Archive for March 29th, 2011


An Old Coin is Found Here

   Posted by: admin    in People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 29, 1905

An Old Coin is Found Here

Mrs. Henry Preston While Raking up in the Yard Makes the Discovery.

Lost a Quarter of Century

Bit of Money Bears Date of 1808 and Shows Head of George III, on One Side With Irish Emblem on Other Side – Is Well preserved.

While clearing up in the yard Mrs. Henry Preston of this city, found an old English copper cent that had in all probability been lost there for more than a quarter of a century. The date of the coin was a little indistinct, but could be easily made out and showed that it come from the die of 1808. It bore on one side the head of George III and the date and on the other the Irish emblem.

The Prestons have been on the place where the coin was found for more than fourteen years and it is certain that it was not lost by them. the place was purchased by Mr. Preston from Mrs. McNeilly, who was a resident of Fort Dodge thirty-five years ago and who owned the place up to the time that it was sold to the Prestons. It is the supposition that the coin was lost by her.

While the piece is an old one, this is not the remarkable feature of the story. The fact that it has lain so long on the surface of the ground undiscovered to turn up after a quarter of a century or more is the strange circumstance.

When found the bit of money was so dirty and filled that it could scarcely be recognized as such, but was easily cleaned and is in a fair state of preservation. The head of King George III is especially clear and plain.

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The Niagara Cafe Will be Remodeled

   Posted by: admin    in Business

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 29, 1904

The Niagara Cafe Will be Remodeled

New Front to Be Built and Many Changes Planned for Interior of Building.

The Niagara cafe is to be remodeled and made thoroughly up-to-date. The present front will be replaced by a single plate glass with a corner entrance. the partition will be taken out and the basement fitted up for a kitchen. Six booths will be built in the room, three on each side, finished in oak, where a private dinner may be served. Each booth will accommodate four persons. A table seating eight persons will occupy the center of the room. The lunch counter will be moved to the rear of the building, now occupied by the kitchen.

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Crossings Blocked by Cars

   Posted by: admin    in Railroad, Transportation

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 29, 1904

Crossings Blocked by Cars

Expressions of Dissatisfaction with Great Western.

Alleged That Streets Are Obstructed Longer Than Legal Limit by Switching of Cars.

Many complaints are being made against the blocking of the crossings in the east part of the city by the Great Western trains. It is alleged that in one instance at least, the crossings on Fourth and Fifth avenues south, were held for an hour and thirty minutes and that often they are held from fifteen to forty-five minutes.

One of the main roads from the east leads into the city over these crossings, and as there is no way around, teams are alleged to have been held up at this point many times, greatly inconveniencing their drivers. It is also stated that the men going to and from their work at the gypsum mills, are often forced to crawl thru, under and over the trains while the crossings are thus being held. The time limit fixed by law to apply to such cases is five minutes. It is understood that the people who claim to have been inconvenienced by th Great Western trains in this way, are about to take action in the matter.

There have been several narrow escapes from accident reported, and on one occasion a man after waiting for the train to move for ten minutes, during which time it remained stationary, attempted to cross, and when nearly thru, he was thrown to the ground by the sudden movement of the train. Fortunately he was thrown outward, and only received a few scratches.

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Shot in the Hand by an Unknown Gunner

   Posted by: admin    in Accident, Medical matters, People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 29, 1904

Shot in the Hand by an Unknown Gunner

Ed Johnson Suffers a Peculiar Experience While Standing in His Yard.

Ed Johnson, an employe (sic) of the Fort Dodge Light & Power company, living in the Oleson addition in the southeast part of the city, is suffering from a peculiar and unexplainable accident. While standing in his yard, he felt a sting in his hand. He look and his hand immediately became covered with blood. Dr. Saunders was called, and a piece of metal was found in the wound. It is supposed that the hurt was caused by a stray shot from a twenty-two calibre (sic) rifle, but no report was heard and no person was in sight in any direction. The wound is not a serious one, and Mr. Johnson will be able to be at work in a few days.

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