Posts Tagged ‘fairgrounds’
Permanent Fair Grounds
Northwest Chronicle: May 14, 1890
Permanent Fair Grounds
Few Enterprising Citizens Subscribe to Buy The Property.
It Will be Held in Trust Until the Agricultural Society is Able to Buy It. Webster County Will Have its Annual Fair, Right Along.
The fair grounds are as good as bought for the future use of the Webster County Agricultural Society. Several of our leading business men, who have no use for the word fail, got together as soon as it became apparent that the effort to get the general public to purchase the property would not work, and each subscribed a sufficient sum to make the total amount asked for the property.
The property is to be held in trust, one of the gentlemen who donated acting as trustee for the rest, until the Webster agricultural Society is able to buy the same. This deal makes it a settled thing that the Agricultural society will continue to be at home to the people of this and adjoining counties on the “round prairie.” This fact should please everybody in the county.
It is now positive that we will have yearly fairs, which means the getting together of the people of this community once a year to exchange greetings, to demonstrate the ability of many among us, which at the same times hows the work of the rich producing soil of Webster county, and the industry and frugality of her inhabitants.
The Chronicle has watched with anxious eyes the different steps taken toward the purchase of this property, and is delighted to know that the dark cloud which hovered over our heads for so long a time had a silver lining.
Tags: 1890, fairgrounds