
Wahkonsa Literary Society

   Posted by: admin   in Organizations, People, Society news

Wahkonsa Literary Society

The Fort Dodge Republican, Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1860

At call, the Wahkonsa Literary Society of Fort Dodge met at the Episcopal Church. On motion, Hon. J.M. Stockdale was called to the Chair for the evening. On motion, of Henry Ringland Esq., H. Beecher was elected Vice President; A.M. Dawley Recording Secretary; E.D.G. Morgan, Treas.; and T. Hawley Editor pro tem. After numerous suggestions by members present, the old Constitution and By Laws were re-adopted.

Society then proceeded, to the election of officers for the ensuing term. Maj. Wm. Williams was chosen Pres.; H. Beecher, Vice Pres.; A.M. Dawley, Secy.; W.G. Mitchell, Cors. Secy.; E.D.G. Morgan, Treas.; T. Hawley Editor. On motion, the following persons were elected members of the society: A. Booth, T. Hawley, J.H. Holloway, G.H. Blair, and Jas. W. Logan.

On motion, the Chair appointed a committee of three to revise the Constitution and By Laws. The Chair appointed E.D.G. Morgan, G.S. Ringland and J.H. Holloway.

After divers remarks, a motion to adjourn, carried. The Chair then announced the following order of business for the next meeting:

Question for debate,
Resolved, that the Constitution is a compact between the people of the United States. J.H. Holloway, G.H. Blair and G.S. Ringland to affirm; Jno. F. Duncombe, Henry Ringland and J.D. Burkholder to deny. The Chair then announced the meeting adjourned for one week.
J.M. Stockdale,
Chairman, pro tem.
A.M. Dawley,
Secretary, pro tem.
Fort Dodge, Dec. 14th, 1860.


The Grave

   Posted by: admin   in Uncategorized

Fort Dodge Messenger, Tuesday, December 17, 1901

The Grave

John Holbrook Sr. died at his home, on North Tenth street, at 8 o’clock on Sunday morning, of paralysis of the heart. the deceased had been sick some time, having suffered a stroke of paralysis some time ago, and the death was not unexpected. The funeral will be held on Tuesday after noon at 2 o’clock from the residence. Rev. C.H. Remington will conduct the funeral exercises.

Mr. Holbrook was well known in Fort Dodge, where he had lived for many years, and the news of his death will bring sorrow to many friends. He leaves a wife and two children, John Holbrook Jr. of Manson, and Mrs. Milchrist of Sioux City.

The funeral of George McNett, whose sad death as the result of an accident, occurred on Tuesday, was buried from the Sacred Heart Catholic chuch at 10 o’clock Friday morning. In spite of the biting cold, a large number of the friends whom the dead man had made during his years of residence here, were present at the church, and the floral tributes were many and beautiful, including one elaborate piece from the members of the order of Locomotive Firemen, of which the deceased was a member, who attended in a body.

Impressive funeral services were conducted by Father Heelan, and many followed the body to his last resting place in the Catholic cemetery.

The sympathy of many friends goes out to the grief-stricken widow, into whose happy home life the rude hand of death has so suddenly broken.

The pall bearers were chosen from the number of Mr. Mcnett’s fellow employees.

George McNett on Find a Grave


George M’Nett is killed

   Posted by: admin   in obituary, Railroad accident

The Evening Messenger, Dec. 11, 1901
George M’Nett is killed
Fireman on Central Meets Terrible Fate on Tuesday
Thrown Under Car Wheels
Struck by Bridge and Thrown to His Death. Make His Home in This City

When passenger No. 4, on the Central pulled into Fort Dodge at 11 o’clock this morning, it bore a sad burden, the mangled body of Fireman George McNett, who full of the vigor of healthful manhood, left the city on freight No. 51, early Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. McNett was killed at a bridge not far from Brogan, a little station just the other side of Wall Lake. He was thrown from the engine, and either fell, or was drawn by suction, under the wheels, which mangled the body terribly before the train, which was running at a rapid rate, could be brought to a stand still. As nearly as can be learned, Mr. McNett was leaning out of the cab for a drink of water from the tank, when the train came to the bridge. He was stooping, but the bridge was low and struck him, throwing him from his hold and hurling him to his death under the iron wheels below. Death must have been instantaneous.

Engineer Clarke brought h is train to a stand still as quickly as possible, and the mangled body was picked up and taken on board the train. John Fox, a fireman who was on the train learning the route, fired the train into Omaha. Mr. McNett spent his boyhood days in this city and had been living in Fort Dodge two years, having moved here from Livermore. During this time he has been in the employ of the Illinois Central railroad, and has made many friends among the railroad boys. He was a careful man, and one who seemed in little danger of a death such as befell him. He was married and leaves a wife and little daughter, Bessie, five years old. Mrs. McNett is almost prostrated by the shock, but is bearing up under it as well as could be expected.

Mrs. McNeil, the mother of Mrs. McNett, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clint Githens, in Des Moines, has been summoned by wire, and arrived this morning, accompanied by her daughter, who will remain until after the funeral.

Mr. McNett was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and was insured in that order for $2,000 ($3,536.45 today). He was a member and faithful attendant of Sacred Heart church. He was 30 years old.
His companions on the road will have charge of the funeral, which will probably be held from the Sacred Heart church. The time cannot, as yet, be definitely announced.


Remember Iowa’s Natal Day

   Posted by: admin   in Government, Holidays

Evening Messenger, Dec. 30, 1896

Remember Iowa’s Natal Day

DES MOINES, Dec. 29 — Des Moines was decked with flags yesterday in honor of the semicentennial anniversary of Iowa’s statehood. Fifty years ago the act for admission of Iowa was approved by the president. City, county, state and school buildings and business houses and residences generally were decorated with flags, but there were no other observations aside from a national salute at sunrise.

Semi-weekly Chronicle, Dec. 30, 1896

Listed under “Additional Local” on Page 4

Monday was the fiftieth anniversary of Iowa’s statehood, and was a day appropriate for the display of national colors as recommended by the proclamation of the governor. Iowa has a proud record back of her and a promising future ahead. In increase of wealth and population, as well as in the development of great natural resources, Iowa in every way does credit to the great republic and is one of the brightest stars in the jeweled band of union. Fifty years has seen this great commonwealth develope (sic) from a vast ocean of rank prairie grass backboned with timber bordered streams to a veritable garden of fertility. The rich loam has been turned int gold; the forests have fenced the prairie farms and the bountiful portion of mineral wealth has been ever a potent factor in aiding our material progress. The hamlets of fifty years ago have grown to cities and the cities have grown rich and populous. All will now go well with the Hawkeye state if the political doctors haven’t forced her to swallow an over dose of their particular kind of confidence which produces nausea and headache.


“January” thaw

   Posted by: admin   in weather

Fort Dodge Messenger and Chronicle, Dec. 29, 1919

“January” thaw

It’s Wet Underfoot But a Raw Wind Makes Overcoat a Necessity.

The January thaw got here before January but whether or not it is a January thaw no one will have any doubts about the thawing part. The streets are running water and even the hardest chunks of dirty ice are being resolved into water under the combination of milder temperatures and sunshine.

But even with the thaw working overtime, there is a cold sharp wind which is felt every now and then and makes the day seem “rather raw, don’t you know?”

Everything seemed lined up for a good blizzard Sunday afternoon. The day was cloudy and not very cold. Fine sleet fell about noon and later this turned into a snow. The snow stopped, however, before the big banks of dirty snow which are a hang-over from the storms of several weeks ago, were completely covered over. The result was like that of a small boy who tries to wash himself and calls it a finish when he is white only in spots.

The Weather

Fair tonight and probably Tuesday, slightly colder tonight and northwest portion Tuesday.

Minimum temperature 32 above.


Joseph Lynch is buried Monday

   Posted by: admin   in Death, obituary

Fort Dodge Messenger and Chronicle, Jan. 2, 1918

Joseph Lynch is buried Monday

The funeral of Joseph Lynch, who died Saturday after a short illness with pneumonia, took place Monday morning at 9;30 at Corpus Christi church. Monsignor J.T. Saunders officiated. During the requiem mass Bernard O’Leary sang Ave Maria, Miss Ursula Ryan sang Salutaris and a duet by Miss Ryan and Mrs. Len Carter was given.

Burial was in the Corpus Christi cemetery. the bearers were Eugene Conway, Hugo Hetter, Lou Brunenkant, Emmett OConnor, Walter Lynch, and John Hogan, all boyhood friends of the deceased.

Mrs. Edwin Dwyer of Chicago, a sister, and Mrs. P. Gilday of Council Bluffs, an aunt, were here for the funeral.



   Posted by: admin   in Scams

Fort Dodge Times Dec, 23, 1870


Sheriff Walz, has returned from a flying trip to Missouri, whither he went in search of a friend of Dr. Olney. It appears that a certain individual by the name of Freeman (no relation to W.D.J.) came to this city, some time during the past season, and represented himself as an agent of a wholesale house in the east, for the sale of Pianos. The Dr. wanted a Piano, and bought one of this man, giving his note for the amount, to be paid at some future time. The note was sold to Mr. Dwelle, at a discount. The Piano failing to arrive, as per agreement, the Dr. became uneasy, and, upon inquiry, soon lerned that the fellow was “non est.” An indictment was found by the Grand Jury in October last, a warrant for his arrest issued, and Sheriff Walz unearthed him down in Missouri, arriving home on Wednesday, via the D.M.V.R.R. (Des Moines Valley Railroad) Freeman is well, and in jail. No cards.


Poor Location Chosen by Woman

   Posted by: admin   in Court matters, Crime

The Fort Dodge Messenger and Chronicle: Aug. 24, 1917

Poor Location Chosen by Woman

Moves Next Door to Chief of Police Jordan

And Then is Disorderly

Lives There Two Days and is Then Arrested

Failure to investigate her neighbors caused Mrs. Daisy Cole, formerly of Eagle Grove, to clash with the city authorities. Had she looked over her neighbors carefully, she would have chosen another location and might possibly have kept out of police court a few days longer at least. Mrs. Cole and other inmates paid $25 fines.

Mrs. Cole was brought before the court this morning on a charge of disorderly conduct, which consisted of running a house of ill fame. She moved into Fort Dodge from Eagle Grove only two days ago, and moved next door to Chief of Police M.J. Jordan.

When an auto awakened him at 3:00 a.m. Wednesday night, Jordan noticed that it stopped in front of the Cole house. The next morning the car was still there. Friday night about midnight Jordan was again awakened by another car and the shouts of the occupants, who entered the Cole residence.

Jordan called several of his men and raided the place. They found Evelyn Weitzell of Eagle Grove, upstairs and Margaret Taman was also there. Homan Williams and M. Bryon, the latter of Fort Dodge, were among those present.



Army Rations Not In It

   Posted by: admin   in Food, Military matters

Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 5, 1904

Army Rations Not In It

An Old Soldier Writes of His Christmas Dinner.

Former Fort Dodge Man Tells of Good Things to Eat at Old Soldiers’ Home on Christmas.

Those veterans of the civil war who are gathered together in the home for the old soldiers at Marshalltown fared just as well or better than many who had homes of their own on Christmas day. One soldier from Fort Dodge, who is now at the home, has written to the Messenger telling of the many good things that they were served on that day, and starts his letter with “Did we have dinner Christmas at the Soldier’s home? Read the following and draw your own conclusions.”

“One hundred and twenty-three pounds of turkey; three gallons of oysters for dressing; three gallons of good gravy, forty pounds of potatoes; fifteen pounds of bread, six pounds of good butter; forty pounds of plum pudding; three gallons vanilla sauce; green pears; fourteen quarts cranberries, nine pounds of sugar; one hundred and thirty-eight oranges; one hundred and sixty-two bananas; twenty-four pounds of candy, one-third of a barrel of apples, twelve dozen doughnuts; nine pounds of cheese; one and one-half dozen pickles, fifty pounds of milk, two pounds of Mocha Coffee; one-fourth pound Formosa tea. This was in our dining room in the O.P.B. We have two good cooks in the kitchen and five good girls in the dining room. Everything is cooked and served in good style.”



Divorced Couple Remarried in City

   Posted by: admin   in Divorce, Marriage, People

Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 4, 1906

Divorced Couple Remarried in City

J.W. and Mrs. Dora Leighton Divorced in 1903 Remarry Yesterday.

One of the most peculiar marriage incidents on record in this vicinity occurred in this city yesterday when Rev. George C. Fort united in marriage J.W. Leighton and Mrs. Dora Leighton, both of Livermore.

The story of the strange romance is that Mr. and Mrs. Leighton were divorced in 1903, the decree being granted from the Humboldt county district court. Mr. Leighton, who was a prosperous hardware merchant of the town of Livermore, took to drink some years ago and according to evidence given at the hearing of the divorce proceedings, made life miserable for his wife and family for several years prior to the action for separation. The decree was granted, despite the protests of Leighton who did everything within his power to prevent it.

Sobered and saddened by the action that his wife had found necessary, he began rapidly to mend his ways, maintained strict sobriety, and sought to repair the wrong that he had done. In the end a reconciliation was brought about between himself and wife which has ended in their marriage in this city yesterday. Mr. Leighton is a cousin of E.I. and L.L. Leighton, of the firm of Leighton Bros. of this city and is well known to many Fort Dodge residents.

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