Posts Tagged ‘Niagra cafe’


The Niagara Cafe Will be Remodeled

   Posted by: admin    in Business

The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 29, 1904

The Niagara Cafe Will be Remodeled

New Front to Be Built and Many Changes Planned for Interior of Building.

The Niagara cafe is to be remodeled and made thoroughly up-to-date. The present front will be replaced by a single plate glass with a corner entrance. the partition will be taken out and the basement fitted up for a kitchen. Six booths will be built in the room, three on each side, finished in oak, where a private dinner may be served. Each booth will accommodate four persons. A table seating eight persons will occupy the center of the room. The lunch counter will be moved to the rear of the building, now occupied by the kitchen.

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