
German Lutheran Picnic Enjoyable

   Posted by: admin   in Church news, Holidays

The Fort Dodge Chronicle: July 5, 1907

(Editor’s note: The newspapers did not publish on holidays or Sundays during the early days of Fort Dodge, so we must use a July 5 article to show what happened on July 4.)

German Lutheran Picnic Enjoyable

The German Lutheran annual picnic at Oleson park the Fourth was one of the largest attended and most successful in the past few years. There was amusement for everybody and all day long games, races, contest and other features were indulged in. Clerks at the refreshment stands were occupied every minute waiting upon the people. A picnic dinner was served at noon, the members of the church bringing lunch baskets well filled with good things to eat. It was an enjoyable event for many and one long remembered.

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