Posts Tagged ‘Wrenn’
The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 29, 1906
Observance of Memorial Day
Day Will Be Observed Here Tomorrow With Fitting Ceremonies
Stores Close in Afternoon
Parade Through the Street – Music by Band – Speech, Reading and Music At the Cemetery – Program in Full Given.
At a late hour this afternoon it was decided to not have any services at the cemetery because of the bad weather.
The program intended for the cemetery will be carried out at the armory. |
Memorial day, May 30, which comes tomorrow, will be observed in Fort Dodge in the usual fitting manner. The G.A.R., W.R.C. and similar societies have taken great pains in preparing a program worthy of the hearing of all.
Nearly all of the stores of the city will close in the afternoon. The morning will be attended with the usual business transaction. At the post office the genera; deliver will be open from 7 to 10 a.m. and 5 to 6 p.m. The carriers will make a business delivery at 8 a.m. and at 11 a.m. and theusual forenoon residence delivery. Carrier windows open from 5 to 6 p.m. Business collections will be made at 10:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Most of the offices and similar places of business will be closed. The Messenger will issue its daily publication as usual. The Chronicle will suspend. Following is the official program of the day in full:
Program for Memorial Day.
Marshal, Asa Wrenn.
President, M. Mitchell.
Speaker, H.W. Stowe.
Fort Donelson post will meet at G.A.R. hall at 9 a.m. and procession will move at 10 o’clock to the following order.
Martial band.
Carriages with president, speaker, Rev. Carroll, and Miss Minnie Oard.
C0. G. I.N.G.
Fort Donelson post G.A.R.
Sons of Veterans
W.R.C. in carriages.
Program at Cemetery
Call to order by M. Mitchell.
Music by band.
Prayer by Rev. Carroll.
Reading roll of honor by adjutant. Assemblage will rise and uncover during the reading.
Reading of Lincoln’s Gettysburg address by Miss Minnie Oard.
Memorial address by H.W. Stowe.
Music by the band.
Benediction by Rev. Carroll.
The G.A.R. post will reassemble at the First M.E. church and will march back to the post room.
The railway freight offices of the city will be closed during memorial day.
(Editor’s note: G.A.R. is Grand Army of the Republic, an organization for Union soldiers. I do not know what I.N.G. and W.R.C. mean.)
Tags: 1906, Carroll, Memorial Day, Mitchell, Oard, Stowe, Wrenn