
Dog Catcher is Wanted Here

   Posted by: admin   in Animals

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 3, 1905

Dog Catcher is Wanted Here

So Says Chief of Police Tullar Who is Looking for a Man to Take This Job.

Several Qualifications Needed

Says He Does Not Want a One-Legged Man Anymore, But Wants One Who Can Get Around More Lively – Dog Owners Must Pay License.

A respite has been given the dog owners, who have not yet paid the dog license, not intentional to be sure, but because the dog catcher has thrown up his job in disgust. Chief of Police Tullar in an interview with a Messenger reporter this morning gave forth his views on the subject of dog catching and explained the qualifications needed by the man who takes this job. He sums up the situation as follows:

“Life was a little too strenuous for the dog catcher so he resigned. He was handicapped by his misfortune of having only one leg, and for that reason could not make the quick angles and turns necessary to the successful discharge of his duties. The city is yet full of dogs without tags and the time for procuring the necessary badge of safety has been extended to the 10th of June. On that day a man will be commissioned as dog catcher that will be quick on his pins and has the necessary qualifications to clean up the town so far as dogs without tags are concerned. So if your dogs are of value, tag them.”

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