Posts Tagged ‘Morgan’


City May Get Another Park

   Posted by: admin    in People, Real estate

The Fort Dodge Messenger: Aug. 12, 1905

City May Get Another Park

Property Owners Along the Upper River May Donate the Land

Would be a Large Tract

No Strings on the Proposition if it is Made – City Would (be) Expected to Give It a Proportionate Share of Attention With Other Parks.

Negotiations are pending which may result in another generous donation to Fort Dodge’s public parks. While it cannot be said that the matter has been definitely settled still it is known that the Morgan estate and Messrs. A.R. Loomis and E.G. Larson are considering the gift to the city of the land up the river from the brow of the hill to the water from the Fort Dodge brick company plant – known as Thiede & Heileman’s yard – to the F.M. Grant land, which lies alongside the hill leading from Round Prairie down to the famous “river road.”

If Mr. Grant should see fit to join with these other property owners in donating the land on the hillside to the people of his home city it is likely that Doctor Kime who owns the next strip of shore land would give a similar portion.

The information negotiations do not contemplate putting strings on the gift otherwise than that it shall be improved as a park out of the regular fund for which a tax was voted for ten years at the last municipal election.

While a dam would greatly enhance the value of this idyllic spot as a pleasure ground that would not be stipulated as a necessity by the donors.

There would be at least sixty acres in the proposed park site, perhaps much more for the land is irregular and would need to be surveyed.

There is no question but the city council would accept such a gift with alacity (sic) and give the land its proper proportion of improvements with the other city parks. It will be hoped the intention may grow into action this year.

There is no more beautiful spot for a park than this land lying in the forest above the site of the old Arnold Mill dam.

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May Be The Kingpin

   Posted by: admin    in Badger, Court matters, Crime

Northwest Chronicle: May 14, 1890

May Be The Kingpin

H.A.Morgan Cobbled at Badger Friday Evening – Caught in the Act.

He Admitted the Theft and Returned the Money, but was Held – He is Thought to be at the Head of the Gang –  Interesting Developments.

The coils are tightening and the gang of burglars which has been operating in this vicinity is in a fair way to be broken up. Last Friday about five o’clock, during the temporary absence of Otto Otttoson, his office at Badger was entered by a strange man, who had been hanging around that little town all day. Tom Chantland passed by and saw him at the desk, and suspecting that something was up, stopped to watch  him. He came out at once, and accosting Mr. Chantland, asked him where he could get a team to take him out to a certain Hanson’s place. Mr. Chantland directed him but said he did not know any person of that name.

The man then started off in an opposite direction and Mr. Chantland seeing Ottoson across the street called him over and explained his suspicions. By a hasty examination of the money drawer they discovered the loss of $5 which it had contained and started in pursuit of the thief.

They followed him up the street and finally called to him but he hastily dodged behind a building. The pursuers ran forward but met him at the corner returning. He admitted his guilt but said he had hidden the money when asked to give it up. After a little persuasion he returned with them to the building behind which he had dodged, and produced from a corner five silver dollars.

When asked why he had taken the money he said “What would you do if you were out here without a cent in your pocket.” It was suggested that there were plenty of farmers who needed men and he might have got work. He replied angrily “Do you think I’m such a blank fool as to work on a farm.”

He was then turned over to Constable Myer, who brought him to this city and locked him up Saturday. At nine o’clock he appeared in Judge Hyatt’s court and acknowledging to the name of H.A. Morgan, after hearing the arraignment, decided to waive examination. He said he did not want a lawyer and could not furnish $1,000 bonds. He was accordingly remanded to jail where he will have to remain if the bond is not forthcoming, until the grand jury meets next September.

In the grip left in Furlong’s store on last Sunday morning was a time table on which it was written “Due $20.00 to H.A. Morgan” and as he answered to the discription (sic) of the man who sold Dalby the watch it is believed that he is the ring-leader of the gang. Nothing of interest was found on his person, except a small short punch or “jimmy,” but several people saw him carrying a small black satchel which could not be found when he was arrested.

Another suspicious character was seen in the vicinity, but had no communication with the prisoner after his arrest. It is believed that he was an accomplice, and after the satchel, and he will be apprehended if possible. A thorough search was instituted this morning and the satchel will be found if possible. From the self possessed way in which Morgan waved (sic) examination, it is argued that he has been there before.

Sheriff Adams has put in the whole week hard at work in this matter, and it looks n ow as though things were coming his way. The gang is evidently quite numerous and well organized, but the end is not yet.

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