Posts Tagged ‘Zearing’
The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 31, 1903
Rockwell Young Man Elopes With School Girl
Young People Take Their Romance in Their Own Hands and Leave Town Together.
Rockwell, Iowa, March 31 – Rockwell is experiencing a decided sensation in the elopement of two of her young people: Miss Zell Smith and Guy Davis. Miss Smith is an unusually prepossessing young lady not quite 18 years of age, and has been attending the public school here this winter and rooming in the second floor of the Mallory block. she is an only daughter of Mr. and Mrs Isaiah Smith, well-to-do people living six miles northeast of Rockwell and who, it seems objected to the attentions of young Davis.
The young couple boarded the 8:20 train north Wednesday evening and nothing has been seen or heard of them since. The continued absence of Miss Smith from school aroused suspicion and yesterday noon friends broke into her room and discovered a note addressed to her parents telling them of the step she was about to take and begging forgiveness for the sorrow and heartache she would cause them.
The young lady’s father was immediately notified, but he is completely at sea as to her whereabouts. Mr. Davis is a son of respected parents living in the country a short distance from town.
Professor Mahannah is grieved at the occurrence, as Miss Smith was one of the brightest pupils in the whole school. People generally regard the affair as unfortunate and regret that the young people had not acted with less rashness.
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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 3, 1903
Takes Runaway Couple Home
Stern Father Locates Daughter, a 17-year-old Bride of Six Days
Ran Away From School to Wed
Isaih F. Smith, of Rockwell, Says he will See What Virtue There is in the Law
Marshalltown, April 3 – The curtain was drawn in this city Wednesday afternoon on a little domestic tragedy, which had its beginning a week ago when Ivan Guy Davis, a 19-year old boy living near Rockwell, eloped with pretty Lola Zelle Smith, aged 17, a student in the Rockwell high school, from which she was to graduate next June. The couple was married at St. Anthony, Friday, March 27, by Mayor Samuel Meekins.
Isiah F. Smith, a well-to-do farmer living six miles northeast of Rockwell, in Bath township, who is about to retire from the farm and move to Mason City to reside is the father of the bride.
Miss Smith was in school at Rockwell and on Wednesday, March 25, obtained an excuse from the principal on the grounds of illness. The illness was caused from the bacilli of love, a fresh culture of which had found fertile ground in the heart of her affections. Ivan Guy Davis, aged 19, son of S.R. Davis, formerly a farmer living three miles north of Zearing, but now living near Rockwell.
The young people didn’t ask either Papa and Mamma Smith, or Papa and Mamma Davis, but took French leave, going to Mason City. At that place they boarded the fast night train of the Iowa Central, No. 6 coming to this city. On Friday they obtained a license at the office of Clerk of Courts Knisely, Ralph Le Fever of St. Anthony, minor son of A.D. LeFever, a farmer living about midway between St. Anthony and Zearing, acting as sponsor and searing to the affidavit in which the legal ages of the young people was the most important.
The happy pair, congratulating themselves on their capability of outwitting the old folds, took the Story Branch train in the evening for St. Anthony, where Mayor Meekins was induced to tie the nuptial knot.
At the Rockwell end of the line the scene was not so happy. Mr. Smith was about two days late, but when he found that his daughter had left school he was pretty sure what had happened. He also found that young Davis was not at home and at once began the search. He came to this city and consulted the marriage record and a few little notations under the “D’s” told him all he wanted to know.
He went to Zearing Wednesday morning, with the idea of tearing the bride from her young husband. Davis refused to be torn and accompanied his wife and her father to Rockwell Wednesday evening.
Tags: 1903, Davis, elope, LeFever, Mahannah, Marshalltown, St. Anthony, Story City, Zearing