The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 3, 1903
Street Car Route Has Been Outlined
Fort Dodge Light & Power Co. Announces Line to be Followed by Extension
Present Petition to Council
Ask That Streets be Brought to Grade at Points Along the New Line
The management of the Fort Dodge Light and Power company has determined the route to be followed by the extension of the car line which is planned to be constructed this spring. The route is as follows:
From Twelfth street and Central avenue:
South on Twelfth street to Fourth avenue south,
East on Fourth avenue south to Eighteenth street,
South on Eighteenth street to a point two blocks within the Oleson Land company’s tract,
East to the grand stand of the Mineral City Park association.
The entire extension contemplated is two and one-quarter miles in length. The company has already sufficient material on hand to complete the construction of one mile.
A petition was presented to the city council on Monday evening asking that at certain specified points the streets be brought to grade along the proposed route of the extension. The council referred the matter to the street and alley committee. None of the changes asked are of any special importance. One is for a two foot cut for a short distance on Fourth avenue south between Twelfth and Thirteenth street, just in front of the German Lutheran church. A short fill is also requested on Eighteenth street between Fourth and Fifth avenues south.
Manager Will Healy, of the Fort Dodge Light and Power company stated this morning that the company expected to begin work on their extension as soon as possible after a grade had been adjusted, if the council should take favorable action on their petition.