Archive for June 13th, 2011


Coalville Has More Coal Veins

   Posted by: admin    in Coal mining, Coalville

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 13, 1905

Coalville Has More Coal Veins

Favorable Prospects for New McEwen and Collins Mine.

The Shaft Has Been Finished

Was Pushed Down at Very Rapid Speed – Will Install Machinery and be Ready to Work Fifty Men by Next Winter – Excellent Facilities.

William McEwen of Coalville, was in Fort Dodge on Saturday and was able to report very favorable conditions on his new mine he is opening at Coalville. The Collins Brothers are interested with Mr. McEwen in the new mine which is located under the town of Coalville just alongside the railway track and near to the store. Many people had supposed that the coal deposits in this part of the town had been mined out long ago, but Mr. McEwen has demonstrated in his preliminary work of the past six months that there is a fine coal deposit there and he firmly believes it is of considerable size.

The prospecting drill demonstrated that there are two seams of coal, one at a depth of about 65 feet and the other about 80 feet down. Both veins are of lump coal of good quality and the top vein is about three and one-half feet thick and the lower four feet thick.

As soon as this was demonstrated and other drill holes had revealed the proof that a good many acres surrounding them were underlaid in the same way, Mr. McEwen started sinking a shaft and has just completed the work. It is a large shaft with three compartments, two for hoisting and the other for ventilation. The work was crowded with three shifts of men working eight hours each and the entire shaft was put down at an average speed of four feet per day. They went through some soft ground that required careful handling and through a great deal of very hard rock that needed large charges of dynamite. It was by no means an easy job to do so and the speed accomplished was very creditable.

Hoisting machinery will be installed and they will get the mine in shape to put large quantities of coal on the market this winter. Being right on the railroad track, they will be well equipped for shipping their product. They expect to work about fifty men net (sic – should be next) winter mining coal. There is but little water in the mine. They are able to hoist all that accumulates in the sump in twenty-four hours in about an hour and a half each day.

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Co-operative Store at Moorland

   Posted by: admin    in Business, Moorland

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 13, 1905

Co-operative Store at Moorland

Company is Incorporated at The Farmers Elevator Company of Moorland

Many Farmers are Interested

The Company Plans to Handle Every Kind of a Business That Would be Needed There – Will Operate An Elevator, a Store and Real Estate.

Articles of incorporation were filed with the County Recorder in this city this morning, incorporating “The Farmers Elevator Company of Moorland.” This company has among its stockholders all the principal business men of that place as well as many farmers of theĀ  surrounding country.

The articles of incorporation give considerable space to the kind of business the company is to engage in. The company has among its objects the operation of a grain elevator, the running of a co-operative store, which will handle dry goods, groceries, hardware, farm implements, boots and shoes and in fact all other products ever handled by a general store and will in addition transact real estate business.

The elevator is also to be run on a very liberal basis and the company will handle grain, live stock, swine, sheep and all dairy products. The company is organized in a way to indicate that it meant to absorb all business interests in that town.

The articles of incorporation do not give the capital stock, but allows for an increase in the stock up to $25,000 while the company is to have $3,000 paid up stock in the treasury on its date of incorporation which is June 10.

The president of the company is to be Joe Fiala. The vice president is T.A. McCarville. James A. Halligan is secretary while E.J. Halligan is treasurer. The other stockholders in the ocmpany on the date of its incorporation are as follows. F.G. Cochran, E.C. Kusterer, Joe McCarville, E.S. Fiala, Joseph Stanek, B.E. Peterson, F.H. Blunck, M.J. Barrett, N.L. Ornis, and Mr. J. Frosland.

(Editor’s note: The inflation calculator gives the amount of $598,737 in 2010 dollars for the original $25,000, and $71,484 for the original $3,000.)

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