Posts Tagged ‘Davis’


Merry Quartette of Drunks

   Posted by: admin    in Police court

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Aug. 25, 1904

Merry Quartette of Drunks

Appear in Police Court This August Morning

All are Relegated to the Pen for Punishment and Meditation Fancy Free

A quartet of drunks and vagrants graced the mercy seat in police court this morning. All plead guilty to their respective charges, as a result the city jail now houses four new ocupants (sic). The first man up was James King who appeared Wednesday morning and was allowed to leave upon promise to get out of town at once. He was given a strong dose this morning in the shape of a $9.35 sentence (about $235 today).

William Carroll of Minnesota was quickly disposed of at $5.85 ($147). William Davis from the Windy City took his $1 ($25 today) and costs and was lead to the bastile without a murmur. John Wilborn was the last man up and he made a strenuous plea for fresh air, saying that he had an appointment at Oelwein. He too was relegated to the city pen.

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Police Court Grind

   Posted by: admin    in Police court

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 21, 1907

Police Court Grind

Nine Offenders Cower Before Mayor. Cripple Lucky – Vags Will Labor on Streets.

Nine men picked up by the officers Saturday night and Sunday filled the jail to overflowing and made a big line up for police court this morning. Drunks and vags proved to be the roles of the offenders.

Martin Anderson and Nels Johnson, two graders on the new electric line, were charged five eighty five for their jags.

Frank Miles, Frank Davis and J. Boland were given sentences of ten days at hard labor on the city streets, the first two for vagrancy and the last for drunkenness and disorderly conduct.

“Let’s see there, you. You’re a cripple, I believe,” said the mayor, pointing out a man in the crowd who was charged with vagrancy and who gave his name as John Giles. The man significantly held up a stump of arm from which hung an empty sleeve. “Your misfortune saves you,” said the mayor. “I’ll let you go.”

Two man named Knudson and Earley were fined the regulation dollar and costs. Another, named Moran, was let go.

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Border Plains

   Posted by: admin    in Border Plains, Church news, Society news

The Webster County Gazette: May 21, 1880

Border Plains

A little son of Jim Wheeler’s has been quite sick with the diptheria (sic), but is now recovering.

A three years old colt, belonging to Davis, fell dead in the harness while plowing corn one day last week.

Silas Goss believes in the “fonetic sistem of spelin.” Sukses Silus to your efforts.

John Tapper, our new school superintendent, was through this part of the county last week attending to the duties of his office; and right here perhaps it would not be out of place to remark that Mr. Tapper is doing a good work in our schools. His gentlemanly manner gains for him the respect and regard of all our teachers, while his enthusiasm for school room work leaves an influence which cannot be otherwise than beneficial.

It was Beightol’s house than burned instead of Brightol, as was made to appear by your type in last weeks paper and Beightol was living in it at the time.

Samuel Suture and wife start for Colorado soon.

While Will Clark and a little son of E.L. Pratt, were planting corn the other day  the team – a pair of colts got away form Will and started off to plant corn on their own hook. For a time Will said he never saw corn planted as fast, but the planter soon began to assume a form that would not warrant it to work in a systematic manner, and planting operations were suspended although the horses went on. When stopped it was found that the planter was completely demoralized. Although the loss at the time was quite serious yet under the circumstances it was fortunate that it was no worse.

It would probably be a pretty good idea for the good people who  hold religious services in the school house, to occasionally clean the same. When Paul wrote “cleanliness is next to Godliness” he ment (sic) the school house floor as much as any thing else.

Several person who were converted at the revival meetings last winter, held at the Blanchard school house, were sprinkled last Sunday.

N.B. Hyatt of Webster City revealed his smiling visage last Sunday to some of this friends in this township.

We were mistaken when we said not long ago that the measles were subsiding in this neighborhood. They are wading right in with the stern vengence (sic) of a lightning rod agent. We almost took ’em the other day.

A young lady of this town s hip boards at home and walks to and from her school nigh and morning a distance of three miles. We call that grit.

The leap year party at Duncombe was a success.

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   Posted by: admin    in Miscellaneous notices, People, Society news

The Webster County Gazette: May 14, 1880


Frank Quinby was in town Tuesday.

Mrs. Duncombe went to Ottumwa, Tuesday.

Warwick Price, of Cleveland, is in the city.

M.D. O’Connell is in Des Moines this week.

D.W. Halstead has been out west all week.

Mrs. Steele, of Omaha, is in town this week.

G.B. Reynolds went to Des Moines Monday.

Mrs. Manly Brown, of Dakota, is in town this week.

James Black has returned from his Colorado trip.

Mrs. Getchell went down to Cedar Falls Wednesday.

Dr. Reed, of Manson, was in the city over Sunday.

Miss Grace Wood left Tuesday for Geneva, Illinois.

Sanders, formerly of the Fort Dodge House is in town.

E.M. Dunning goes east Sunday night to buy buggy horses.

J.H. Deming is in the city. Arrived Wednesday. His wife remains east.

Miss Cornele Sherman has gone to Chicago to obtain treatment for her eyes.

Rev. Coyle went to Cherokee, Thursday to assist in the services of ordination.

Miss May Brown and Mrs. C.F. Demuth are visiting O.M. Hazard and family at Newell.

J.M. Boyer, ensign U.S.N., accompanied by his wife will reach Fort Dodge Saturday, on a visit to their relatives here.

T.H. Wright discovers that the Sioux City end of his division needs a great deal of attention of late. There is calico on the track. (Editor’s note: I’m guessing they are implying that he is seeing a woman in Sioux City. Anyone else have an explanation?)

Mrs. David Davis and Miss Nettie left Wednesday morning for Boston. They spend the summer in the east, most of it at Martha’s Vineyard.

George Smith is bossing his train on the Des Moines road after a week’s visit in Keokuk. George is the fellow who has run on his line 13 years and never rode a mile on any other road in the state.

J.M. Berry surprised everybody by walking in Tuesday afternoon, just a day or so behind a letter that promised his return about the 1st of June. Mr. Berry is looking very hearty, and feeling strong.

Mr. D.M. Diggs, general agent of the C.R.I. & P. refrigerator line, was in the city on Saturday, in the interest of that company, the cars of which are running in connection with the D.M. & Ft. D.R.R. to this city.

Rev. R.F. Coyle pastor of the Presbyterian church at Fort Dodge, preached Sabbath morning and evening at Joyce’s hall. He is an admirable speaker, earnest, enthusiastic and eloquent. His language is forcible, and he states his propositions uncompromisingly. One cannot fail to see that he believes thoroughly what he says, and his sermons have that force which only intense individual conviction of truth can give. Mr. Coyle appears to be still a young man and has a brilliant career before him. -Carroll Herald.

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Rockwell Young Man Elopes With School Girl

   Posted by: admin    in People, Rockwell

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 31, 1903

Rockwell Young Man Elopes With School Girl

Young People Take Their Romance in Their Own Hands and Leave Town Together.

Rockwell, Iowa, March 31 – Rockwell is experiencing a decided sensation in the elopement of two of her young people: Miss Zell Smith and Guy Davis. Miss Smith is an unusually prepossessing young lady not quite 18 years of age, and has been attending the public school here this winter and rooming in the second floor of the Mallory block. she is an only daughter of Mr. and Mrs Isaiah Smith, well-to-do people living six miles northeast of Rockwell and who, it seems objected to the attentions of young Davis.

The  young couple boarded the 8:20 train north Wednesday evening and nothing has been seen or heard of them since. The continued absence of Miss Smith from school aroused suspicion and yesterday noon friends broke into her room and discovered a note addressed to her parents telling them of the step she was about to take and begging forgiveness for the sorrow and heartache she would cause them.

The young lady’s father was immediately notified, but he is completely at sea as to her whereabouts. Mr. Davis is a son of respected parents living in the country a short distance from town.

Professor Mahannah is grieved at the occurrence, as Miss Smith was one of the brightest pupils in the whole school. People generally regard the affair as unfortunate and regret that the young people had not acted with less rashness.

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 3, 1903

Takes Runaway Couple Home

Stern Father Locates Daughter, a 17-year-old Bride of Six Days

Ran Away From School to Wed

Isaih F. Smith, of Rockwell, Says he will See What Virtue There is in the Law

Marshalltown, April 3 – The curtain was drawn in this city Wednesday afternoon on a little domestic tragedy, which had its beginning a week ago when Ivan Guy Davis, a 19-year old boy living near Rockwell, eloped with pretty Lola Zelle Smith, aged 17, a student in the Rockwell high school, from which she was to graduate next June. The couple was married at St. Anthony, Friday, March 27, by Mayor Samuel Meekins.

Isiah F. Smith, a well-to-do farmer living six miles northeast of Rockwell, in Bath township, who is about to retire from the farm and move to Mason City to reside is the father of the bride.

Miss Smith was in school at Rockwell and on Wednesday, March 25, obtained an excuse from the principal on the grounds of  illness. The illness was caused from the bacilli of love, a fresh culture of which had found fertile ground in the heart of her affections. Ivan Guy Davis, aged 19, son of S.R. Davis, formerly a farmer living three miles north of Zearing, but now living near Rockwell.

The young people didn’t ask either Papa and Mamma Smith, or Papa and Mamma Davis, but took French leave, going to Mason City. At that place they boarded the fast night train of the Iowa Central, No. 6 coming to this city. On Friday they obtained a license at the office of Clerk of Courts Knisely, Ralph Le Fever of St. Anthony, minor son of A.D. LeFever, a farmer living about midway between St. Anthony and Zearing, acting as sponsor and searing to the affidavit in which the legal ages of the young people was the most important.

The happy pair, congratulating themselves on their capability of outwitting the old folds, took the Story Branch train in the evening for St. Anthony, where Mayor Meekins was induced to tie the nuptial knot.

At the Rockwell end of the line the scene was not so happy. Mr. Smith was about two days late, but when he found that his daughter had left school he was pretty sure what had happened. He also found that young Davis was not at home and at once began the search. He came to this city and consulted the marriage record and a few little notations under the “D’s” told him all he wanted to know.

He went to Zearing Wednesday morning, with the idea of tearing the bride from her young husband. Davis refused to be torn and accompanied his wife and her father to Rockwell Wednesday evening.

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