Posts Tagged ‘Halligan’


Boys Entice Young Girls From Home

   Posted by: admin    in People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Feb. 24, 1906

Boys Entice Young Girls From Home

Mrs. Cochran Puts City Police on Trail of Her Child Daughter.

She Tells Shocking Story

Little Girl Who Smokes Cigarettes and is Genuine Tough Believed to be at Bottom of Affair – Three Boys and Three Girls in It.

Almost crazed with grief and apprehension, and hardly able to keep from weeping outright a woman living in the lower districts of the city, giving her name as Mrs. Cochran, appeared before Mayor Bennett this morning, bearing a shocking tale of woe.

She states that she is of the opinion that her young thirteen year old daughter, Mabel, had been led from home in company with two other girls scarcely older and is now in some resort or has left the city.

The girl, so she says, has been keeping company with one Isabel Anderson, whom she avers is a genuine tough, and though only thirteen or fourteen years old, smokes cigarettes and has a reputation otherwise in keeping.

Her daughter was seen yesterday in company with the Anderson girl and Bertina Overby, another of the same stamp, and the three were about the city with Joe Williams, Charley Hutchinson and Leo Halligan, who the chinson and Leo Halligan. Now (italicized text was an extra line in the article) states Mrs. Cochran, neither of the three girls have shown up at their homes and whereabouts of the entire sexette is unknown.

The police say that several of the crowd have been considered fit candidates for the reform school for some time. They will be on the look out for them today and if they are found some action will probably be taken in the matter which will prevent such happenings in the future.

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Death Has Called For Two

   Posted by: admin    in Death, obituary

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 9, 1903

Death Has Called For Two

Leo Halligan Died Wednesday Night After Long Illness.

Funeral Will be Saturday Morning in Corpus Christi Church – Mrs. A.P. Minard is Dead.

Leo Halligan, the eighteen year old son of Mrs. Christopher Halligan, died at his home in the city Wednesday night between eleven and twelve o’clock.

He had been ailing since Christmas. Prior to that time he was a student at the Wahkonsa school and was most popular among his school fellows.

He leaves three sisters, Jennie, Kate and Anna, besides his mother, and brother, Thomas, all of whom reside in the city. His father, the late Christopher Halligan has been dead over ten years.

The funeral will occur from Corpus Christi church Saturday morning at 10 o’clock.

After a five week’s illness Mrs. A.P. Minard passed away at the hospital this morning at two o’clock. Death was caused by typhoid fever.

Deceased was aged 24 years old and was the wife of A.P. Minard, a stone cutter residing on Twelfth avenue south and Sixth street. The body will be taken to Yetter Friday for interment at that place.

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Co-operative Store at Moorland

   Posted by: admin    in Business, Moorland

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 13, 1905

Co-operative Store at Moorland

Company is Incorporated at The Farmers Elevator Company of Moorland

Many Farmers are Interested

The Company Plans to Handle Every Kind of a Business That Would be Needed There – Will Operate An Elevator, a Store and Real Estate.

Articles of incorporation were filed with the County Recorder in this city this morning, incorporating “The Farmers Elevator Company of Moorland.” This company has among its stockholders all the principal business men of that place as well as many farmers of the  surrounding country.

The articles of incorporation give considerable space to the kind of business the company is to engage in. The company has among its objects the operation of a grain elevator, the running of a co-operative store, which will handle dry goods, groceries, hardware, farm implements, boots and shoes and in fact all other products ever handled by a general store and will in addition transact real estate business.

The elevator is also to be run on a very liberal basis and the company will handle grain, live stock, swine, sheep and all dairy products. The company is organized in a way to indicate that it meant to absorb all business interests in that town.

The articles of incorporation do not give the capital stock, but allows for an increase in the stock up to $25,000 while the company is to have $3,000 paid up stock in the treasury on its date of incorporation which is June 10.

The president of the company is to be Joe Fiala. The vice president is T.A. McCarville. James A. Halligan is secretary while E.J. Halligan is treasurer. The other stockholders in the ocmpany on the date of its incorporation are as follows. F.G. Cochran, E.C. Kusterer, Joe McCarville, E.S. Fiala, Joseph Stanek, B.E. Peterson, F.H. Blunck, M.J. Barrett, N.L. Ornis, and Mr. J. Frosland.

(Editor’s note: The inflation calculator gives the amount of $598,737 in 2010 dollars for the original $25,000, and $71,484 for the original $3,000.)

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Home and Society

   Posted by: admin    in Home and Society, People, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 30, 1903

Home and Society

On Tuesday, March 24, a surprise party was successfully carried out at the resident (sic) of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Mavity on Seventh avenue north in honor of Miss Myrtle Donald who soon departs for Havelock, Iowa, to make her future home. The evening was spent in playing stock exchange and other games. The hostess was presented with a gold souveneir (sic) spoon. Light refreshments were serve.

The invited guests were as follows:

Myrtle Parsons
Kittie Flaherty
Florence Murphy
Etta Albright
Hattie Koll
Florence Wolf
Leslie Cuppett
Arthur Anderson
Hattie Bechtel
Albert McGuire
Harry Koll
Joe Magennis
Florence Rank
Ailene Flaherty
Alta Lemon
Clara Henry
Mabel Gordon
Mabel Mack
Carl Schaffer
Eva Colwell
Somerfield Parsons
James Murphy
John Magennis

■ ■ ■

Mrs. E. Olson entertained on Thursday evening for Miss Olga Christopherson of Thor, who has been visiting in this city. A delightful evening was passed, Mr. Klinehaus and Miss Oleson furnishing some well appreciated musical numbers. Those present were Messrs. –

Messrs. –
Bernard Klinehaus Frank Moeller
Misses –
Anna Halligan
Dora Oleson
Carl Christopherson
Elizabeth Moeller
Anna Heilemann
Elsie Ottosen

(Editor’s note: I think that Carl Christopherson in the second notice was accidentally put in with the Misses category or the name is wrong. I try to transcribe what I see, only making note of what looks wrong, so I left the name where it was.)

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