Posts Tagged ‘McFarland’
Hubby and Furniture Gone
The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 30, 1904
Hubby and Furniture Gone
Webster City Man Hopes to Meet Wife in Heaven.
Tells Her to Be “A Good Girl,” But Shows No Inclination to Meet Her on Earth.
Webster City, April 30 –
“Mollie: You’ll never see me again. I’m tired of this kind of a life. Be a good girl. I hope I’ll meet you in heaven. Goodby, Albert.”
The above note and an empty house was what greeted Mrs. A.A. McFarland yesterday when she returned to this city from a visit in Afton. The note was laying on a table but that comprised about all of the furniture in the house. Beyond the information contained in the note there was nothing else to enlighten the woman as to the whereabouts of her husband.
The McFarlands lived on John street which is in the extreme northwest portion of the city. McFarland has been employed on the North western in this vicinity and has made his home in this city with his wife for two or three years. About a week ago Mrs. McFarland went to Afton to visit her relatives and expected to be absent about two weeks. For some reason she shortened her visit and arrived home yesterday.
She was met at the train by one of her neighbors who had learned of the proceedings during her absence. The key of the house was found at Crandall’s grocery store. When the home was unlocked it was a cheerless place. Nearly all of the furniture, including the cooking stove had been sold. A note, which was found on the table explained that the husband had left for other parts and did not expect to return.
Mrs. McFarland took a trip to Homer yesterday in search for her missing husband. He has a sister who resides there but no trace of the man was found. They told her he had left for Missouri.