The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 27, 1905
Lehigh Shows a Constant Growth
936 Persons There According to the Census Just Completed.
Ahead of the 1900 Count
The Corporate Limits Do Not Take In All Persons Entitled to Rank as Citizens – Lehigh Next to Fort Dodge in Size in County.
County Auditor Harry Holm has received the census returns from Lehigh and they evidence the fact that the town has grown to some extent during the past five years. The present census shows a gain of 130 people over the returns of 1900.
According to the present census, there are just 936 persons in the city as against 806 in 1900. It is a fact, however, that the incorporate limits do not cover all of the town, and that there is a considerable settlement down on Crooked Creek that is not counted as a part of the above figure. This settlement would add at least another hundred to the total and bring it up to more than a thousand inhabitants.
Outside of Fort Dodge Lehigh is the largest city in the county, and there is every prospect that there will be considerable advancement there the coming summer, as it is almost assured that at least one of the railroads that enter the place will be put on thru during the next few months.
This will mean the further development of their many natural advantages and a good growth will be the result. It is a well known fact that there is a heavy vein of coal underlying the whole town and surrounding country that has never been worked. This with the big supply of the best of clay for both brick and pottery purposes an immense amount of the finest kind of silica, or glass sand and the other natural features of advantage, should make the little city on the south.
(Editor’s note: According to a Wikipedia article, Lehigh had 497 residents in the 2000 census. The town also has a Facebook page.)
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