City News
The Fort Dodge Daily Chronicle: Sept. 23, 1910
City News
Marriage License
James B. Apland | Kalo |
Josie Hotek | Kalo |
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Divorce Suit Dropped.
The divorce suit filed by Guy Walrod against his wife, Muriel Walrod, on the grounds of desertion has been dropped by the plaintiff and stricken from the district court docket.
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Settlement is Reached
The case of George Townsend vs. Mrs. J.M. Beavers, assigned for trial at the present term of the district court, has been dismissed by the plaintiff at his cost.
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Small Judgment Given
The jury in the case of Wm. Oberton vs. J.B. Black, on trial in the district court brought in a verdict awarding the plaintiff damages in the sum of $8 as a result of the defendant’s cattle trespassing on his corn fields.
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Another Case Settled.
The case of Conrad Brown and Anna Brown vs. The Fort Dodge Brick and Tile Co., slated for trial at the present term of the district court, has been settled out of court, the defendant company paying the plaintiff the sum of $310 as a result of an accident suffered by their son.
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Jury is Excused
Wednesday evening, owing to the settlement and continuation of many cases assigned for trial in the district court during the present week, Judge C.G. Lee dismissed the petit jurors for remainder of the present week. They will report Monday afternoon at 1:30 for service during the coming week.
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Divorce Granted
Thursday afternoon Judge C.G. Lee in the district court granted a divorce to Jessie Davenport on the grounds of desertion. The number of divorces granted during the two weeks court has been in session is nearly a record breaker.
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Funeral on Saturday
The funeral of the late P. Henry Vaughan, who passed away on Wednesday evening as a result of a stroke of apoplexy suffered on Tuesday morning, will be held at 9:30 on Saturday morning from Corpus Christi, with interment in Corpus Christi cemetery. All of the members of the family of the deceased are in the city to attend the funeral.
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Paving is Delayed
The rain of Thursday called for a cessation of the paving work in the city, and this morning the employes (sic) are taking a still longer enforced vacation as a result of continued inclement weather. Up to the present time the men have been able to push their work with a pleasing degree of speed and little time has been lost through bad weather.
Tags: 1910, Apland, Beavers, Black, Brown, Davenport, Hotek, Lee, Oberton, Townsend, Vaughan, Walrod
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