
Successful Picnic Held The Fourth

   Posted by: admin   in Church news, Holidays

The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 5, 1907

(Editor’s note: The newspapers did not publish on holidays or Sundays during the early days of Fort Dodge, so we must use a July 5 article to show what happened on July 4.)

Successful Picnic Held The Fourth

The members of the German Evangelical Sunday school and church held the most successful picnic of years in the woods north of the city Thursday. The fun started early and at the noon hour all enjoyed a grand picnic dinner. In the afternoon games and races of all kinds were enjoyed by both old and young. Everybody present voted it the best picnic held by the church for years. The attendance was large and all present entered into the spirit of the occasion. The success financially exceeded the expectations of all and the society was enriched to the amount of about ninety dollars (about $2,079 today).

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