Posts Tagged ‘Reynolds’


Two Pretty Weddings

   Posted by: admin    in Coalville, Lehigh, Marriage, Society news

The Lehigh Valley Argus: Oct. 26, 1906

Two Pretty Weddings

Mr. Hay and Miss Russell; Mr. McAnally and Miss Daniels

Both Weddings Held Wednesday.

The marriage of Miss Letitia Maud Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell of this place, and Mr. Archie Hay, of Coalville, occurred at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Sam Reynolds, at high noon, on Wednesday, October 24th, 1906, Rev. H.C. Nissen of the M.E. church officiating. Only the relatives of the contracting parties attended the wedding. The bride was attired in a becoming gown of cream henrietta, trimmed in lace and silk applique and looked very handsome. The wedding march was played by the bride’s sister, Miss Ethel, while the happy couple took their places where solemn vows which made them man and wife were spoken. They were attended by the bride’s sister Miss Maggie Russell and Mr. Wm. Jordison. After the ceremony the company sat down to a bountiful wedding dinner.

The bride is well and favorably known in Lehigh and vicinity. Until recently she was one of the efficient “hello” girls of the Lehigh Telephone company in which capacity she has been employed during the past three years. She is a popular young lady holding the highest esteem of all acquaintances and friends, and is endowed with those womanly traits of character which make her loved and respected by all.
The groom is an industrious young man and is held in high esteem by those who know him well. This popular young couple will go to keeping house at Coalville, where the groom has prepared a home. The best wishes of a host of friends for a happy married life is given the happy couple.

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The marriage of Miss Mollie Agusta Daniels, daughter of Mrs. W.H. Daniels, to Mr. Earl Baker McAnally, both of this place, occurred at the home of the bride’s mother on Wednesday evening, October 24th, 1906, Rev. H. C. Nissen of the M.E. church officiating. About sixty invited guests were present and the wedding was a very pretty affair. The house was prettily decorated with autumn foliage. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk. The happy couple was attended by Miss Maria Elsberry and Mr. James McAnally. Lohengrin’s wedding march was played by Mr. N.H. Tyson as the young couple took their place before the assembled guests. After the ceremony had been performed and congratulations had been given the happy couple, all sat down to an elaborate wedding supper of eight courses.

The bride is a member of one of Webster county’s prosperous and highly respected families and has a large circle of close friends. The groom is an industrious and thrifty young man who also has a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Both are popular Lehigh young people who are beginning their journey together in the brightest of life’s mornings. They have gone to keeping house at the home of the bride’s mother where they will remain this winter.

The Argus joins with the many friends of both couples in wishing them a happy and contented married life.

(Editor’s note: I find the differences in the descriptions of the two weddings to be interesting. You can tell the different social and economic statuses of the two couples even before being told that the second bride’s family is prosperous, just by the descriptions of the wedding dresses and wedding suppers, the number of guests at each wedding, and the fact that Leticia Russell worked before she was married.)

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Local News

   Posted by: admin    in Fire, Miscellaneous notices, People, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 4, 1915

Local News

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting and banquet of the Plymouth Clay Products Company will take place Tuesday evening. The traveling men and stockholders are arriving in the city today, and all will be here for tomorrow.

Changes Position

Lou Brunenkant has resigned his position with the Strow Cigar Company and has taken one with Robert Wilson at the Conway Cigar Store. Brunenkant worked in his present position when the Conway Company had the place.

In New Position

Mrs. J.M. Spayde has resigned her position at the Cozy Tea Rooms and accepted one at the Drapery Shop.

Winter in California

Mr. and Mrs. A.S.R. Reynolds leave the last of the week for California where they will spend the winter.

Small Fire Today

The fire department were called about 2:00 p.m. today to the home of F.P. Schultz, 1504 Fifth avenue north. Whent he department arrived a small fire was discovered in the basement of the house. It is thought some rubbish which was piled near the furnace caught fire from the furnace causing the people to call the fire department. The fire was easily extinguished and practically no damage was done.

Purse Snatcher at Work

A home on First avenue north was entered precipitately Saturday evening about 9:30 by Miss Sarah Gallagher, who was badly frightened by a recent encounter with a purse snatcher. She explained that she had been walking between Central avenue and First avenue north when a man ran paster her and snatched at her purse. The purse handle broke, the purse fell to the ground and the man did not turn back to get it, but disappeared down an alley, running west. Miss Gallagher recovered her purse, which she said contained about fifty dollars (about $1,135 today).

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New Officers Take The Oath

   Posted by: admin    in County supervisors

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 4, 1904

New Officers Take The Oath

Successful Candidates in Recent County and Township Elections, Take Office.

Supervisors are in Session

Treasurer Ryan Appoints Assistant Depuey (sic) – Sheriff Selects Woolsey.

County treasurer, sheriff, surveyor, coroner and county superintendent of schools, two supervisors and township officers to fill vacancies took the oath of office today. The county officers are:

Treasurer – J.T. Ryan.
Sheriff – Henry Olson.
Surveyor – C.H. Reynolds.
Coroner – A.H. McCreight.
Superintendent – A.L. Brown.

The supervisors are:

First district – A.F. Simpson of Duncombe to succeed himself.
Second district – P.H. Cain of Clare, to succeed J.T. Ryan.

Treasurer J.T. Ryan today appointed O.F. Weiss, assistant deputy. No appointment was filled for deputy treasurer although it is known that E.H. Cox will be appointed to that office. Clark Woolsey has been appointed deputy sheriff to succeed himself.

By acclamation Swan Johnson, of Dayton, was appointed chairman to succeed A.F. Simpson. The board is now engaged in settling with the former treasurer, J.A. Lindquist. The following program has been made out by the board:

Tuesday, January 12.
Appointment of court house janitors, county physicians and official newspapers and book binders.

Wednesday January 13
Annual inspection of poor farm.

Thursday, January 14
Ditches, roads and bridges and appointment of commissioner of poor and over-seer of poor farm.

The standing committees for the year are:

Claims – Cain and Hilstrom.
Settlement with county officers – Collins and Simpson.
Roads – Simpson and Johnson.

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Plans for Dam in the River

   Posted by: admin    in Business, City Council

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Sept. 14, 1906

Plans for Dam in the River

Light and Power Co’s. Project is Certainty – Engineer Preparing Plans

City engineer Charles Reynolds is engaged at present in drawing a set of plans for the construction of a dam in the Des Moines river near the upper river bridge at the direction of the Fort Dodge Light and (P)ower Co., who plan to erect the same as soon as possible.

This announcement will be received gladly all through the city. the project has been held in mind by the Light and Power Co., for some time but has only recently been definitely decided upon. This means that this company will be enabled to furnish the cheapest power in the state and that it will almost force big manufacturing firms to come here.

It is a step of great importance for the city and means more than the acquisition of any railroad line of factory such as Fort Dodge has worked for in the past. It is expected that work will commence next spring. An eighteen foot dam is planned.

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   Posted by: admin    in Miscellaneous notices, People, Society news

The Webster County Gazette: May 14, 1880


Frank Quinby was in town Tuesday.

Mrs. Duncombe went to Ottumwa, Tuesday.

Warwick Price, of Cleveland, is in the city.

M.D. O’Connell is in Des Moines this week.

D.W. Halstead has been out west all week.

Mrs. Steele, of Omaha, is in town this week.

G.B. Reynolds went to Des Moines Monday.

Mrs. Manly Brown, of Dakota, is in town this week.

James Black has returned from his Colorado trip.

Mrs. Getchell went down to Cedar Falls Wednesday.

Dr. Reed, of Manson, was in the city over Sunday.

Miss Grace Wood left Tuesday for Geneva, Illinois.

Sanders, formerly of the Fort Dodge House is in town.

E.M. Dunning goes east Sunday night to buy buggy horses.

J.H. Deming is in the city. Arrived Wednesday. His wife remains east.

Miss Cornele Sherman has gone to Chicago to obtain treatment for her eyes.

Rev. Coyle went to Cherokee, Thursday to assist in the services of ordination.

Miss May Brown and Mrs. C.F. Demuth are visiting O.M. Hazard and family at Newell.

J.M. Boyer, ensign U.S.N., accompanied by his wife will reach Fort Dodge Saturday, on a visit to their relatives here.

T.H. Wright discovers that the Sioux City end of his division needs a great deal of attention of late. There is calico on the track. (Editor’s note: I’m guessing they are implying that he is seeing a woman in Sioux City. Anyone else have an explanation?)

Mrs. David Davis and Miss Nettie left Wednesday morning for Boston. They spend the summer in the east, most of it at Martha’s Vineyard.

George Smith is bossing his train on the Des Moines road after a week’s visit in Keokuk. George is the fellow who has run on his line 13 years and never rode a mile on any other road in the state.

J.M. Berry surprised everybody by walking in Tuesday afternoon, just a day or so behind a letter that promised his return about the 1st of June. Mr. Berry is looking very hearty, and feeling strong.

Mr. D.M. Diggs, general agent of the C.R.I. & P. refrigerator line, was in the city on Saturday, in the interest of that company, the cars of which are running in connection with the D.M. & Ft. D.R.R. to this city.

Rev. R.F. Coyle pastor of the Presbyterian church at Fort Dodge, preached Sabbath morning and evening at Joyce’s hall. He is an admirable speaker, earnest, enthusiastic and eloquent. His language is forcible, and he states his propositions uncompromisingly. One cannot fail to see that he believes thoroughly what he says, and his sermons have that force which only intense individual conviction of truth can give. Mr. Coyle appears to be still a young man and has a brilliant career before him. -Carroll Herald.

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