Money Goes a Long Way
The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 14, 1904
Money Goes a Long Way
Lesson in Economy Recited in Police Court.
Charles Rheinhart Has Seventy-five Cents, Which he Makes go an Unusually Long Way.
A lesson in economy was received in police court this morning, which if possible to put into practice on a larger scale would deserve strict observance. Charles Rheinhart came to town Saturday afternoon with seventy-five cents in his pocket. He spend fifty cents for chickens and with the remainder purchased a lunch, a half pint of whiskey and enough beer to make him fall asleep in the Illinois Central depot, and incidentally led to his arrest. he insisted that he had not had enough beer to be drunk, only sleepy. He was taken to jail, however, and wehn arraigned this morning was sent back in default of payment on a fine of $1 and costs.
A second prisoner, who gave his name at Vermont Dobson, was arraigned on the charge of intoxication and vagrancy. He pleaded guilty to the last named charge and was fined $1 and costs, which was suspended on his promise to get out of town. Dobson, when arrested, was asleep in the factory of the Iowa Paint company.
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