Posts Tagged ‘Leighton’


Divorced Couple Remarried in City

   Posted by: admin    in Divorce, Marriage, People

Fort Dodge Messenger: Jan. 4, 1906

Divorced Couple Remarried in City

J.W. and Mrs. Dora Leighton Divorced in 1903 Remarry Yesterday.

One of the most peculiar marriage incidents on record in this vicinity occurred in this city yesterday when Rev. George C. Fort united in marriage J.W. Leighton and Mrs. Dora Leighton, both of Livermore.

The story of the strange romance is that Mr. and Mrs. Leighton were divorced in 1903, the decree being granted from the Humboldt county district court. Mr. Leighton, who was a prosperous hardware merchant of the town of Livermore, took to drink some years ago and according to evidence given at the hearing of the divorce proceedings, made life miserable for his wife and family for several years prior to the action for separation. The decree was granted, despite the protests of Leighton who did everything within his power to prevent it.

Sobered and saddened by the action that his wife had found necessary, he began rapidly to mend his ways, maintained strict sobriety, and sought to repair the wrong that he had done. In the end a reconciliation was brought about between himself and wife which has ended in their marriage in this city yesterday. Mr. Leighton is a cousin of E.I. and L.L. Leighton, of the firm of Leighton Bros. of this city and is well known to many Fort Dodge residents.

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New Company is Organized

   Posted by: admin    in Business, People

The Fort Dodge Messenger: June 19, 1903

New Company is Organized

De Loura Auto Manufacturing Company Adopts Articles of Incorporation Thursday Afternoon.

It is Capitalized at $30,000.

$25,000 of this Amount is Paid up – Officers and Directors Are Elected At Meeting On Thursday – Plans for Opening Plant.

The De Loura Auto Manufacturing company, the latest addition to the industries of Fort Dodge, was organized and its articles of incorporation drawn up at a meeting of stock holders in the rooms of the Commercial club on Thursday afternoon. The company is capitalized at $30,000, with $25,000 paid up.

Officers and directors were elected as follows:

President, J.H. Abel.
Vice President, L.E. Armstrong.
Secretary and treasurer, F.C. Minogue.
Manager, H.E. De Loura.
Directors –
F.V. Sherman
H.E. DeLoura
J.H. Abel
J.T. Gleason
F.C. Minogue
Samuel Emms, of Perry.

It is expected that by the first of next week answers will be received from the parties from whom references with regard to Mr. DeLoura’s character are expected. If these replies are of the favorable character which is expected, the company will pay Mr. DeLoura $3,000 and he will at once come to the city from Perry and let contracts for the new buildings and prepare to place his plant in operation, which he hopes to do within thirty days.

The stockholders of the new company, aside from those already mentions in the list of officers and directors are as follows:

W.S. Putman of Des Moines
F. T. Clark
William Fessel
Ferdinand Moeller
Dr. Alton
A.M. Feltz
M.J. Haire
T.F. Flaherty
M.F. Healy
C.W. Ackerman
J. Jensen
P.J. Tierney
C.W. Wakeman
J.F. Flaherty
L.L. Leighton
E.G. Larson.

(Editor’s note: The inflation calculator converts $3,000 to $71,848; $25,000 to $598,737; and $30,000 to $718,484.)

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Fire Causes Slight Loss

   Posted by: admin    in Animals, Fire

The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 6, 1903

Fire Causes Slight Loss

Barn Owned by L.L. Leighton Burned on Tuesday Evening

Loss Covered by Insurance

Cause of Fire is Not Known – Horse and Carriages Saved from the Building.

The department was called out on a long run Tuesday afternoon about 8 o’clock, the fire being in the barn on the premises of L.L. Leighton on Second avenue north and Sixteenth street. It is not exactly known just how the fire started, as no one discovered it until the whole upper story was ablaze. Forgetting the telephine (sic) in the house one of the boys, who was around home ran several blocks to a fire alarm box and turned in an alarm.

Mrs. Leighton had in the mean time telephoned the department, but in her excitement, forgot to tell where the fire was. This necessitated a stop of several minutes to locate where the call had come from, and by the time the department arrived it was too late to save the barn. The carriages and horses were all gotten out safely.

The loss will be about $235 of which there is about $185 insurance. Two other barns in the vicinity were rather badly scorched, and it was thought for a time that they would go, but the department paid all its attentionto these barns, when they saw that the Leighton barn was lost, and so prevented the loss of the two others.

The fire was first discovered by Willie Leighton when he went to the barn to look after the horse. He was just in time to get the animal out, as in a few more moments it would have been impossible to enter the building.

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