Posts Tagged ‘1890’


May Be The Kingpin

   Posted by: admin    in Badger, Court matters, Crime

Northwest Chronicle: May 14, 1890

May Be The Kingpin

H.A.Morgan Cobbled at Badger Friday Evening – Caught in the Act.

He Admitted the Theft and Returned the Money, but was Held – He is Thought to be at the Head of the Gang –  Interesting Developments.

The coils are tightening and the gang of burglars which has been operating in this vicinity is in a fair way to be broken up. Last Friday about five o’clock, during the temporary absence of Otto Otttoson, his office at Badger was entered by a strange man, who had been hanging around that little town all day. Tom Chantland passed by and saw him at the desk, and suspecting that something was up, stopped to watch  him. He came out at once, and accosting Mr. Chantland, asked him where he could get a team to take him out to a certain Hanson’s place. Mr. Chantland directed him but said he did not know any person of that name.

The man then started off in an opposite direction and Mr. Chantland seeing Ottoson across the street called him over and explained his suspicions. By a hasty examination of the money drawer they discovered the loss of $5 which it had contained and started in pursuit of the thief.

They followed him up the street and finally called to him but he hastily dodged behind a building. The pursuers ran forward but met him at the corner returning. He admitted his guilt but said he had hidden the money when asked to give it up. After a little persuasion he returned with them to the building behind which he had dodged, and produced from a corner five silver dollars.

When asked why he had taken the money he said “What would you do if you were out here without a cent in your pocket.” It was suggested that there were plenty of farmers who needed men and he might have got work. He replied angrily “Do you think I’m such a blank fool as to work on a farm.”

He was then turned over to Constable Myer, who brought him to this city and locked him up Saturday. At nine o’clock he appeared in Judge Hyatt’s court and acknowledging to the name of H.A. Morgan, after hearing the arraignment, decided to waive examination. He said he did not want a lawyer and could not furnish $1,000 bonds. He was accordingly remanded to jail where he will have to remain if the bond is not forthcoming, until the grand jury meets next September.

In the grip left in Furlong’s store on last Sunday morning was a time table on which it was written “Due $20.00 to H.A. Morgan” and as he answered to the discription (sic) of the man who sold Dalby the watch it is believed that he is the ring-leader of the gang. Nothing of interest was found on his person, except a small short punch or “jimmy,” but several people saw him carrying a small black satchel which could not be found when he was arrested.

Another suspicious character was seen in the vicinity, but had no communication with the prisoner after his arrest. It is believed that he was an accomplice, and after the satchel, and he will be apprehended if possible. A thorough search was instituted this morning and the satchel will be found if possible. From the self possessed way in which Morgan waved (sic) examination, it is argued that he has been there before.

Sheriff Adams has put in the whole week hard at work in this matter, and it looks n ow as though things were coming his way. The gang is evidently quite numerous and well organized, but the end is not yet.

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Got a Pair

   Posted by: admin    in Crime

Northwest Chronicle: May 14, 1890

Got a Pair

Sheriff Adams Nails the Check Forgers and Has Them Under Arrest at Atlantic City.

Sheriff Adams has just added another to the long list of notches that he has to his credit for the capture of thieves, criminals, etc. Two months ago a stranger came to this city and perpetrated a number of successful forgeries and attempted to secure the cash for a check on the First National, to which the name of P. Butler was forged, and shortly after this he perpetrated a series of small forgeries on several merchants about the city, using the name s of L.E. Chapin and Fred Frost on the checks.

At the time he was successful in making his escape, but from the day after the forgeries Sheriff Adams has been endeavoring to place the man under arrest, and had had him located at Marshalltown, Boone, Des Moines and Carroll, and then again at Atlantic, and here he lost track of the man, who was masquerading under the name of Burke, but he furnished the sheriff of Cass county with a description of the man, and the result was that Monday he received a telegram from Atlantic stating that the man had been arrested there, and although they had tried the forged check racket in Atlantic, Sheriff Adams had been successful in getting his warrant served first, and they would be held for him.

Sheriff Adams departed for Atlantic Monday evening and will return with the man Burke and a confederate who was arrested with him, for identity by their victims here. Sheriff Adams has no doubt but that the identity will be complete and satisfactory that that the check forgers who have robbed northwestern Iowa of hundreds of dollars, will be given a long sentence and an opportunity to repent.

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Chicken Pot-Pie

   Posted by: admin    in Animals, Crime

Northwest Chronicle: May 14, 1890

Chicken Pot-Pie

Two Unknown Thieves Will Fare Well at Wm. Shaeffer’s Expense – They Snag the Contents of His Hen House.

Wm. Schaeffer who lives on Richard street counts thirty chickens less in his coop now than roosted there last week. About one o’clock Friday morning Mr. Schaeffer was awakened by the violent barking of his watch dog and hastily attiring himself he stepped into the yard.

His eyes rested upon two men who were making rapid tracks from his hennery. He and the dog at once pursued them, but the thieves shortly eluded them and Mr. Schaeffer returned home, picking up a half a dozen dead chickens on the way. Each was bleeding about the head and an investigation showed that the thieves had employed a cunning scheme to affect the robbery. They approached the roost and seizing a chicken by the neck would drive the blade of a penknife through the head. The dead chicken was then tossed into this bag.

Out of three dozen hens Mr. Schaeffer had six live ones and the half dozen dead ones left by the thieves. The success in this case will doubtless spur the perpetrators to further effort and the public is advised to look after its heneries (sic).

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Permanent Fair Grounds

   Posted by: admin    in Business, Farm life, Organizations

Northwest Chronicle: May 14, 1890

Permanent Fair Grounds

Few Enterprising Citizens Subscribe to Buy The Property.

It Will be Held in Trust Until the Agricultural Society is Able to Buy It. Webster County Will Have its Annual Fair, Right Along.

The fair grounds are as good as bought for the future use of the Webster County Agricultural Society. Several of our leading business men, who have no use for the word fail, got together as soon as it became apparent that the effort to get the general public to purchase the property would not work, and each subscribed a sufficient sum to make the total amount asked for the property.

The property is to be held in trust, one of the gentlemen who donated acting as trustee for the rest, until the Webster agricultural Society is able to buy the same. This deal makes it a settled thing that the Agricultural society will continue to be at  home to the people of this and adjoining counties on the “round prairie.” This fact should please everybody in the county.

It is now positive that we will  have yearly fairs, which means the getting together of the people of this community once a year to exchange greetings, to demonstrate the ability of many among us, which at the same times hows the work of the rich producing soil of Webster county, and the industry and frugality of her inhabitants.

The Chronicle has watched with anxious eyes the different steps taken toward the purchase of this property, and is delighted to know that the dark cloud which hovered over our heads for so long a time had a silver lining.

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