Posts Tagged ‘Ottosen’


Amateur Ball Players Busy

   Posted by: admin    in Baseball, Pilot Mound, Tara

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 29, 1903

Amateur Ball Players Busy

Several Fort Dodge Teams Played From Home on Sunday.

Fort Brands Have Hard Luck

Lose Two Extra Innings Games By One Score – East Fort Dodge Loses Close Game at Lehigh – R.M. Stevens Nine Beats Tara.

The Fraser miners defeated the Fort Dodge Fort Brands Sunday at Frazer by a score of 4 to 3 in a thirteen inning game. The game opened at 10:30 a.m. After the first two Fort Dodge men had struck out in the first inning, Dombrowska reached first on an error. Whitman and Barth on bunts and all three scored on Stuart’s drive to deep right. This ended Fort Dodge’s scoring as the Frazer pitcher struck out twenty men in the remaining twelve innings and held the Fort Dodge boys helpless. Frazer scored three runs in the second inning by bunching hits. Stuart’s work at third was the feature of the game. He accepted eleven chances, seven assists and four putouts without an error.

In the eleventh inning with two men on base, Whitman got and (sic) easy grounder and threw his man out at first. Ottosen threw to third to cut off the runner. The throw was  high, but the little third baseman speared the ball with his ungloved hand and completed the double by tagging his man three feet off the base.

With enthusiasm undiminished by their defeat, a forty mile ride and twelve miles cross country triy (sic), the Fort Brands tackled the Pilot Mound Pirates at 3:30 p.m. Pilot Mound won, 7 to 8, aided by a long-haired diamond and the umpire. If Captain Tyrell had called his team off the diamond Pilot Mound would have refused expense money. Nevertheless this game required eleven innings, the umpire finally forcing in the winning run by letting a man walk on balls that cut the plate in two.

The Fort Brands play the East End next Sunday at Riverside Park and a good game is expected.

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Home and Society

   Posted by: admin    in Home and Society, People, Society news

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 30, 1903

Home and Society

On Tuesday, March 24, a surprise party was successfully carried out at the resident (sic) of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Mavity on Seventh avenue north in honor of Miss Myrtle Donald who soon departs for Havelock, Iowa, to make her future home. The evening was spent in playing stock exchange and other games. The hostess was presented with a gold souveneir (sic) spoon. Light refreshments were serve.

The invited guests were as follows:

Myrtle Parsons
Kittie Flaherty
Florence Murphy
Etta Albright
Hattie Koll
Florence Wolf
Leslie Cuppett
Arthur Anderson
Hattie Bechtel
Albert McGuire
Harry Koll
Joe Magennis
Florence Rank
Ailene Flaherty
Alta Lemon
Clara Henry
Mabel Gordon
Mabel Mack
Carl Schaffer
Eva Colwell
Somerfield Parsons
James Murphy
John Magennis

■ ■ ■

Mrs. E. Olson entertained on Thursday evening for Miss Olga Christopherson of Thor, who has been visiting in this city. A delightful evening was passed, Mr. Klinehaus and Miss Oleson furnishing some well appreciated musical numbers. Those present were Messrs. –

Messrs. –
Bernard Klinehaus Frank Moeller
Misses –
Anna Halligan
Dora Oleson
Carl Christopherson
Elizabeth Moeller
Anna Heilemann
Elsie Ottosen

(Editor’s note: I think that Carl Christopherson in the second notice was accidentally put in with the Misses category or the name is wrong. I try to transcribe what I see, only making note of what looks wrong, so I left the name where it was.)

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