The Fort Dodge Messenger: May 20, 1903
Long Chapter of Accidents
Several Fort Dodge People Meet Mishaps Which Place Them Under Doctor’s Care
None Are Seriously Hurt
A Broken Arm and Various Cuts and Bruises Fill Out the List
The little six year old son of Clark Andrews residing at 549 Third avenue north while playing with several young companions received injuries that will keep him in the house for several weeks. He and a number of other boys wre playing together in a barn on the back of his father’s premises when Clark started down stairs. When about half-way down his foot slipped and he fell to the ground. Instinctively he put out his hand to catch himself and falling upon his arm broke it. A physician was called and the arm was set. At present he is resting easily and is very thankful his fall did not result more seriously.
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Adelbert Butler a lamplighter in the employ of the Chicago Great Western sustained a rather painful accident Tuesday night while in the performance of his duty. It is his duty to see that the different switch lights and the other lights in the Great Western years are trimmed and properly lighted and for this purpose he carries a small ladder with him on his rounds. He had climbed up on the ladder to relight a lamp when the ladder upon which he stood slipped from under him and he fell to the ground. In some way he struck his head, cutting the scalp and inflicting a wound about an inch and a half in length. He managed to come to town and have a physician dress his wound which had to have several stitches taken in it but was very weak from loss of blood. He is back at work today as well as ever.
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C.B. Kibby while showing a prospective customer the stock he was handling had the misfortune of having one of the heavy wagon tongues fall upon his head. He was stunned by the blow and it was several minutes before the doctor, who was hurriedly summoned by his customer, could bring him back to consciousness. He was not very badly hurt and execept (sic) a severe bruise ont he top of his head is now feeling all right.
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While Harry Carter was lifting up a cake of ice into an ice box it suddenly slipped from his grasp and fell heavily upon his foot. The ice weighed about forty pounds and falling with such force badly crused (sic) his foot. A physician who examined the injured member said there were luckily no bones broken but that the foot was rather badly bruised and would pain him for some time.
Tags: 1903, Andrews, Butler, Carter, Kibbey
The Fort Dodge Messenger: April 19, 1905
Mayor Conducts Matrimonial Bureau
Works It in Conjunction With Police Court and May Make It a Success.
Johnson Was a Little Shy
One of the Candidates Having Been Married Did Not Take Kindly to the Mayor’s Proposition – The Other Thought It a Good Thing.
Major S.J. Bennett is conducting a matrimonial bureau as a side issue along with his police court. He opened up business this morning in the new department for the first time with two candidates. One of these was a little shy when the question of matrimony was broached, and a few questions developed the fact that he had been there and had had experience.
The other candidate, when asked if he was enjoying the bliss of a home and wife made the statement that he had never married, but that he really thought it would be a good thing for him if he were joined up with some good woman. He intimated that a wife might act as ballast for his wandering craft, and hold him truer to his course. Both of the men were strongly advised to tie up as soon as possible by his honor.
Both of them were up as plain drunks and were given the usual $1 and costs, but as it was the first time for them under the present administration, they were let off. Albert Johnson, who a few months ago was one of the faithful ones, and made his appearance regularly from once to three times a week, was one of the offenders, and Frank Carter, a farmer, was the other. Carter is the man who looked with favor on the mayor’s matrimonial proposition, and it is probable that he will become a benedict in the very near future.
(Editor’s note: I can’t help but wonder how the women of the town would feel upon reading this. “Oh, joy. A couple of drunks are going to be looking for wives. And one of them has already failed at marriage.” Who wouldn’t jump at that chance?)
Tags: 1905, Carter
The Fort Dodge Messenger: March 12, 1907
Police News
One lone unfortuunate (sic) who gave his name as Orin Carter was before the mayor this morning in police court.
Drunk and disorderly was the charge hurled against him. he entered a plea of guilty ard (sic) was given three days at hard labor.
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The officers have received word to be on the lookout for a consignment of stolen furs. On the night of February 28th the warehouse of C.A. Lind of Marathon (sic), Iowa, was broken into and $600 worth of valuable skunk, mink and weasel furs were stolen. A reward of $100 is offered for the capture of the thief and the return of the proparty (sic).
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Former Police Officer Peter Dittmer was a caller at the station renewing old acquaintances and chatting with the men one day last week. Peter, the veteran member of the force for six years, retired because of a desire to take some ease during the remaining years of his life. He cheerfully says he is doing nothing except to take a life of ease and finds the occupation a pleasant one at that.
Tags: 1907, Carter, Dittmer, Lind