew Overby Has Peculiar Plea to Make in the Mayor’s Court This Morning.

“Andrew were you drunk?” said Mayor Bennett this morning on discerning the familiar face of Andrew Overby, an old timer, among the prisoners brought before him at the opening of police court.

“Well! No! I wasn’t drunk, but I was pretty light headed,” came the answer. The question was not argued further, but the mayor feeling that light headedness and intoxication were so nearly allied with Andrew fined him a dollar and costs.

Bill Jones, another old timer, who has been on one continuous spree for the past week, was sentenced to ten days labor on the streets.

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Kidney Removed by Operation

   Posted by: admin    in Hospital, Medical matters

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 29, 1903

Kidney Removed by Operation

Remarkable Surgery Performed in Fort Dodge Short Time Ago.

Patient is Past All Danger

Operation was by Fort Dodge Surgeon – Health is Returning.

These apparently are the days of difficult surgery and delicate operations and the newspapers of the country are full of news dispatches telling of some very difficult feats of surgery that have been successful and those who have undergone the operation are alive and enjoying as good health asĀ  though they had never been under the doctor’s knife.

An operation was performed in Fort Dodge a short time ago that takes its place with the foremost. By it one kidney was removed from the body of Mrs. Wm. Fickas and today, about three weeks after the operation, she is able to be up and about and is rapidly gaining health.

The operation was performed by Dr. Farrell and is the only one ever performed in the city, by which such a delicate organism as the kidney is removed and left the patient in as good condition as she was previous to the time the part was afflicted. Mrs. Fickas is the wife of a conductor running out of Fort Dodge.

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Iowa is 57 Years Old Now

   Posted by: admin    in Current news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 29, 1903

Iowa is 57 Years Old Now

On December 28, 1846, The State Was Taken Into The Union.

No Festivities Mark Date

Formerly Each Anniversary Was Celebrated in Fitting Way.

There were no festivities either in Fort Dodge or in any part of Iowa yesterday celebrating the fifty-seventh anniversary of the birth of our state, Iowa. Perhaps it was that everyone had forgotten such a trivial thing as the birthday of the state, coming to nearly upon the Christmas day.

On December 28, 1846, the state of Iowa was ushered into the world and given a name of its own. True, it had existed for some time preceding that date, but not as a state, merely as a part of that territorial strip owned by the United States and known as the Louisiana purchase. Then in December, 1846 it was honored with a name and was recognized as a state with its own government.

Not many years ago it was popular to celebrate the birthday of our state and in nearly all of the cities and villages of the great state of Iowa, some demonstration was made celebrating the event, but this has fallen into disuse and now that event is not of enough importance to even be remembered even by those who have had much to do with caring for its affairs since it was given the name of state. Perhaps there are a few who were in this section of the country when the name Iowa was added to the states of the union who remembered it and who felt a thrill at the dawn of its fifty-seventh birthday, but the pioneers who have done so much towards making Iowa the power that it is in the nation are very few and are becoming fewer and fewer with each anniversary of its birth.

Aside form being the date of the birth of Iowa, the year 1846 is a memorable one in other respects. In that year was elected the first democratic governor of the state, Ansel Briggs. Mr. Briggs’ opponent in the race for governor was Thomas McKnight, who polled 7,349 votes against the 7.626 votes polled for Briggs. At that time the republican party had not yet put in an appearance and the first representative of that party that has ever since held the control of the state with the exception of Governor Boles, was Ralph Lowe, who was elected in 1857 by a large majority. On the abolition ticket seven years before William Penn Clarke received 575 votes.



Horse Falls Into Sewer Manhole

   Posted by: admin    in Animals

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 28, 1905

Horse Falls Into Sewer Manhole

Peculiar Accident in Alley South of Central Avenue This Afternoon.

Hoisted Out With Derrick

Lid of Manhole Caught on Shoes of Animal’s Front Feet and Turned Over – Horse Stepped in With Rear Feet and Sank Into Hold.

One of the most peculiar accidents to happen in Fort Dodge for several years occurred int he alley at the rear of the Messenger building about eleven o’clock this forenoon when a horse owned by the Cardiff Gypsum Company, sank into a sewer manhole and was removed only after an hour of strenuous work on the part of a crowd of about fifty men and boys.

Hind Feet Slipped in.

The wagon to which the animal was hitched was loaded with empty stucco sacks and was being driven up the alley when the accident occurred. The front feet of the horse caught in the grating which covered the manhole and turned the lid over. In walking forward the animal stepped into the open hole with its hind feet and instantly sank up to its hops. The remaining horse of the team, feeling the weight of its mate pulling it back as it slipped into the hole backed slowly back, allowing the imprisoned beast to slide further down. By the time that the driver had succeeded in unhitching the imprisoned animal the other had slid clear down into the hole until only its front feet and the tip of its nose was visible.

Big Crowd Gathered.

A crowd gathered at once and many suggestions were offered for removing the animal from the narrow hole in which it was imprisoned. It was finally decided that the only way to extricate it was to hoist it up with a derrick. A heavy rope and a pulley were procured, and while the crowd swelled first to a couple of dozen and then to fifty curious people an improvised derrick was made by fastening the rope and tackle to a couple of telegraph poles. The fore feet of the animal were tied together to keep it from struggling and the rope was fastened about them. A score of willing hands caught hold and with a couple of heaves it was raised half way out of the narrow hole. It was then seen that the tackle had been placed too low for it to be possible to lift the horse entirely clear and with half of its body dangling in the hole operations were suspended and another consultation held. The rope was loosened and the horse allowed to drop partly back into three or four feet of muddy water that partly filled the hole. The rope was attached lower down this time; the hoisting commenced again and grunting and groaning the animal was lifted clear from its prison, amid shouts of success from the crowd.

It was completely exhausted when removed and lay as if dead for a few minutes. Beyond a few scratches where it had scraped against the sides of its narrow prison it was uninjured and in a short time was little the worse for its experience. The animal was a very valuable one and its owners are congratulating themselves on the lucky end of the incident.



Christmas and Its Usual Results

   Posted by: admin    in Holidays

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 27, 1904

Christmas and Its Usual Results

It Was The Same Old Day in The Same Old Way and Greatly Enjoyed.

The Weather Was Very Mild

Skating Was Find And The Ice Was Black With Lovers of the Exhilarating Pastime – Everyone is Very Happy.

Christmas this year in Fort Dodge has passed with the usual gift giving, turkey eating, and sick getting.

Christmas eve saw the same crowds in the same stores, thronging the same toy counters and buying the same fuzzy animals and the same old discussion went on as to what to give to who.

As usual, children hung up their stockings and twisted and turned with excitement until they fell asleep hearing indistinct and mysterious rustling of tissue paper, and stealthy moving about in the rooms below.

There have been the same Christmas trees, the same presents, the same candies – alas – and the same doctors calls in the next day but who would give up all this sameness, for anything in the world?

It is the anticipation of children from one years end to another, and since it is more blessed to give than to receive the older people are immeasurably happy.

It is the time when every heart is softened in some measures and joy and good will and love reign supreme and no matter how dire may be results to all who are foolish – as all are at Christmas dinners – the spirit of the season has revealed hearts that are seared at all other seasons and worn bodies and aching brains find sweet relief in giver as well as gift, for “gift without the giver is bare.”

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Santa Claus Held Sway

   Posted by: admin    in Church news, Holidays, Home and Society, Merchants, Railroad

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 26, 1906

Santa Claus Held Sway

Yesterday Given Up to The Observance of Christmas Day.

Good old Saint Nick, the knight of the sock, the reindeer and the big pack, reigned supreme yesterday and received his full share of homage in Fort Dodge. The day was given up to Christmas rejoicing, merrymaking, feasting and holiday celebrations all over the city.

Business was suspended, except such as had to be carried on through necessity, all over the city when the stores closed Monday night after the busiest day of the year 1906.

The Christmas sun rose radiant and the day continued throughout one of the most beautiful for the time of year that could have been wished for. Christmas gatherings, family reunions and church programs formed the main events of the day. The happenings are chronicled in part below:

At St. Mark’s.

One of the prettiest trees on Christmas eve was that of St. Mark’s Sunday school. Prior to the distribution of the gifts a program of recitations was given by Misses Grace Chantland, Ellen Clark, Elizabeth Wheeler, Martha Fransen, Evelyn Roper, Myrtle Drake and Katahrinee (sic) Francis. In spite of the fact that regular church is not being held the Sunday school has been suprintended (sic) very ably by Mr. Frank Griffith and the school teachers.

Dolliver’s Family Reunion.

At the Senator Dolliver home a family re-union was indulged in. Miss Gay Dolliver of Sioux City was present to enjoy the festivities of the day. “Uncle Vic” rigged himself up in fur coat and flowing beard to impersonate “Saint Nick” and succeeded in scaring a year’s growth out of the baby, George Prentiss Dolliver, and so confused Francis and Margaret that they were not sure of their bearings. They exhibited the same symptoms that a (shy?) colt does the first time he meets a steam roller and it took considerable assurance from the older heads before they could be brought to think that the impersonator was not a wild man who had invaded the home for the purpose of committing some terrible deed. After the youngsters had been quieted the program was carried on with merriment and the occasion made one that will linger long in the minds of those who were present to participate. The genial “Vic” succeeded in carrying out his part without destroying his borrowed plumage by fire or enacting any of the tragedies incident to the occasion. The younger member of the household has recovered from his scare but still retains an aversion to anything with long shaggy whiskers that speaks in muffled tones.

A Christmas Tree Fire.

A Christmas tree at the J.W. Amond home Christmas eve caused quite a little excitement by catching fire. No serious damage was done although the carpet was burned and Mr. Amond received a slight injury to his hand.

Remembered The Employes.

Among the most generous and most appreciated Christmas gifts were those received by the clerks of the Sturges company from their employer, Mr. L.E. Sturges. The gifts consisted of sums of money which were presented with the compliments of the season on Christmas eve.

Methodist Christmas Eve.

The surprise program of the Methodist Sunday School was one of hte most interesting and novel Christmas eve celebrations in the local churches. The church was decorated with two trees and festooned evergreen and strings of colored lights. In the centre (sic) of the choir loft was suspended a large star.

Nine classes took part in the evening’s celebration. Superintendent Dr. Money called upon each one in turn to give some literary or musical feature. Here are the classes:

Senior Bible Class – Scripture reading.
J.F. Nelson’s class – Piano solo, Miss Myrtle Parsons.
J.G. Early’s class – Album characters.
Miss Martin’s and Miss Houk’s classes in primary department – Sixty children in motion song.
Young men’s class, Mrs. J.G. Early, instructor – Cornet solo. Harry Sultzbaugh.
Miss Ruth Cummings’ class – Duet, Misses Sauerbrunn and Gregg.
Mrs. J.F. Monk’s class of boys – Recitation and chorus song.
James Sultzbaugh’s class of girls – Recitation – Miss Corenlia (sic) McBurney.
Miss Jeanette Early’s and Miss Phoebe Sultzbaugh’s classes – Chorus of 30 little girls.

The favorite number on the program was the album given by the young men and women of Mr. Early’s class. Here were shown pictures of members of the Early faily (sic – family?) in early days.

West Side M.E.

A Christmas program was held by the Sunday school classes of the West Side M.E. church Tuesday evening. A large crowd was present. A beautiful Christmas tree which held a gift for everyone present, and a fine program constituted the entertainment of the evening.

Railroad Offices Closed.

Yesterday there was not a railroad office in the city, with the exception of the Illinois Central dispatcher’s office, open. The railroad men one and all were making merry. On the Great Western freights 85 and 86 and the stucco special were annulled. On the M. and (S)t. L. the wayfreights were pulled off for the day. Business on the Illinois Central did not stop because of the holiday. The switch engines were busy in the yards all day and the traffic was as large as on any other day.

At Corpus Christi and Sacred Heart Catholic churches three morning masses were said. The first ones were at five and six thirty o’clock. They ended with the usual high mass at ten thirty. Sermons appropriate to the occasion were preached by the pastors.

Bring Back Gifts.

In almost every store along the street people can be seen today bringing back gifts to exchange them for a different design or size. Especially where the articles are gifts of clothing and a misfit resulted, is this to be noticed.

Merchants Invoice.

Now that the busy Christmas season has practically closed, many of the merchants along the streets are beginning to take their yearly invoice and perparing (sic) for straightening accounts, which always comes at the close of the year.

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A Gladsome Christmas

   Posted by: admin    in Holidays

Christmas postcard

If I had but the power
To make my words come True
I wish you all things bright and gay
And give them all to you.



More Than Their Share of Misfortune

   Posted by: admin    in Accident, Disease, Quarantine

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 24, 1903

Nore (sic) Tham (sic) Their Share of Misfortune

Home of W.H. Newsum, on Twelfth Avenue South, is the Scene of Many Troubles.

Misfortune seems to shadow the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Newsum, at 622 Twelfth avenue south. Some time ago their little daughter was taken ill with scarlet fever. But a few days after the quarantine was raised, the same child was again quarantined, this time for diphtheria. A few days ago their little son met with a serious accident by falling from a horse, the most severe of his injuries being a fractured skull. Meanwhile the quarantine was lifted from the home. Wednesday quarantine was again established, another child being ill with diphtheria.

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