Posts Tagged ‘Reed’


Young Girls’ Long Walk

   Posted by: admin    in People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Sept. 24, 1903

Young Girls’ Long Walk

Make Two Hundred Mile Tour in the Rockies

Were Formerly Residents of Jefferson – Was Rough But Healthy Exercise.

The Denver Daily News of September 13 has the following to say of some former Jefferson girls, Misses Maud and Laeta Elden, who have just taken a long tramp among the Rockies. The Misses Elden are nieces of Mesdames Enfield and Adkinson of Jefferson. The write up is accompanied by a picture of the party in walking rig:

“Miss Maud Elden and a party of friends have just ended a two hundred mile tramp at Boulder. In their tramp these parties twice crossed the ‘snowy range.’ From Boulder they went in a northwesterly direction and crossed the continental divide on Arapahoe pass, from which they descended into Middle Park. From Grand Lake they went to Estes Park, over the Famous Flat Top trail. For some distance this trail is among wild scenes 12,500 feet above the sea level. In Estes Park they spent several days and made many side trips, includingq (sic) a climb up Long’s Peak. In starting forward again they tramped for many miles along near the range, and ultimately reached Boulder by way of Allen’s Park and Jamestown.

“On the trip they wore short skits and carried but little baggage. One coffee pot and one tin pan was their only cooking outfit, and one blanket each was their only bedding.

“The weather during the tramp was ideal, and the outing brought to all a ravenous appetite. They did not carry provisions, and as most of the tour was made through a sparsely settled section, they often went hungry.

“All returned delighted with the tramp and every one is in vigorous health. All are school teachers and are graduates of the state university.

“At the head of the party was Miss Maud Elden, an instructor in the university at Boulder. The others were Miss Laeta Elden, a teacher at Sterling; Miss Helen Reed who has charge of the primary grades in the Boulder schools; Walter Reed, a teacher at Carbondale, and Ralph Reed, an instructor in the East Denver high school.

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   Posted by: admin    in Miscellaneous notices, People, Society news

The Webster County Gazette: May 14, 1880


Frank Quinby was in town Tuesday.

Mrs. Duncombe went to Ottumwa, Tuesday.

Warwick Price, of Cleveland, is in the city.

M.D. O’Connell is in Des Moines this week.

D.W. Halstead has been out west all week.

Mrs. Steele, of Omaha, is in town this week.

G.B. Reynolds went to Des Moines Monday.

Mrs. Manly Brown, of Dakota, is in town this week.

James Black has returned from his Colorado trip.

Mrs. Getchell went down to Cedar Falls Wednesday.

Dr. Reed, of Manson, was in the city over Sunday.

Miss Grace Wood left Tuesday for Geneva, Illinois.

Sanders, formerly of the Fort Dodge House is in town.

E.M. Dunning goes east Sunday night to buy buggy horses.

J.H. Deming is in the city. Arrived Wednesday. His wife remains east.

Miss Cornele Sherman has gone to Chicago to obtain treatment for her eyes.

Rev. Coyle went to Cherokee, Thursday to assist in the services of ordination.

Miss May Brown and Mrs. C.F. Demuth are visiting O.M. Hazard and family at Newell.

J.M. Boyer, ensign U.S.N., accompanied by his wife will reach Fort Dodge Saturday, on a visit to their relatives here.

T.H. Wright discovers that the Sioux City end of his division needs a great deal of attention of late. There is calico on the track. (Editor’s note: I’m guessing they are implying that he is seeing a woman in Sioux City. Anyone else have an explanation?)

Mrs. David Davis and Miss Nettie left Wednesday morning for Boston. They spend the summer in the east, most of it at Martha’s Vineyard.

George Smith is bossing his train on the Des Moines road after a week’s visit in Keokuk. George is the fellow who has run on his line 13 years and never rode a mile on any other road in the state.

J.M. Berry surprised everybody by walking in Tuesday afternoon, just a day or so behind a letter that promised his return about the 1st of June. Mr. Berry is looking very hearty, and feeling strong.

Mr. D.M. Diggs, general agent of the C.R.I. & P. refrigerator line, was in the city on Saturday, in the interest of that company, the cars of which are running in connection with the D.M. & Ft. D.R.R. to this city.

Rev. R.F. Coyle pastor of the Presbyterian church at Fort Dodge, preached Sabbath morning and evening at Joyce’s hall. He is an admirable speaker, earnest, enthusiastic and eloquent. His language is forcible, and he states his propositions uncompromisingly. One cannot fail to see that he believes thoroughly what he says, and his sermons have that force which only intense individual conviction of truth can give. Mr. Coyle appears to be still a young man and has a brilliant career before him. -Carroll Herald.

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