The Jolly Peanut Club
The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 16, 1904
The Jolly Peanut Club
A New Fun Finding Organization is Organized.
Eight Young Ladies Band Together As Eight Kernels in a Peanut Shell.
Seven members of the Jolly Peanut club, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Vincent as chaperon and Bruno Schroeder as coachman, left the city this morning in a large carryall for Humboldt, where they will spend the day in the various manners of enjoyment best known to young girls. The club was organized some time ago, but this is the first expedition into other lands as an organized band of funfinders.
The young ladies, eight in number, spent the night at the Schroeder residence, sleeping all in one bed, arranged by laying two big mattresses on the floor side by side. This was done in an attempt to live up to their name, it is supposed, like eight little kernels in a peanut shell. The girls were up at 4 o’clock this morning to be ready for their lark, and all in their big carryall passed thru the streets at 6 a.m. , rousing the town from its slumbers with the hubbub of tin horns secured by them the night before the occasion.
The Peanut club was organized by the young ladies for a good time organization, and they plan to follow as closely as possible the life and doings of “Eight Girls and a Dog.” The dog is not as yet forthcoming, but the club is otherwise complete with eight as lively girls as are often seen in a bunch.
The members of the club are as follows: Doris Olney, Hazel Schroeder, Olive Maher, Lulu Kepner, Talma Kitchen, Jean Marquette, Beth Wright, Hazel Clark.
Tags: 1904, Clark, Kepner, Kitchen, Maher, Marquette, Olney, Schroeder, Vincent, Wright