
1940 Census update

   Posted by: admin   in 1940 Census

You can get an update on the 1940 census here. Iowa is 50% indexed (yay!). Illinois is 22% indexed.

I’ve been slacking a bit. Personal life does that to you. I need to get going on Iowa indexing, then I’ll go on to Illinois.

Florida, Utah and Wyoming have been added to the list of searchable indexes. Indices? Whatever.

I need to find the following people:

  • Pauline Rieboldt and her family (I think they were in Panama)
  • Arthur Burrell and his family (I think they were in Chicago)
  • Arthur Burrell’s siblings

I had already found my father’s family – and discovered that he was, indeed, living with them at the time of the census. I wasn’t sure, because he was adopted as a young child, so I didn’t know what age he was when he began living with them.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 at 6:00 am and is filed under 1940 Census. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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