The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 30, 1903
Dog Fight Led to Fist Fight
Con Fogerty (sic) Was Heavily Fined for Striking Mrs. Montgomery
Was a Busy Police Court
Busy Monday Attested the Fact That Spring Has Come Again – Six Drunks Docketed.
A dog fight resulted in a fist fight Sunday afternoon and the fracas culminated in police court this morning when Con Fogarty was fined $25 and costs for striking Mrs. Montgomery a blow on the forehead which to use Mrs. Montgomery’s own words, penetrated “plumb to the bone.”
On Sunday afternoon Con Fogarty’s dog encountered Mrs. Montgomery’s canine pet and proceeded to literally eat up his adversary, being incited in so doing, it is claimed by Fogarty. Mr. Montgomery tried to make peace but Fogarty objected. Then Mrs. Montgomery appeared on the scene and Fogarty struck her with brutal force on the forehead, the wound being plainly visible when the lady appeared against Fogarty in police court this morning. James O’Hare, who was also implicated, was fined $5 and costs. both Fogarty and O’Hare being unable to pay their fines were sent to the city jail.
Besides the dog fight case, six drunks were docketed. David Fuller, who was charged with carrying knuckles besides being drunk, admitted that the knuckles were his possession, but said that he had them by accident. He was fined $7.10 and left his gold watch as security, having no cash. Simon Fodge who resides in the country was charged with being drunk but was dismissed on payment of a dollar and on promise of going home. James West, John Hanson, Sam McElroy and James Hallison were charged with being drunk. All please guilty and were accordingly given the customary $7.10 fine. West left a watch in place of cash. John Hanson was discharged and McElroy, who when asked by His Honor what was his business, replied, “I ain’t got no business,” was committed to jail. Hallison was also sent to jail.
This morning’s docket was the heaviest in some time and those connected with police court are beginning to feel that spring has really come.
Tags: 1903, Fodge, Fogarty, Fuller, Hallison, Hanson, McElroy, Montgomery, O'Hare, West