Posts Tagged ‘Russell’


Two Pretty Weddings

   Posted by: admin    in Coalville, Lehigh, Marriage, Society news

The Lehigh Valley Argus: Oct. 26, 1906

Two Pretty Weddings

Mr. Hay and Miss Russell; Mr. McAnally and Miss Daniels

Both Weddings Held Wednesday.

The marriage of Miss Letitia Maud Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell of this place, and Mr. Archie Hay, of Coalville, occurred at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Sam Reynolds, at high noon, on Wednesday, October 24th, 1906, Rev. H.C. Nissen of the M.E. church officiating. Only the relatives of the contracting parties attended the wedding. The bride was attired in a becoming gown of cream henrietta, trimmed in lace and silk applique and looked very handsome. The wedding march was played by the bride’s sister, Miss Ethel, while the happy couple took their places where solemn vows which made them man and wife were spoken. They were attended by the bride’s sister Miss Maggie Russell and Mr. Wm. Jordison. After the ceremony the company sat down to a bountiful wedding dinner.

The bride is well and favorably known in Lehigh and vicinity. Until recently she was one of the efficient “hello” girls of the Lehigh Telephone company in which capacity she has been employed during the past three years. She is a popular young lady holding the highest esteem of all acquaintances and friends, and is endowed with those womanly traits of character which make her loved and respected by all.
The groom is an industrious young man and is held in high esteem by those who know him well. This popular young couple will go to keeping house at Coalville, where the groom has prepared a home. The best wishes of a host of friends for a happy married life is given the happy couple.

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The marriage of Miss Mollie Agusta Daniels, daughter of Mrs. W.H. Daniels, to Mr. Earl Baker McAnally, both of this place, occurred at the home of the bride’s mother on Wednesday evening, October 24th, 1906, Rev. H. C. Nissen of the M.E. church officiating. About sixty invited guests were present and the wedding was a very pretty affair. The house was prettily decorated with autumn foliage. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk. The happy couple was attended by Miss Maria Elsberry and Mr. James McAnally. Lohengrin’s wedding march was played by Mr. N.H. Tyson as the young couple took their place before the assembled guests. After the ceremony had been performed and congratulations had been given the happy couple, all sat down to an elaborate wedding supper of eight courses.

The bride is a member of one of Webster county’s prosperous and highly respected families and has a large circle of close friends. The groom is an industrious and thrifty young man who also has a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Both are popular Lehigh young people who are beginning their journey together in the brightest of life’s mornings. They have gone to keeping house at the home of the bride’s mother where they will remain this winter.

The Argus joins with the many friends of both couples in wishing them a happy and contented married life.

(Editor’s note: I find the differences in the descriptions of the two weddings to be interesting. You can tell the different social and economic statuses of the two couples even before being told that the second bride’s family is prosperous, just by the descriptions of the wedding dresses and wedding suppers, the number of guests at each wedding, and the fact that Leticia Russell worked before she was married.)

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A Ton of Honey For New York

   Posted by: admin    in Clare, Farm life

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Aug. 1, 1905

A Ton of Honey For New York

E.D. Russell of Clare Ships a Ton of Honey to New York.

There is a new industry that is assuming large proportions. This is the honey bee culture at Clare. The bee farm is owned by E.D. Russell of Clare who has a very large number of hives. All of his bees are fed on white clover and make the finest of honey because of this food. An article in the Clare Tribune states that Dr. Russell will ship this week a ton of honey to New York. This is perhaps the largest shipment of money (sic) that has ever gone out of this part of Iowa and Dr. Russell is to be commended for his management of his bees. The honey is shipped in basswood crates and goes to New York in a refrigerator. Because of the excellence of the honey and the earliness of the season, Dr. Russell receives the sum of $320 ($7,665 in today’s dollars) for his consignment.

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Disorderly House Raided by Police

   Posted by: admin    in Police court

The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 10, 1905

Disorderly House Raided by Police

Was Closed Saturday Night and Inmates Given Hearing Today.

Fined $50.00 and Costs

Later It Was Decided to Let her Get Out of The City Which She is Glad to Do, Taking Her Daughter With Her.

On Saturday night the supposed fruit stand located on North Eighth street, was closed on the grounds that it was a disorderly house, and the proprietress, Mrs. Lizzie Wilson, along with her alleged daughter, Laura Beech Russell, ordered to apepar (sic) in police court at ten o’clock this morning to answer to the charge.

At the hearing of the woman which was held today, she was held guilty by his honor, and fined $50 and costs, the young girl, fifteen years of age, being of too tender an age to be sent to jail was ordered turned over the the (sic) district court.

The woman, however, plead (sic) that she was penniless, and that if given an opportunity she would leave the city. Seeing nothing to be gained for the good of the town by keeping her here in jail, she was finally released, and will be under police escort until she leaves at four o’clock in the morning for Sibley where she claims to have friends.

Made Bluff of Business.

The woman and her daughter arrived in Fort Dodge on election day and securing the building they have since occupied for the alleged purpose of running a candy kitchen, moved into it at once. In the front part of the building, which is partitioned off from the rear they put in a little fruit, some cigars, soft drinks and a little candy as alleged to keep up appearance, and under the cover of this operated a disorderly house.

It is alleged by the neighbors, two families of whom have moved away from the vicinity on account of the ill fame of the place, that there was always a crowd of young men and boys gathered about the place, that the piano was heard as late as three o’clock in the morning and that there was every evidence that the busines (sic) of the two women of the place was anything but legitimate.

A number of witnesses appeared in the case and testified to the above facts. Testimony was bought out which proved that the woman had been driven out of Spencer, where she had conducted the same sort of business.

The story of Mrs. Wilson herself developed the fact that she had been almost continually on the move, and while she claimed that both she and her daughter were respectable and of the best character, her appearance and especially the appearance and testimony of the girl failed to bear her out in her claim.

The place ahs been under surveillance for some time.

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