Posts Tagged ‘White’


Ellson Funeral to be Held Monday

   Posted by: admin    in Death, Kalo, obituary, Pomeroy

The Fort Dodge Messenger: July 7, 1906

Ellson Funeral to be Held Monday

Services at Home of Deceased’s Daughter Mrs. H.A. Jahn in the City

Interment Made at Pomeroy

The Eighteen Month’s Old Child of Mr. and Mrs. John White of Kalo Dies – The Funeral Will be Held Some Time Sunday.

The funeral of the late Peter Ellson whose death occurred Friday afternoon at 1:10 o’clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H.A. Jahn, will be held from the Jahn residence on 1418 1st avenue north, Monday morning at 10:00 o’clock. The body will then be taken to Pomeroy on the noon train where a brief funeral service will be held in the Swedish church of Pomeroy, interment to be made in the Swedish cemetery.

The deceased has resided in the city for some time making his home with his daughter, Mrs. H.A. Jahn, having resided in Pomeroy previously. His death wsa not wholly unexpected as he has been in poor health for some time. Death was due to complications and old age.

The eighteen months’ old child of Mr. and Mrs. White residing at Kalo died this morning after a brief illness from a complication of measles and pneumonia. The funeral will be held Sunday.

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An Honest Boy of the City

   Posted by: admin    in People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 9, 1905

An Honest Boy of the City

Joe White Ten Years Makes Effort to Return Money

Is Same Boy Who Offered to Give Skin in Skin-Grafting Operation at Hospital

There is one  honest boy in the city of Fort Dodge and he is the same little fellow who offered to contribute a little part of his cuticle to the little girl at the hospital in the recent skin grafting operation.

This same boy with a companion was walking along the street last night and found a $5 bill. He was at once greatly concerned to find the owner of the money and it was not long until it was restored. The money was the property of a young woman who works at the home of Sheriff Oleson. The boy who found it is Joe White, the ten-year-old boy of Thomas White, a traveling man of this city.

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Teamster Has an Experience

   Posted by: admin    in Accident

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 4, 1904

Teamster Has an Experience

Elmer White and Wagon Go Over an Embankment

Wagon Turns Over Completely Burying the Driver Beneath a Load of Rubbish

The next time Elmer White attempts to dump a wagon load of rubbish into the “clear” depths of the Des Moines river he will endeavor to dump only the contents of the wagon and not the wagon, team and himself as he did Tuesday. White, who is a teamster and makes his living by hauling rubbish and generally assisting the board of public improvements, while in the act of backing his wagon to the bank of the rive Tuesday miscalculated the distance between the rear wheels and the edge of the embankment and as a result the wagon performed the difficult feat of turning a back somersault, burying the driver beneath its contents, while the horses, freed from the vehicle by the breaking of the tongue and reach, waltzed down the embankment at a somewhat slower pace to join the driver and wagon forty feet below.

Fortunately for White his plight was witnessed by several men working nearby, who volunteered their services to dig him out. An unusual feature of the accident was that the driver escaped without the slightest injury and the same good fortune attended the horses.

The mishap was the result of the rear wheels going over the edge of the embankment, allowing the full weight of the load to slide to the rear of the wagon. The vehicle started down the embankment and turned completely over, carrying its occupant with it.

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Sole Dray Line in the City

   Posted by: admin    in Business

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Dec. 21, 1904

Sole Dray Line in the City

A.M. White Merges All Such Business of the City Into One Large Concern.

Many Horses and Men Employed

Has Just Bought Leamon Transfer Line and Possesses Forty Teams, and Wagons, and Has Large Corps of Assistants.

A.M. White, who recently purchased the entire business of the Baker Transfer Company, has just completed a transaction by which he also becomes owner of the Leamon Transfer line.

Mr. White, who has always been the leading transfer line owner in the city, now has every business of the kind in the city, in his possession and will conduct all of the dray business which the city has. This combined with the entire freight service of the town will give him an unusually heavy business.

With about forty teams and wagons it is not probable that Mr. White will be unable to handle his large business with the aid of a large corps of under workmen.

Mr. White has fine office quarters, and Miss Spayde, who has been doing the entire office work and collecting, will remain in the office and Miss E (there is a letter missing between these two: E a) Colwell will be employed as collector.

Mr. White’s many friends will wish him all success in his new undertaking.

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The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 3, 1903

Short Messages

Mr. and Mrs. W. Kopp are the proud parents of a baby girl.

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L.S. Braunstein made a business trip to Duncombe Wednesday.

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Arthur Lungren is confined to his home by an attack of la grippe.

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Miss Florence Parsons is clerking in the Gates Dry Goods store for a short time.

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Miss Margaret Mahoney is on the sick list today and not able to be at work.

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Fire Marshal J.W. Lowrey is recuperating from his recent illness in Colfax.

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Miss Harriet Major has left Fort Dodge for Decatur, Illinois, where she will make her future home.

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Mrs. John Steinbrink has returned to her home in Manson after undergoing a successful operation at the city hospital.

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John Hein of Chicago, is making a few day’s visit in this city.

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Mrs. C.D. Case entertained Wednesday evening in honor of her brother, Walter Anderson, who is visiting in this city.

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Mr. Early’s Methodist Sunday school class will hold a handkerchief bazaar in the east window of the Early Music house during the next ten days.

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P.A. Carson who has been at the city hospital during the past two weeks because of appendicitis has recovered. Mr. Carson’s home is on Round Prairie Hill.

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Dr. T.E. Devereaux left today for the Black Hills where he has interest in a mine. During his absence, his brother, Dr. C.H. Devereaux of Humboldt will attend to his office.

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Green B. Morse the famous race man with eighteen of his horses and seventeen men passed thru the city Tuesday night enroute from San Francisco (to) Gravesend, New York.

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Mrs. C.D. Case entertained Wednesday evening in honor of her brother, Walter Anderson who is visiting in this city. Miss Cromwell of Kansas City has gone to Humboldt for a visit at the Dr. McCreight home.

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The new carpet cleaning wheel at the Sherman laundry has been put up and is in operation. This system of cleaning is an innovation in the city, and it is promised that it will far exceed the old broom stick method.

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Wednesday at 3 o’clock, Henry Hale and Miss Katie Harbach, both of Kalo were married at the home of Emory Smith in this city. Only relatives were present at the ceremony which was performed by Rev. McIntire of the Christian Church.

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Three drunks were docketed at the police court this morning. All plead guilty and were given the usual $7.10. None of the prisoners having the wherewithal and this being their first offense they were dismissed. Their names were: John Seburg, Henry Adams and Frank Myers.

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The first of the three classes at the German Lutheran school received examinations this morning, which if passed, will signify the completion of work in the German school. The second class will receive its examination on Friday morning. Those of the highest class who have completed their required work will be confirmed on Easter Sunday.

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A good sized delegation of Webster County people came up to attend the performance of “The Chaperons,” at the Midland on Wednesday evening. Among the party were the following:

George C. Tucker, city editor of the Freeman-Tribune, and wife.

Turner Welch
Frank Lets
Frank Smith
Warren Colladay
O.J. Henderson
Kate Wickware
Anna White
Myrtle Markin
Mrs. L.B. Hamaker
Kate Arthur
Hallie Smith
Josie Medbury

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